I am a book fanatic. (See previous posts....) I love to read, and I am always in the middle of one book, and sometimes more than one at a time. I've never been a huge television watcher, or movie goer. I guess to me, the books are just always better than the movies they are made into, with maybe two exceptions. I'd have to say "The Wizard of Oz", and "Alice in Wonderland" (Tim Burton's version), are better than the books because you really see the universes of those books expand in a good way. Now, the Twilight books are better books than movies. Yes, yes, I know , go ahead and "BOO" me, you know I'm right! The Lord of the Rings is a better book, as is The Chronicles of Narnia. I know in this day and age, everything is supposed to be better on the big screen, but it's just not. Of course, now , everyone is getting the Kindle, or the Nook, and not even having the paper version of a book anymore. That's something like sacrilege to me! How can you stand to hold a computer, and act like it's a novel, or non fiction ? I mean , what about the feel of the paper in your hands, or cracking the spine on a paper back, and smelling the newness of it? I understand the world is going digital, but if they do away with regular books, I am going to be one unhappy camper!
Here's to doing it "old-school"~ Ruby Jeanette
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