Do you have a favorite website? I must admit, I don't. I like FB for obvious reasons, I keep up with my friends that way. I like Yahoo! ok, but only because it's my default search engine. I don't play Farm, Frontier, City or any other Ville, I don't play online computer games. I don't play offline computer games either unless you count the occasional hand of Solitaire while I wait for something to load. I guess my total online activity for a day might add up to 2 hours. Not sure really why I feel this way, other than I sit down and see the WorldWideWeb open up, lol, and can think of nothing to do. Sure it reaches across the globe, and allows you to buy things you never would have thought of , say punk sneakers from Tokyo, but other than that , I guess, I don't get the appeal. Maybe if they made computers have actual human faces and voices, I would be more interested, I dunno. Somehow, real people just seem way more intriguing. Internet shopping doesn't really allow for interaction, which I'm sure for some people is probably the appeal. My husband for instance, would be happy if he never had to buy anything from a real person ever again. But that 's family trait of his. The men all become hermits, when they reach their forties. Now, my thought is somewhat different in that , I don't get out all that often, because of illness. I mean , the grocery store, and the library are huge visits for me. So maybe I treasure the human factor a little more because of that. So anyway, that's my thought for today. If you have a really interesting website, leave me some feedback, and I'd be glad to check it out! I'd relish not drawing an "online" blank!
Here's to new ideas~ Ruby Jeanette
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