Tuesday, April 26, 2011

In the Eye of the Storm~

Our state was hit very hard by tornadic weather last night.  And supposedly it is going to get even worse tonight.  Seven people were killed last night ,  and dozens more were still missing this morning at 8 a.m.  I know it seems as if Nature has its own vendetta against us, but it doesn't really.  Nature is not vengeful, or angry with us.  It's not hypocritical, and it is not partial to one group of people.  None of us are exempt from floods, tornadoes, hail, rain, blizzards, or drought. Some might even blame God.  But you can't do that either . The Bible states that God is not a respector of persons, so I don't believe he uses the weather as a tool of judgement.  I've never had someone I loved killed in a storm, but I have lost loved ones from accidents and other causes.  I know it is very difficult to cope in times of loss.  But we are none of us promised even our next breath , so we have to realize in our hearts that anything could take us at any time, even in a storm.  Well, I'm going to go make sure everything is bolted down, so we can get hunkered down later.  Everyone be safe, and remember God goes with us, wherever we are ....even in the eye of a storm. 

You are all in my prayers~ Ruby Jeanette

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