I spent most of my morning in the cardiologist's office in Hot Springs. I love to people watch so this is not a drag for me. Of course, as usual I was the youngest person in the waiting room, so to look intelligent,lol, I decided to read a magazine. It was something called AY. About You. Apparently it's a magazine printed in Arkansas, about Arkansas businesses , attractions, shops, and people. I think Arkansas is a great state to live in. I've always lived here, and think we have some of the greatest places to visit anywhere. But, I guess I was kind of disappointed in the magazine, because it was really kind of one-sided. I know in Arkansas we have great architecture, history, and people. We have awesome scenery, and some of the best outdoor experiences in the world. Wildlife, and mountains. Springs and rivers. But, if you had never been here, and picked up this magazine to figure out what we were all about, you wouldn't have known about any of those things. If you read this magazine and formed your opinion, you'd think we were all wealthy , living in million -dollar homes, having plastic surgery, eating at 5 star restaurants, and driving Jags, and Mercedes. You'd think we all have perfect dental work, and that we carry thousand dollar purses. We all play golf, and have a lake house for the weekend. We're real pretentious, and snooty. I don't know about you, but I don't want to visit someplace like that , much less live there full time! Seriously, folks. Here in Arkansas we do have wealth, we do have great archtitecture, and fine dining. Great golf courses, and wonderful medical care. But, that is not ALL we are about. It's misleading to think that we are all one kind of a person, whether it's hillbilly or highclass. We're a little of everything. We 've got great natural beauty and our biggest asset is our people! So if you come for a visit, make sure you stop and see the sights. Not just the big towns with the great restaurants, and shops. But come see the Diamond Mine, or maybe go to Queen Wilhemina and catch the view. Stop at the golf club, but go see the caves in North Arkansas. See some high brows, and visit with the hicks. It's all Arkansas, and that's why we love it!
Here's to variety of my home state! Arkansas rocks!~ Ruby Jeanette
ha! please forgive the spelling errors! Archi tit ure is not how it is spelled! Sorry, I forgot to spell check!