Monday, February 28, 2011

Well? Any Answers?~

If practice makes perfect, and nobody's perfect, doesn't that mean that no one is practicing?

After eating , do frogs have to wait one hour before getting "out" of the water?

Before they invented drawing boards, what did they go back to?

Can good- looking Eskimo girls be called "hot"?

Could a person get addicted to counseling?  If so, how would you treat them?

Did Adam and Eve have belly -buttons?

Does the "reverse" side have a reverse side?

How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, but a wise man and a wise guy be opposite?

How can something be "NEW" and improved?  If it's new , then what is it improving on?

How can you chop down a tree, and then chop it "up"?

How do "KEEP OFF the GRASS " signs get where they are?


Food for thought~  Ruby Jeanette

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Is'nt It Supposed to Be Fun?~

  This is Academy Awards Sunday and several new movies also debuted this weekend.  With a surprise upset, leading the weekend was the animated version of the classic Shakespeare tale,  "Gnomeo and Juliet".  It opened to a rousing 75.1 million dollars for it's first weekend.  Following , in the number 2 and number 3 positions were  "Hall Pass", (starring Owen Wilson), and "Unknown" , (starring Liam Neeson), which opened at 13.4 million and 12.4 million , respectively.   What is funny about this whole weekend is , that all three of these films were pretty much hated on by the critics.   The public , supposedly who the movies are made for, loved these movies enough to shell out theater money for, but the critics, who get in the movies for free, said they hated them.  Well, I'm no expert on films, or great "art pictures", or anything like that, but I've seen a few movies in my 32 years.  And I guess what I don't understand is, I thought movies first and foremost were supposed to be fun.  I know movies can do lots of things.  They can enlighten us about certain issues, they can make us think.  But most people I know do not sit around thinking,   "Hmmm....let's go to the movie theater and have an intellectual conversation!".  No.  They say,  " I heard about this great movie opening this weekend!  It sounds fun!  Do you want to go?".  If they want to enrich their lives they give their money to a church or a school. I remember being a child and going to the theater to see Star Wars, or Benji. These were fun times , not necessarily great "Learning" moments.  I think critics should remember what is like to be a child, and remember that the reason we go to movies is that they are supposed to be fantasies that help us escape .  And maybe then they will rate their movies differently.
Here's to a great , fun, time at the theater~  Ruby Jeanette

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Some More About the Good Ole Days....~

  I 've always loved history, and the study of other times.  It's just extremely interesting to me to read about other people, and the places and events that shaped their world.  Time is an amazing thing, in and of itself.  We just went to Old Washington a couple of weekends ago, and I've been thinking about our visit there.  We saw the tavern, the doctor's house, the printer's shop, and the candlemakers.  But, I got to thinking.....where was the prison?  What did the people of Washington do with their lawbreakers?  I am going to do some more research and find out, but for now , here are some interesting facts from  

    In the late 1880's it was not uncommon for women and children to be sentenced almost as harshly as the men.  For example,  Elizabeth Murphy, aged 19, was sentenced to five years hard labour, and seven years of police supervision, for stealing an umbrella.
    Dorcas Mary Snell, aged 45, was sentenced to five years imprisonment with hard labour, in 1883 for the theft of ......a single piece of bacon.
    And finally, Ann Mc Quillan was sentenced to four years in prison for "theft by housebreaking."  She was 11 years old. 

     I think it's amazing that people complain about the shape our society is in now!  Last I checked, 11 year olds were not sentenced to hard time for breaking into houses, and we certainly don't put people away for stealing single pieces of bacon.   I think the next time I worry that we are going down the wrong road, I will remember these examples, and say maybe we are not so bad off after all!

Here's to tempering justice with mercy~ Ruby Jeanette

Friday, February 25, 2011

And That's Just How It Is....~

  Well , this is post number one hundred and five.  I suppose I should write something meaningful....but I can't think of what!  Really, nothing magical or mysterious or even slightly exciting going on in my life today.  Went and did some grocery shopping, (big effort!)  , and then my hubby very sweetly took me out to eat so I didn't have to cook. ( Or maybe , he just didn't want to eat another one of my experiments.  Hmmm...) I have been known for "somewhat interesting " dinner combinations.   But, that is the extent of my day for today.  Did anyone have anything exciting or super special happen to them today?  I'd be glad to hear about it.  I 'm a great listener...of course , I couldn't guarantee not to use it as "blog-food".  No, I'm just teasing!  I don't listen and tell.  Without permission anyway!  Hope this finds everyone's dreams coming true for them today....I'm off to surf the web, and get ideas for tomorrow's post!  Have a great evening everyone!

Here's to a mundane day, every now and then~  Ruby Jeanette

Thursday, February 24, 2011


 I woke up this morning to do my usual routine.  Rise at 6:30 , do the dishes, eat breakfast , brush my teeth, start the boys with their chores, get their breakfast, get them started with their school work, and sit at the computer to do my FaceBook page and my blog. FaceBook!  I t won't load, it just sits there blank.  And I waited, and waited........nothing.  Well, I tell you, I'm not  a computer addict by no means, but I am very perturbed that I can't check my messages or find out what's going on with everyone today. I suppose I can have an "unplugged" day.    For about two years, we didn't have any television or computers at our house.  It was nice for a while.  I enjoyed the quiet, and being able to hear myself think.  Despite what my husband says, I am not the reason we got satellite tv.  I was the excuse he used.  " Wellllllll.........since you're'll want tv to watch while you're home.....rigggghhht?"  Go ahead babe, if that makes you feel better, but I couldn't care less about tv.  I love to read.  Tv most of the time is just noise.  And computers are nice for keeping up with everyone, but it was nice to do without that for a while , too.  You should see the look on most people's faces when you tell them you don't have a tv!  Not that you don't watch it, but that you actually DON"T HAVE ONE!  It was a riot... You might as well have told people you live in a barn with no plumbing or electricity.(Hmmmmm......we might try that next......)  People are certainly obssessed with being "connected" these days.   Well....I'm going to get off of here, and finish out the day.  Sorry I can't chat with everyone today, but it's alright.  I just went to the library yesterday and got a stack of new books.  Rainy weather , stacked pillows, afghan on the sofa, and a pile of books?  Sounds like the perfect day to me!

See you guys tomorrow!~Ruby Jeanette

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

One More Day~

 One more day can be nothing to someone, or everything to someone. 

   Sometimes when a day goes wrong, it seems as if we can't get past it fast enough.  And for the days that seem perfect, they fly by us, and we wonder where they went.  I know it's all "relative", but sometimes you wish there was a way to hang on to that sweetness a little while longer. I used to think about the questions I wanted to ask God when I got to heaven.  That was one of them.  As to why wonderful days seem so few and far between sometimes.  And then I realized, when I get to heaven it won't matter anymore.  The questions we have now will seem so unimportant then.  So I have to rethink my attitude about what constitutes a "good" day and a "bad" day.  I realize that any day God gives us is a good day, a blessing just to have , with any trials or tribulations that come with it.  Our circumstances do not determine God's love toward us.  His love is unchanging, and not dependent on any earthly situation.  So when I am having a "bad" day , I hope I can remember that God goes with me, through the good, the bad , and the ugly.  Every moment , whether wonderful, or wretched.  THIS is the day that the LORD has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.

Here's to being six feet above ground~ Ruby Jeanette

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

As Good As Xanax?~

Science has never drummed up quite as effective a tranqulizing agent as a sunny spring day.~
W. Earl Hall
Today was such a beautiful day!  After all the snow, and gray days with clouds that hung low, it was awesome to see the sun!  I am so glad March is around the corner.  It is one of my favorite months.  Everything just feels so fresh and exciting.  The days just seem full of a hope that can't be explained.  My husband's , mother's and father's birthdays are all in March , too, which makes it a month for celebration.  I love finding just the right gifts, and seeing their faces when they open them. 
    The Jonquil Festival is also in March.  If you haven't been in a while, you should go.  The jonquils look amazing , and the craft booths have just about anything handmade you can think of.  It's great to support local craftspeople, and get out somewhere historical.  It's always a lot of fun.   It's not really expensive either.  Five dollars to park your car, and bring your own brown bag lunch.  If you sit out on the green grass, and look at the flowers and trees, I believe it might be even better than a Xanax.         However you celebrate the coming of Spring, it's a wonderful time of year!  Get out and about and celebrate this most wondrous of seasons......and rejoice that God has granted us another beautiful gift.

Here's to the newness of Spring~  Ruby Jeanette

Monday, February 21, 2011

Ha! Bet You Guys Thought I Forgot!

Well, it's been 90 some odd days in a row for me on my blog!  Whoo hoo!  That's cause for celebration , I think!  But , seriously , though.  I am so grateful to everyone for their feedback, comments, and encouragement.  It makes it easy to come here everyday and find something to say.  I am so blessed to have everyone's friendship on FaceBook, and in real life.  Sometimes ,the digital world can seem like a far-away place, but the more you go there , the more you realize that it's a great way to keep in touch with the real world.  When you're ill, and don't get that face to face interaction, part of your life becomes diminished.  Being here in cyberspace has helped make that void a little better.  So, to anyone who reads my blog, or leaves a comment, or is my friend......thanks for helping me make my blog , and my life a little better every day!

Here's to you!~ Ruby Jeanette

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Perfect Sunday Morning~

  What is the perfect morning for you?  Do you have your own little routine that you do, that makes your morning go just right?  I know how to have my perfect morning.  I'm having it right now.  Two little boys, one "big boy" ( my hubby), three dogs, one very large Labrador (color: chocolate), one medium sized tan mutt ( breed :unknown), and one very small dog, (color :white) .  All in the same king sized bed.  Me , on the computer , (writing my daily drivel) , feeling lazy.  Got lots of stuff I could be doing , it just doesn't seem important right now.  I wonder how many more mornings my boys will want to do this. Goofy time, in our pj's , just the right amount of togetherness, silly and sweet.  I can't help but think, the dishes will wait, that laundry will still be there later. Right now I hear little boy shrieks calling to me, "Oh , help, Mommy!  Daddy has turned into the tickle monster!"  And that's the perfect morning to me.

Here's to your perfect morning~  Ruby Jeanette

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Hanging Out~

Well, it is soapbox jumping time again!  I would say I promise not to get back up on it this week, but that might be a lie.  So without further ado, I will jump right in.

I 'm a fairly modern girl.  I 'm not what you would describe as a prude.  I like clothes that fit my body, and are stylish.  Before I had stretch marks, and the "mommy" tummy, I even wore a bikini .  (Younger, much younger than I am now!)  But , I just have to mention, I am tired of taking my pre-teen boys to town, and everywhere they go, women have their body parts hanging out.  And it's not just the women.
I've seen this with men too.  Now, I'm not a mean person, and I know some people cannot afford new or even used clothes.  But , these are not the people I'm talking about.  I'm talking about the women who are carrying hundred-dollar handbags, and shoes that cost more than my husband makes in a week.  But, somehow, with all that money , they couldn't afford to buy a whole shirt.  And I swear sometimes, it's like these men are buying a certain brand of underwear just so they can show it off when their pants are down around their knees.  I guess I just don't understand.  These teenage girls parents let them leave the house looking like that?  If I had tried to wear some of the things that I've seen on girls lately, my dad would have locked me up and thrown away the key.  He always told me, "You don't advertise what ain't for sale."  Period.   And really it is the parents who should be saying something.  If your daughter is 12 , she does not need to try to look 21.  And if your son is 12, his hind-end should not be hanging out where people can gawk at it.  I might be paranoid, but I don't want my sons to draw some child predator's attention, by dressing inappropriately.  I'm sure there are people who don't agree with me, and that's ok , too.  To each their own.  But I just had to say something!  I obviously would never tell another parent how to raise their children, but I'm saying now, if you ever see mine in town with their heinies hanging out, you have my permission to snatch their pants back up to where they belong.

Here's to a little more modesty~ Ruby Jeanette

Friday, February 18, 2011

Poison in Your Heart~

I just read an article about possibly the most stupid thing on earth.  A man poisoned an opposing university's hundred year old trees, because they won again.  Apparently , he had "had it up to here", with them and decided this was a great way to "get them back".  The poison he used has no antidote, so there is no doubt that the trees will die.  The last thing I read about it was an article saying that he may be charged with an "eco-terrorist" charge, because the poison could seep into the local water supply.  (Ok, now that I've laid out the scene, I can now jump up on the soap box.  ) This is Arkansas , so people take football and other sports VERY seriously.  I mean , VERY.  I could not say VERY enough times to emphasize how people are about it.  There is nothing wrong with organized sports.  There's nothing wrong with being a football fan.  But, if you are rabid enough to perform sabotage on a hundred year old tree, you are more than just a football fan.  You have issues.  I mean , seriously?  What if the poison seeps into the ground and some child dies?  What if not only does it kill the trees, but contaminates the drinking water like they are saying?   There are a hundred things that a "normal" person would consider before pouring industrial strength herbicide out on the ground.  But, the fact is, this guy is NOT normal.  He used the poison to kill trees, but the poison is really in his own heart.  For to be that spiteful, and uncaring, his heart had been poisoned for a long time.  Football, baseball, basket ball, soccer and hockey.  They call them "games" for a reason . These are not Mayan death ball matches,  it is still supposed to be fun.  I would venture to say, that if you were this poisoned in your mind, and heart, that games stopped being fun for you , a long time ago. 

Here's to the fun of a game~  Ruby Jeanette

Thursday, February 17, 2011

We're going to take a trip today.   We are going to Arkansas in the 1800s.  We're going to discover the good old days!  So where should we start?   Oh , yes  let's go to the Purdom House, and see what the doctor has in store for us.  We've been feeling kind of puny so we'll see what Doc Purdom will say.  Right away we notice, that the price for a visit is a dollar.  A whole dollar!  Why, that's a lot of money!  Let's see what his other prices are.  Hmmm, oh, my!  An amputation costs fifty dollars!  And that's with no anesthesia!  A hernia operation is three hundred dollars!  Goodness!  Let's just get some herbs from the doc, and call it good, what say?   Where should we go next?  I know!  We'll go get a newspaper!  It's Wednesday, we should just be able to pick one up , right?  We'll go to the newspaper office, and see.   Well, here we are in the second picture.  What's that?  The paper won't be out again til Monday?  You mean it doesn't come out every day?  One paper takes a whole week to set and print?  Wow, well, guess we won't get this week's paper anyway.   Where will we go next?  It's been kind of dark at our house.  We'll go see about getting some more electricity for our house.  Where do we do that here in 1800s Arkansas?  Well , you don't.  We have to go where?  To the candlemaking shop? Candles, really ?  That's what we get?  Okay, here we go in the third picture to the candle shop.  Joseph and Eric are going to help us out.  Well, we're set up now, we're going to get in the car and go home.  What?!?  No cars either?  Well, here's our transportation!  Wow, glad we only come to town , once a month.  This is not a very speedy way to travel!  We've had fun , here in the good old days, but I think we're heading back to modern life now.  Next time we think the old days were simpler, we'll remember our time travel today!

Here's to the here and now~ Ruby Jeanette

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Two Things~

It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible.~ George Washington


Today is February 16.  February 22 will be  George Washington's birthday.  He was born on that day two hundred and seventy seven years ago.  George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and the builders of our country's government, believed in the statement written above.  We are a young country , in comparison to most.  Almost three hundred years is just a blink in time.  But, when these men framed our constitution, and laid the stones for our foundation, meant for it to last for all time.  When our government was instituted, it was based on prayer, God's Word, and the belief that all men were free and equal.  I read the news headlines these days, and wonder what our founding fathers would say about our government today.  Would they think we were headed in the right direction?   Would they be proud?  Would they say that the two things they valued above all else, were still being honored today?  I wonder.  I believe that our country is still the greatest one on earth.  I believe we can keep it that way, IF we put those two things first.   God, and the Bible.

Here's to America, and keeping her great~ Ruby Jeanette

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Spring Fever~

Well, I've got to say, I sure have enjoyed this warmer weather.  I know everybody was excited to get the snow, but I 'm going to be a party pooper and say, I hope we don't get anymore.  Snow is ok in limited doses.  But , I guess Spring and Fall are my favorite seasons.  Spring because of all the new growth, and every thing seems to be singing with the news that warmer weather is on it's way.  Fall because everything turns red, gold, and brown and prepares for sleep.  Fall is cozy , Spring is exciting.  I don't know what Winter is.  And Summer is just a killer for me.  I know God has plans for every season, and reasons for all that the earth experiences.  I wouldn't second-guess God in this department, as He knows I would do a very lousy job controlling the weather!  But, sometimes in the doldrums of the cold, rainy thing we call Winter here in Arkansas, my heart aches for Spring.  I 'm ready for the flowers, trees, and grass to sing their song," Spring has come again!  God is the God of creation! " Are you a little tired of winter? 

Here's to new growth, spiritually and earthly~  Ruby Jeanette

Monday, February 14, 2011

Love All Over the World~

Well, it is Hearts Day!   Wishing everyone a happy one.  I thought it might be interesting to look up some wedding traditions from around the world.   Some I had heard of, some I hadn't !


In Sweden the mother of the bride presents her daughter with a gold coin for her left shoe, and the father of the bride gives her a silver one for her right shoe, so that they will never be poor.


In Fiji, the groom must present the father of the bride with a whale's tooth in order for him to approve
the wedding.

A hundred years ago, in the Baltic region, black was the traditional color for the wedding dress.


At the reception in Denmark, it is customary for the groom to disappear for a while in order for all the single men to kiss the bride.  Then the bride must disappear for all the single ladies to kiss the groom.
Not sure how well that last tradition would play out , here in Arkansas! 

Just for fun, and Happy Valentine's day!~  Ruby Jeanette

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Greening~

I don't know about anyone else, but the snow we've gotten lately has gotten kind of old.  I am so ready for Spring, and all the green and growth that comes with it.  Here's one of my poems, I hope you enjoy!


The Faerie does the greening,
When Spring does come to pass.
She polishes each dew-drop,
To sparkle like a glass.

She flits through days unhampered,
In her rose-petal balloon,
While gifting trees and flowers,
Their many-coloured bloom.

The Faerie does the greening,
Til Summer-season does begin,
Then in her airy study waits,
For Spring to come again.

Here's to the promise of Spring~  Ruby Jeanette

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Knobs, and Buttons, and Switches , OhMY!

I remember now why I hate shopping for appliances.  Our dryer went out a couple of weeks ago, and we've been limping along with an ancient one.  This can be a problem when the other three members in my household are male!  So we decided to go buy a new one.  The very first brand new dryer for me!  When I got married I didn't have a washer or a dryer.  We carried all our laundry to C Stop laundromat on Thursday night,  and that was date night.  We would get Funyuns and a coke to split and watch the tv and laugh and have a good time.  Then my Grandpa gave me use of a wringer washing machine, and Mark built me a clothesline to hang them up.  Line dried clothes just smell so good!  But , to get back to what I was saying,  buying a new appliance is actually an intimidating process.  And the prices!!!! I about fell over dead!  2500 dollars for one dryer?!?  Just the dryer, not the set.  I couldn't believe it.  And who needs that many bells and whistles on one?  I mean, all it needs to do , is take wet clothes, and make them dry , right?  These things we looked at look like a NASA space console or something.  I wasn't sure if it was going to dry clothes, or go to the moon.  We finally found just what we needed in our price range at Lowe's.  We walked in , saw it, looked it over, and bought it.  And that's the way shopping should go.  I swear, I hope I don't have to shop for another appliance anytime soon!  Well, guess I better run, the clothes are pretty piled up, so I 've got to get started!

Here's to simplicity in appliances~ Ruby Jeanette

Friday, February 11, 2011

A Way with Words~

Well, another day has come and almost gone, before I was able to get here today.  It's a lot harder as a mom to carve out 15 or 20 minutes to write.  I 'm passionate about writing , though, so I try to make time.  Writing is more difficult than you would think.  The craft of it, of choosing just the right words, of making the story turn out "just so".  All these things are a part of it.  I love words, just the sound, and feel of the way they come across.  Words are such a powerful tool. They can be used to heal, or to harm.  To encourage , or to criticize.  To bring joy , or sorrow.  The Bible tells us that words are powerful.  God  himself spoke Creation into being.   HE said "Let there be," and there was.  Of course , our words do not compare on a scale to God's,  but the idea is the same.  Whether you write them, speak them , or even just think them, your words will affect every part of your life.  You might ask how only thinking words could affect you.  If you realize that the "voice" in your head is a negative one, repeating its mantra over and over, you'll know that the words cause you harm.  If the "voice" in your head is your spirit turned over to Christ, through HIS power , the effect can be positive.  Over and over HE tells us, I  LOVE YOU!  , YOU'RE FORGIVEN!  , I AM HERE!, and how wonderful those words become!  I think God has given me some talent with words, I hope that I never use them for harm,  or to bring someone else down.  Through HIS help I will only say the words that HE gives me!

Here's to using your gift for good~ Ruby Jeanette

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Emotional Kindergartners~

Tuesdays and Wednesdays are nice days for me.  I get to fix lunch for my dad and mom.  We always have a nice visit, and enjoy each other's company.  We didn't get to have lunch together yesterday because of the ice and snow.  I realized how much I missed it.  I am very blessed to still have both of my parents living. My husband lost his mother when he was just 9 years old, and his dad , in 2009.  It is very hard for him sometimes. 
  I want to say up front, though, that even though I get along well with my parents now, it hasn't always been that way.  Sometimes , growing up , I think my dad must have surely wondered if we were two tom-cats , the way we were at each other.  (He is bald now, by the way.)  But, as much as we fought , I knew that my mom and dad loved me.  I didn't understand then, but understand now, that they had my best interests at heart.  Even if I had never come to this realization, they are still my parents.  I owe them respect, at the very least.  I don't understand how people can be so flippant about caring for their loved ones.   I don't always agree with my mother, but I wouldn't go for days without speaking to her.  Sometimes, she can be difficult,  sometimes , so can I!  But we love each other anyway!  My husband will tell you,  he'd give anything , anything!to have his parents back with him , to love just one more day. If you are arguing with a parent( or anyone , for that matter), ask yourself , "Will this matter tomorrow?".  "Will it matter in eternity?"  If not, then it really isn't that big of a deal.  We have to realize, our parents will never be perfect.  They are people too.  At some point you just have to put your big people undies on , and deal with it.  I promise, in the long run , you will be glad you had every moment with them. 

Here's to choosing to be a grown-up~  Ruby Jeanette

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

At the Last Minute~

Well, I about let today get away from me!  I have not felt well today, and did not get here to post earlier.  But, I am trying really hard to put up something new every day.  I suppose late is better than never.  About some things anyway.  I noticed in town that one of our churches billboards says "Repent now.  Avoid the rush on judgement day."  That is definitely not one of the things you want to put off!  I guess I just have a hard time understanding how people justify to themselves rejecting God's free gift of salvation.  I know it sometimes seems fun to do things the world's way, or to "be the rebel", but your soul is not something to gamble with.  God in His great mercy just gives us the choice to do what we want.  When He created us he knew that "required" love is no love at all, simply fear given in response to the consequences of not loving.  God is deserving of our love , and gifts us with unimaginable blessings each and every day. But, that is not why we should love and worship Him.  It is simply because "HE IS".  This is reason enough.  If he never bestowed another blessing , "HE IS. " If he never answered another prayer, "HE IS".  The magnitude of God is something I don't think we will ever understand.  Don't wait until the last minute to give Him your worship, your praise, and your thanks.  He is worthy!

To God be the glory~Ruby Jeanette

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

He's How Old?!?~

I just want to say , I am married to the most amazing man.  I guess you could say he's the perfect man for me.  I think my parents had their doubts at first, and who could blame them. I was 16, he was 29.  I think I about gave my poor Daddy a heart attack! "He's how old?!?"  "What's wrong with him?", Daddy asked.  "He's 29 and never been married, something must be wrong with him!"  We were introduced by a mutual friend, and set up on a blind date.  I fell in love at first sight, but he needed a little convincing.  He actually said his first impression of me was he didn't care for my attitude!  Can you guess where our first date was?  You'll never guess in a million years!  It's so funny , now, too!  I was singing harmony in a gospel band, and we played the Murfreesboro Nursing Home.  So , our first date was actually in a nursing home! We did have a really good time though. Not very long after that, I got really sick. ( It was lupus, but we didn't know that at the time. )  I was in the ER at Murfreesboro, and Mark lived nearly in Prescott . I called him and he came and sat with my parents and me in the ER.  His pastor was in the next room with a very ill person, and pulled my Daddy aside, and told him that Mark was a good man, so he did not have to worry about me.  My parents were so impressed with this and the effort Mark made, that they finally relented about us dating steady.  We met on September 6, 1995,  and were married on December 27, 1996.  Now we joke that my Daddy actually likes Mark better than he likes me!  True love is real, and I am so blessed to have found it.  If you are wondering if people can still be happy after 5, or 10 years, the answer is a resounding YES!  We are living proof!

Well, sorry, guys , I just had to brag a little about my best friend!
Thanks Mark, for all the happiness, and for putting up with are a  very patient man!

Here's to true love~ Ruby Jeanette

Monday, February 7, 2011

What Would You Ask?~

One day a man decided to get as close to God as he could.  He thought climbing a mountain would be a good way to do it.  Once he reached the top of the mountain, he called out to God.  To his amazement, God answered, loud and clear.  With such an amazing opportunity he wanted to ask God a few questions. 

"God, how long is a million years to you?"
"It's like a minute to you," answered God.

"God, what does a million dollars mean to you?"
"It's like a penny to you, " replied God.

"God, can I have a penny?"
"In a minute," answered God.


If you had God's attention , what would you ask?

Here's to knowing the right question~  Ruby Jeanette

Sunday, February 6, 2011


This has been a difficult new year for so many people already , and it is only February.  Several families that I know , and in our surrounding community have lost loved ones.  I am saddened to hear of their losses, and anytime I hear of a death, I think of the plans each person should make before they die.  Not just the spiritual side of things, because that, obviously is the most important, but the physical side.  Now, what I am about to say is my own opinion, please take it as that, and NOT a comment on the way any one else feels.  This is JUST me.  I don't want a funeral.   I don't go to funerals.  I am not afraid of death or dying, that is not the reason. I just want to remember the people I knew as they were when they were living, and not remember them in a casket.  I'm sure I will receive a lot of flak for this opinion, as some of my own family think I am sacrilegous.  I know I am not alone in my view of this , though, as my husband feels the same.  He does not wish for people to say words over his dead body.  I know death and dying is  a very sensitive subject for some people, but really it is a part of life, and will eventually come to us all.  I say this not to be a Negative Nelly, but to provoke thought.  I guess the best way to say it is to leave you with the words of my Grandpa.  "Give me my roses while I still live. Everybody who cares about me, Pea, comes to see me now.  If you don't come to see me while I'm livin' , don't bother to come to my funeral."  Here is a poem I wrote after Grandpa told me that.  I may have this printed as my obituary in the paper. 

Give me my roses , while I yet live,
Don't leave them on my tomb.
Bring me the flowers, to share with you,
When I still can smell the blooms.
For a visit now, is worth much more,
Than one when I am gone,
So give me my roses , while I still live,
Don't place them on my stone.


I hope I haven't offended anyone, as this was not my intent.  This is after all an opinion forum, and the opinions here are my own, and not meant to harm. I only wish to help people remember, death is really not far away for any of us.  Please let the people you care about , know now how you feel, and don't wait until you stand over a cold stone to say the words we that we all  most long to hear,
                                                                I LOVE YOU.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Say it With Roses~

Well, Valentine's Day is sneaking up on us again. It seems like just yesterday it was Christmas.  I like the idea of a holiday just for showing love, but don't think it should be limited to one day a year. We should tell those that we love how we feel all the time, and not wait.  Flowers can be a nice way to do that.  I guess roses would have to be my favorite flower.  I've always loved how velvety they look.  Ahhhhh, and the smell of course!  When my husband and I were dating , he brought me a long-stemmed rose every day, and two -dozen every Valentine's Day.  My girlfriends at work said I was the luckiest girl ever.  We've been married a little over fourteen years now, and I told him I don't want cut flowers for Valentine's .  So he buys me rose bushes to plant in the yard, to last much longer!  I thought it would be fun to look up what the different colors of roses means just in case someone needs to say something to someone special!

Red- This of course, is the most traditional color, and means love and romance.

Yellow- This is the color of friendship, or to celebrate a joyous occasion, or a get well gesture.

Pink-This color is also for love.

Dark Pink- This is the color to choose if you want to say thank you, or show your gratitude.

Light Pink-  Choose this color to send to someone you admire.

White- This is the color of spirituality, innocence, and of course, purity, which is why these are the
traditional color for weddings.

Orange-  These are for enthusiasm, desire and passion.

Lavender-  Choose this color for enchantment, royalty, and majesty.  This is also the color to show
that you fell in love at first sight.

So however you say it,  don't forget....we are only promised today. Make sure those you love know
that they are important to you!

Here's to the beauty of a rose, and of love~ Ruby Jeanette

Friday, February 4, 2011

It said What?!??~

Trending Now:

4. Green and Yellow
5. Oysters

Ok, to explain.  You know how if Yahoo is your home page, it has the trending now place on your page?  Well, after I check my FB I always go to the Yahoo home page to check the news, and read the comics, (obviously , the best part of the newspaper , anyway,) and I noticed the trending issues for today.  I see number 4, and read it and number 5 accidentally all together.  I thought it said " Green and Yellow Oysters ".  And I immediately thought to myself, "Please tell me that is NOT a trending issue for today!  If I have to think about Green and Yellow Oysters being an issue, I am going to be sick all day!"  It's amazing what a difference another line and number make! LOL  But this is not the first time I've done that lately, I am ashamed to say.  When the Murfreesboro Diamond came out with the new format, with the beautiful pictures at the top of the page (Great work , by the way, Charles!), I didn't buy a paper for a month, because I thought it was the same issue, I did not notice that the pictures in the squares were different everytime!  Sooooooo......Queen of the Observant, I  am not!  But, hey , you have to admit, these days you never know.....they might be trying to sell us some Green and Yellow Oysters.....I'll keep my eye out!

Here's  hoping for a great lunch Ruby Jeanette

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Cold Winter, and Even Colder Hearts~

Winter is on my head, but eternal spring is in my heart. ~ Victor Hugo
One kind word can warm three winter months.  ~ Japanese proverb
It is soooooooo cold today!  Believe it or not, they said it was actually colder yesterday, with the wind chill.  Something like 4 degrees or so.  That's pretty rough on us Arkies who are used to winter  being 55 degrees , or maybe even 25, not 4 or 5.   I like winter for a little while.  I don't think I could live up north in Woodbury where my uncle lives.  He talks about having snow for 3 or 4 months straight there in Minnesota.  They are used to it I guess, and they salt the roads constantly and bring out the snow chains and big snow plows.  But, I think winter would be a very lonely season to have for that long at a time.  My heart starts to wish for spring, and even summer. About ten years ago, I had a very bad flare up with lupus.  I couldn't walk and was in constant pain.  When you are in that much pain all the time, your heart starts to feel like winter inside.  Everything frosts over, because your body is focused totally on how bad it feels.  You can't think of anything or anyone else.  But, one day I went to see Dr. White.  I told him about how I was feeling , and he had something very interesting to say.  I told him I wasn't sure if I could live with this pain anymore, it was just too hard. He told me to remember that the Bible says Jesus never gives us more than we can bear.  And that suicide is never an answer.  He reminded me that it would get better, and that I had people who loved me, and counted on me.  That I was still a person, and not just this diseased body.  The illness had started to completely overtake my life, my soul, my very being.  I was so appreciative of his wisdom, and his honesty.  Thank God for the warmth of Dr. White's heart and words.  And do you know?  He was right.   I started getting better, a little at a time.  Every day, I improved a tiny bit.  I think of how it could have been different if his words had  had no kindness.  If his manner had been cold.  See, we never know what kind of difference our words or actions can make for someone else.  I try to remember where my soul was in that dark time, inside I was in the dead of winter.  Someone's words and actions started spring growing again in my life. 

Here's to warmer weather, and even warmer hearts~ Ruby Jeanette

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Hatter~

The Hatter to Alice~  I'm terribly frightened.  Have I gone mad?
Alice~  I'm afraid so , Hatter.  You're absolutely bonkers.  But , I'll tell you a secret. 
All the best people are. 

I find this to be absolutely true!  If you are odd, strange, weird , kooky, different, or just completely bonkers , then you and I will get along famously.  Just a random thought.  Hope this finds you having a weird , wild , and wonderful evening!

Here's to the philosophy of the Hatter~  Ruby Jeanette

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Real Love and True Reality~

This is my favorite chapter in the Bible and following is a poem I wrote recently after reading this chapter again.  Sometimes we get so caught up in "living" we forget about love.  And sometimes we get so caught up in "living" that we forget that this life is not all that there will be. Thank God that this world is  not the end of the story for those that believe!

1 Corinthians 13

verse 9 For we know in part , and we prophesy in part.
10  But  when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.
11 When I was a child , I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man , I put away childish things.
12 For now we see through a glass darkly; but then face to face: for I know in part, but then shall I know even as also I am known.
13  And now abides faith, hope , love , these three; but the greatest of these is love.

The Mirror~

Why do we struggle fiercely
with both hands try to keep
a hold on this earthly life?
Tis just a walking sleep.
For now we see but through a glass
darkened to our eyes.
Our true reality awaits,
just on the other side.
Someday we will see clearly,
and know as we are known,
Then all the struggles of this life,
will then have gone and flown.
So struggle fiercely with both hands,
and keep your soul aright.
And you'll find your true reality ,
home at last, in Paradise.

Here's to the other side of the mirror~  Ruby Jeanette