Friday, February 25, 2011

And That's Just How It Is....~

  Well , this is post number one hundred and five.  I suppose I should write something meaningful....but I can't think of what!  Really, nothing magical or mysterious or even slightly exciting going on in my life today.  Went and did some grocery shopping, (big effort!)  , and then my hubby very sweetly took me out to eat so I didn't have to cook. ( Or maybe , he just didn't want to eat another one of my experiments.  Hmmm...) I have been known for "somewhat interesting " dinner combinations.   But, that is the extent of my day for today.  Did anyone have anything exciting or super special happen to them today?  I'd be glad to hear about it.  I 'm a great listener...of course , I couldn't guarantee not to use it as "blog-food".  No, I'm just teasing!  I don't listen and tell.  Without permission anyway!  Hope this finds everyone's dreams coming true for them today....I'm off to surf the web, and get ideas for tomorrow's post!  Have a great evening everyone!

Here's to a mundane day, every now and then~  Ruby Jeanette


  1. Ok, I'm gonna try, again.... Wow! A full hundred blogs! I think your day was great even if it wasn't completely fascinating! Way to go!

  2. Well , thanks guys! Love you both,and all three of those sweet boys!
