Saturday, February 12, 2011

Knobs, and Buttons, and Switches , OhMY!

I remember now why I hate shopping for appliances.  Our dryer went out a couple of weeks ago, and we've been limping along with an ancient one.  This can be a problem when the other three members in my household are male!  So we decided to go buy a new one.  The very first brand new dryer for me!  When I got married I didn't have a washer or a dryer.  We carried all our laundry to C Stop laundromat on Thursday night,  and that was date night.  We would get Funyuns and a coke to split and watch the tv and laugh and have a good time.  Then my Grandpa gave me use of a wringer washing machine, and Mark built me a clothesline to hang them up.  Line dried clothes just smell so good!  But , to get back to what I was saying,  buying a new appliance is actually an intimidating process.  And the prices!!!! I about fell over dead!  2500 dollars for one dryer?!?  Just the dryer, not the set.  I couldn't believe it.  And who needs that many bells and whistles on one?  I mean, all it needs to do , is take wet clothes, and make them dry , right?  These things we looked at look like a NASA space console or something.  I wasn't sure if it was going to dry clothes, or go to the moon.  We finally found just what we needed in our price range at Lowe's.  We walked in , saw it, looked it over, and bought it.  And that's the way shopping should go.  I swear, I hope I don't have to shop for another appliance anytime soon!  Well, guess I better run, the clothes are pretty piled up, so I 've got to get started!

Here's to simplicity in appliances~ Ruby Jeanette

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