Saturday, February 19, 2011

Hanging Out~

Well, it is soapbox jumping time again!  I would say I promise not to get back up on it this week, but that might be a lie.  So without further ado, I will jump right in.

I 'm a fairly modern girl.  I 'm not what you would describe as a prude.  I like clothes that fit my body, and are stylish.  Before I had stretch marks, and the "mommy" tummy, I even wore a bikini .  (Younger, much younger than I am now!)  But , I just have to mention, I am tired of taking my pre-teen boys to town, and everywhere they go, women have their body parts hanging out.  And it's not just the women.
I've seen this with men too.  Now, I'm not a mean person, and I know some people cannot afford new or even used clothes.  But , these are not the people I'm talking about.  I'm talking about the women who are carrying hundred-dollar handbags, and shoes that cost more than my husband makes in a week.  But, somehow, with all that money , they couldn't afford to buy a whole shirt.  And I swear sometimes, it's like these men are buying a certain brand of underwear just so they can show it off when their pants are down around their knees.  I guess I just don't understand.  These teenage girls parents let them leave the house looking like that?  If I had tried to wear some of the things that I've seen on girls lately, my dad would have locked me up and thrown away the key.  He always told me, "You don't advertise what ain't for sale."  Period.   And really it is the parents who should be saying something.  If your daughter is 12 , she does not need to try to look 21.  And if your son is 12, his hind-end should not be hanging out where people can gawk at it.  I might be paranoid, but I don't want my sons to draw some child predator's attention, by dressing inappropriately.  I'm sure there are people who don't agree with me, and that's ok , too.  To each their own.  But I just had to say something!  I obviously would never tell another parent how to raise their children, but I'm saying now, if you ever see mine in town with their heinies hanging out, you have my permission to snatch their pants back up to where they belong.

Here's to a little more modesty~ Ruby Jeanette

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