Thursday, April 21, 2011

Rain, rain , Go Away?~

Rain! Whose soft architectural hands have power to cut stones,  and chisel into shapes of grandeur the very mountains.  ~ Henry Ward Beecher

Sunshine doesn't shape things.  If you think about it, only inclement weather shapes and forms the surface of the earth.  Wind, rain, lightning, snow, ice, hail.  All these things carve the earth away into the shapes it is now.  The mountains, rivers , fields, and lands, are all affected by these weather patterns.  Sure, sunshine is great for crops and trees, and people.  But, it doesn't really have a major effect on the landscape here. In the desert, yes, the sun causes the land to be dry.  But , even in the desert, rain, and wind are the major earth movers.  The springtime here in Arkansas is the major time for bad weather.  We get the hail, tornadoes, and rain in the wilds of March and April. That can be scary!  I don 't have rain listed on my "favorites" list , because anyone with an arthritic condition will tell you , rain and humidity make your bones hurt!  But , without the rain , snow, and other forms of water our planet would be completely lost.  If there is a drought, then we don't have any food to eat, or water to drink.  You can live for a long time without any food, but only 3 days , tops, without any water.  Plus, just think how boring Earth would look without any mountains, or hills.   No rivers carved away from the landscape.  Only flat earth as far as you could see.  No valleys, no weathered rock outcrops, just flat, flat , flat!  Guess there is some thought to the fact that God has a purpose for everything, even if we don't know what it is.  Well, that 's my thought for today. Ya'll snuggle in, and find a dry spot, and we'll be  thankful for God's gift of rain.  Even if we'd be happy for just a few days in a row without it!

Here's to blessings in sunshine and in rain~ Ruby Jeanette

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