Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Verse that Comes Before~

Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned , in whatsoever state I am , therewith to be content.
I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

Philippians 4:13 is one of my all-time favorite Bible verses.  I 've always thought it was interesting though, how most people only quote 13, and NOT verses 11 and 12.  We're all for  abounding,  not  so much  for suffering need.   If you think about all of Paul's trials,  this verse has so much more meaning because of them.  He was a man scourged, beaten, starved, imprisoned, stoned, forgotten, reviled, betrayed,  and eventually beheaded for his faith in Christ,   and yet his writings in this verse state that some how he learned to be content.   Content?  Really?  Hungry ,  cold,   and  destitute?  That's quite a feat!  But , how did  he accomplish this miraculous task?   Through Christ.   Of course Paul was not saying that being thirsty , alone,  and attacked  was fun.  But,  he is saying that if he has Christ though he be in pain, and betrayed,  he has the ultimate assurance that he has  a greater  end than just physical death here on earth.  He has the knowledge  that he will be taken to Heaven! 
  It can be really easy to quote Scripture when things are going great.  "  I can do all things, " people say when it is YOU experiencing the difficulty.  But , this is just so many words on the page if there is no compassion or empathy behind them.  We must remember that what the person is going through is their pain, and their heartache.  Yes, we can do all things through Christ.  But let us remember those words were hard -earned for Paul, and for many others.  They have been abased, hungry  and beaten down through their troubles.  Make sure we let them know that we understand the verses that come before the "overcoming"  of their tragedies. 

Here's to not just a helping word,  but a helping hand~ Ruby Jeanette

Friday, April 29, 2011

Is it Over?~

Yay. . . . . . . . They   got    married.    Can  my   news   page   please   return   to   normal   now?   ~

Finally!~  Ruby   Jeanette

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Lessons Learned~

That's the reason they are called "lessons" , because they lesson from day to day. ~ Lewis Carroll

I  am  glad  I  am  somewhat  smarter  than  I  was  when  I  was  younger.  I  think  life  would  be  really difficult  if  we  didn't  learn  from  our  mistakes.   Just  think,  if   our lessons  didn't   "lesson"  from  day  to  day !   Sometimes ,    it   is   difficult    when   my   boys   are   having   a   particularly   trying   day,   to   remember   that   I    WAS   once   their   age ,   and   made   plenty  of   flub -  ups   of   my   own.  I  am  sure   I  am  a  little  bit   wiser  than  I   was  at 12.   Some  of  my  lessons  learned  are  actually  pretty  sad,   though.  I   learned  that   other  people  don't  necessarily  have  my  best  interests  at  heart,   and   that   there  really   are  evil  people  in   this   world.    I   used  to  think  that  everyone  had  some  good   in   them  and   that   they  wouldn't  hurt  another  person  on   purpose .   I   know  that  sounds  naive   but  I   really   did   think  that!   I   learned   also   that  people   can   be   really  selfish,   and   think   only   about   "What's   in   it   for   me?".     But,   all  my   lessons  haven't   been   sad.   I   also   learned   that   love   comes   in    all   shapes   and   sizes,   and   that   just   because   someone  isn't    "typically"   attractive  ( whatever   that is)   doesn't   mean   that   they  won't   be   the   best   person   in   the   world.    I    learned   that   20  years  with  your  favorite   Grandpa   is  not  enough,  but   that   I  was     strong    enough  and   brave   enough  to  let  him  go    where   he   didn't   have   to  suffer    anymore.    I 've   learned   that   money   is   not    the  key   to   happiness.   (Shocker!)   I   am   still   learning   that   a    soft   answer   turneth   away   wrath.   See,   that 's   the    thing.    Although    our   lessons   ,    they   lesson  ,    they   never   do    stop   entirely.     If    we    are   truly    wise,      we   know    that    we   won't   truly    know    anything,   until    we   reach    the   other   side.   So,   I  'm    putting  my   learning   cap   on   for   the    day ,   and   asking   for   some    more   wisdom    from   God.

Here's   to    knowing   more   every   day~   Ruby  Jeanette

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

He said, She said~

I am definitely glad I went to the library yesterday!  I was out of new reading material, and if this weather keeps up , I am not a nice person (lol) if I have to sit and watch tv in bad weather.  Usually, because my husband is home, and he ADD channel -changes.  Anyone else know what I mean?  And uses the DVR button to fast forward , rewind , pause, and switch back and forth between two channels. You know , that pesky previous channel button.  And he can't just watch tv.  He has to comment on everything he sees.  Sample of conversation, "Oh, that was neat!" he says.  He means, "Why are you reading that book , instead of watching tv?"   I say, " I didn't see it. I was reading."  I mean, " And I don't care that I didn't see it."  He says, " Let me back it up , so you can see it."  He means, " I like annoying you while you are busy."  I say, " It's not a big deal. Don't worry about it."  I mean, " If you bother me one more time while I am in the middle of this book, my head is going to explode."  He says, " Oh wait, I went back too far. Wait a minute I 'll get it. "  He means , "This is so much fun!  I wonder how long I can keep her distracted?"  I say, " I'm watching ."  I mean , "I'm giving this about 5 more minutes, and I'm going to come unloaded on you."  He says, " Oh, never mind , it was on the other channel and won't let me go back to it.  "  He means , " I wonder if I maybe annoyed her too much?"  I say , "I'm going to the bedroom to read."  I mean, " If you follow me in here, you are going to be seriously injured.  " 

So, he doesn't know it , but I am actually reeeeeeeaaaallllllly patient with him......insert patting of my back here, lol!

Here's to a great rainy day activity, like reading .......or tv, I guess~ Ruby Jeanette

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

In the Eye of the Storm~

Our state was hit very hard by tornadic weather last night.  And supposedly it is going to get even worse tonight.  Seven people were killed last night ,  and dozens more were still missing this morning at 8 a.m.  I know it seems as if Nature has its own vendetta against us, but it doesn't really.  Nature is not vengeful, or angry with us.  It's not hypocritical, and it is not partial to one group of people.  None of us are exempt from floods, tornadoes, hail, rain, blizzards, or drought. Some might even blame God.  But you can't do that either . The Bible states that God is not a respector of persons, so I don't believe he uses the weather as a tool of judgement.  I've never had someone I loved killed in a storm, but I have lost loved ones from accidents and other causes.  I know it is very difficult to cope in times of loss.  But we are none of us promised even our next breath , so we have to realize in our hearts that anything could take us at any time, even in a storm.  Well, I'm going to go make sure everything is bolted down, so we can get hunkered down later.  Everyone be safe, and remember God goes with us, wherever we are ....even in the eye of a storm. 

You are all in my prayers~ Ruby Jeanette

Monday, April 25, 2011

My Favorite Holiday~

I just discovered an amazing website! Now if you haven't read any of my blog before, then I will explain. I am a little bit strange, as anyone in my family will happily tell you.  I like odd people, unique things, and off -beat poetry and places. I also love to do art.  Painting, collage, pen and ink , colored pencils, shoot, I'll even color with crayons, I ain't picky! 
    Well, anyway the way this ties in with the website I found is that it gives you a holiday for every single day of the year, and today is ..........wait for it........National Crayola Day!  YAY!  .;*.,;*confetti.,;*
So in honor of National Crayola Day, my children have decided we will all wear our favorite color Crayola crayon behind our ears for the day.   Also , here is a picture done by the Master Crayon Artist himself,  Don Marco~ Mr. Crayola.........feel free to be amazed, astounded, etc......and yes , it really WAS all done in Crayola crayons!

Cool , huh?  So , don't wait for the regular holiday traditions to roll around, find one on the internet, or make up your own!

Here's to the wonder of crayons~ Ruby Jeanette

Sunday, April 24, 2011

A Certain Sunday~

Well, they say on the radio that we are in for yet more rain!  I am reminding myself that several days ago, I expounded on the benefits of inclement weather.  Maybe I will have to re-read my post and remind myself why I said this was a good thing! 
   So, I hope everyone has been having a blessed Easter so far.  Ours has been lovely.  We're a little bit strange in the fact that we don't go to church for Easter.  Now , before I get lots of weird looks and comments from my church friends, let me explain.  ( I can hear the heads shaking and the tongues wagging, let me tell ya!) We've had a tradition for the last three years for Easter.  Mark wakes up really early and cooks us all breakfast. Bacon , biscuits, eggs, toast with homemade pear preserves.  Cold milk and orange juice.  Then we all gather around the table to hold hands and say our thanks for the Resurrection. Then we pack a picnic and drive to a favorite camping spot, and either sit on a blanket or at a table, and listen to the birds, and hear the wind blowing through the trees.  We spend the day focusing on just our family and making sure that the boys know what the real REASON for Easter is.  And yes, worship in a building is wonderful.  Time spent with fellow Christians rejoicing in Christ's victory on  the Cross, is awesome.  But , sometimes, it's just nice to be with family and read Scripture and share with one another.  So , maybe I haven't offended too many people with our tradition, and I hope everyone had great Sunday services.  We sure did !

He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today!
He walks with me and talks with me ,
along life's narrow way!
He lives, He lives, salvation to impart!
You ask me how I know He lives?
He lives.......within my heart!

Ruby Jeanette

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Under Glass~

Here's a poem I wrote about feeling like an experimental lab rat at Children's Hospital.  I get that it's a teaching hospital associated with University Hospital, but when Joseph was born I didn't really appreciate the way some of the doctors and interns behaved when they came to "observe" my child.  I look at it now, and understand, but then it just seemed really invasive.  I was a new mother, and not sure about how all this was going to play out anyway.  Thankfully, we have 12 years of experience in now, and it's not such a big deal!


I'm not sure what you came to see,
my child is not a freak!
He's not an anomaly, or an aberration,
or any of those things you seek.
He's rare,that's true,
but he's still a person inside,
He's not some cultured substance,
to be viewed  under a slide.
He's got thoughts and feelings,
and as a Mother I do too,
you should think about that,
when you bring in your crew.
Don't make un-called for comments,
like we're not standing here,
something's wrong with my child,
 and all I feel is fear.
I don't get that you're trying,
to better the world as a whole,
MY baby is all that matters,
in MY heart and soul.
So just remember we are people,
not  only numbers on a line,
Keep the faces with the stats,
when you come to do your time.

For Joseph~ from Mom

Ruby Jeanette

Friday, April 22, 2011


Well, for lack of anything better to say today,    here ya' go........

Just for fun!  Ruby Jeanette

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Rain, rain , Go Away?~

Rain! Whose soft architectural hands have power to cut stones,  and chisel into shapes of grandeur the very mountains.  ~ Henry Ward Beecher

Sunshine doesn't shape things.  If you think about it, only inclement weather shapes and forms the surface of the earth.  Wind, rain, lightning, snow, ice, hail.  All these things carve the earth away into the shapes it is now.  The mountains, rivers , fields, and lands, are all affected by these weather patterns.  Sure, sunshine is great for crops and trees, and people.  But, it doesn't really have a major effect on the landscape here. In the desert, yes, the sun causes the land to be dry.  But , even in the desert, rain, and wind are the major earth movers.  The springtime here in Arkansas is the major time for bad weather.  We get the hail, tornadoes, and rain in the wilds of March and April. That can be scary!  I don 't have rain listed on my "favorites" list , because anyone with an arthritic condition will tell you , rain and humidity make your bones hurt!  But , without the rain , snow, and other forms of water our planet would be completely lost.  If there is a drought, then we don't have any food to eat, or water to drink.  You can live for a long time without any food, but only 3 days , tops, without any water.  Plus, just think how boring Earth would look without any mountains, or hills.   No rivers carved away from the landscape.  Only flat earth as far as you could see.  No valleys, no weathered rock outcrops, just flat, flat , flat!  Guess there is some thought to the fact that God has a purpose for everything, even if we don't know what it is.  Well, that 's my thought for today. Ya'll snuggle in, and find a dry spot, and we'll be  thankful for God's gift of rain.  Even if we'd be happy for just a few days in a row without it!

Here's to blessings in sunshine and in rain~ Ruby Jeanette

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Fun Where You Find It~

My boys are super excited! They are having a new friend over for sleepover this weekend.  In preparation, I had them clean their room really well, and carried all the comforters and pillowcases to the laundromat to be washed.  I stopped at the Dollar Store before we went and got some snacks and a drink for the boys to share.  I also bought them each one of those bigger sized rubber balls for $1 each.  My kids think going to the laundromat is awesome fun!  We were there for a little more than an hour getting everything washed and dried, and they occupied themselves the entire time with those rubber balls.  If you didn't know better you would think they don't get very many toys, but they get allowance each week, IF they do their chores.  They get $10 weekly. Joseph has to do the dishes, and feed and water the chickens.  Denim has to take out the leftovers and feed and water the dogs.  Together , they have to clean their room.  Of course, they also help their Daddy and me, when they can, no charge,lol. They do their schoolwork, and are allowed one hour of "screen" time. So it would seem like they would require more stuff to keep them happy, but they don't .  It really is kind of cool. They are still happy with their little old $10.  They make their fun where they can find it.  I think we could all stand to be a little bit more like that.  It doesn't take a lot of money to have a great time with your family. Of course, not everyone will think the laundromat is an entertaining place to go! But , there's the park , or the library, or maybe your church has a game room or youth room you could use, for a free afternoon.  I know everyone is looking for places they can tighten up  their budgets.  But just remember your family is your greatest asset, so don't forget that puzzles, coloring books, games, and just sitting with one another and visiting are all great forms of entertainment.  So, make your fun where you find it!

Here's to low key, low cost, family fun~ Ruby Jeanette

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Miscellaneous Memories~

Yay!  I can totally pat myself on the back now! I got the computer to "let" me change the picture on my blog, and it put my playlist on the bottom, so now you can have some music to listen to while you read.  The whole song, and not just a bit.  Thanks to my Mom, who showed me how to use the website! 
  Well, hubby is feeling some better today, so he went to work.  I'm feeling fair.  Not going to run any marathons, but fair!  I guess they're saying the weather is supposed to get bad again this evening, so everybody batten down your hatches , and stuff.  My husband is the resident weather worrier, now that his dad has passed away.  Neal was always our weather watcher, and would listen to the radio and come sit on our couch and worry about if it was going to get bad or not.  It sounds funny , but I would love to have him back now to weather watch with us. So I don't pick on Mark about his new habit too much.  It's strange the things we remember sometimes about the people who are gone now.  I remember learning to drive with my Grandpa, on an old dirt road, in his '63 model Ford Falcon.  He said I had to take my shoes off, because everybody knows you can't learn to drive right unless you are barefooted!  I remember my Great Uncle George , and my Great Aunt Susie's house in Nashville, and how it always smelled like hardwood floor varnish.  I remember the beautiful birdbath outside their window, and how Aunt Susie always had a pet parakeet.  I remember my Grandma Geneva, Sister Evie Knighten, and Sister Pearl Chandler quilting and cooking soup for the church fundraiser. 
  I can see now how when people get older, and sometimes get Alzheimer's how their memories become something that only makes sense to them.  Because the things we remember sometimes are odd snippets of times and places.   So I understand. But memories are beautiful things.  I hope I never forget the people who are gone, and if one day I am old, and don't make any sense to anyone else, at least in my mind I will remember!

Here's to your own memories~ Ruby Jeanette

Monday, April 18, 2011

Trees, Tummies, and Too many children~

Apparently, Blogger does not want me to change my picture on my background of my blog!  I have been trying for 3 days to get it do something different than the trees, and it just says loading , loading.....Ahhhhhhhh!!!! That 's frustrating!  I did get it to add the cute animal pictures gadgets, and the Christian Music sample gadget at the bottom. I kind of liked the music thing because if you read real fast you can have music while you read my blog entry for the day, lol!
  We've had one of those weekends at my house.  Mark has been terribly sick at his stomach , and nothing we did seemed to help.  He is hardly ever sick, and so he is not a very happy camper when he is. I finally got some homeopathic stomach meds with activated charcoal, which seemed to really help. I hope he is able to go to work tomorrow, as three "children" underfoot is almost too many.  I 'm sure you ladies know what I mean!  
  So other than technical difficulties with my computer , and technical difficulties with hubby's tummy, it's been a pretty good Monday , I guess.  I think those are both fairly minor problems , anyway!

Hope everyone is having a blessed day!

Ruby Jeanette

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Easter is next Sunday,
that day of Resurrection.
Jesus died to save us,
give our souls eternal protection.
Sin had taken our minds and hearts,
and left us without life,
Jesus died to save us,
from Satan's plans of strife.
Easter is the day we have,
to remind us of His life,
He gave His all to save us,
He was the sacrifice.
Jesus died to save us,
upon that rugged Cross,
He did His Father's will,
so we did not stay lost.
Easter is next Sunday,
we celebrate being saved,
Jesus died to save us,
But he didn't stay in the grave.
Jesus died to save us,
but now in Heaven he waits,
He prepares our homes in glory,
for our resurrection day!

Ruby Jeanette

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Empty-Net?~

Do you have a favorite website?  I must admit, I don't. I like FB for obvious reasons, I keep up with my friends that way.  I like Yahoo! ok, but only because it's my default search engine.  I don't play Farm, Frontier, City or any other Ville, I don't play online computer games.  I don't play offline computer games either unless you count the occasional hand of Solitaire while I wait for something to load. I guess my total online activity for a day might add up to 2 hours.  Not sure really why I feel this way, other than I sit down and see the WorldWideWeb open up, lol, and can think of nothing to do.  Sure it reaches across the globe, and allows you to buy things you never would have thought of , say punk sneakers from Tokyo, but other than that , I guess, I don't get the appeal. Maybe if they made computers have actual human faces and voices, I would be more interested, I dunno.  Somehow, real people just seem way more intriguing.  Internet shopping doesn't really allow for interaction, which I'm sure for some people is probably the appeal.  My  husband for instance, would be happy if he never had to buy anything from a real person ever again.  But that 's family trait of his.  The men all become hermits, when they reach their forties.  Now, my thought is somewhat different in that , I don't get out all that often, because of illness. I mean , the grocery store, and the library are huge visits for me.  So maybe I treasure the human factor a little more because of that.  So anyway, that's my thought for today.  If you have a really interesting website, leave me some feedback, and I'd be glad to check it out!  I'd relish not drawing an "online" blank!

Here's to new ideas~  Ruby Jeanette

Friday, April 15, 2011

Opposite Ends~

I'm a little confused I guess,
I don't understand why.
Why you hurt me all the time,
and try to make me cry?
I know that I'm not perfect,
but I never claimed to be.
I only know one way to live,
And that's just to be me.
I get that we're polar opposites,
you're the sun and sandy beach.
I'm winter cold and drifting,
the moon you cannot reach.
I'm sorry I can't be the person,
that you need me to be,
I don't know how to change it,
so I'm setting myself free.
I'm one thing and you're another,
and I 'm tired of playing games,
I 'll always be just who I am,
I'll always be the same.
It hurts that you don't want me,
but I have to let it go,
my heart can only take so much,
of this bruising in my soul.
So now you're free to be the person,
that you want so much to be,
I'm just here in the shadows,
you don't have to worry about me.
I'm going on with what I have,
and leaving you behind,
I hope you have much happiness,
and peace to soothe your mind.
I'll always have a prayer for you,
I know you'll have the same,
I 'll keep the good times in my heart,
and won't forget your name.

Ruby Jeanette

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Well, that explains it.....

Husband to wife:  "You don't stay mad after our arguments anymore.  What's your secret to getting over being angry?"

Wife to husband :  "Oh, that's easy.  I clean the toilets."

Husband to wife:  "How exactly does cleaning the toilets help your anger?"

Wife to husband:  " I use your toothbrush."

Just for fun~  Ruby Jeanette

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hmmm......sweater or swimsuit?~

Well, the weather has me bumfoozled!  It was 43 or 44 degrees this morning, and now it's 80 degrees.  The sun is  out , and it's just like summertime.  I am trying to be stubborn, I really don't want to turn the air conditioning on just yet.  Swepco gets enough of my money every month as it is.  Of course, if you have small children , it's a never ending battle of "Turn out that light!  Do you work for Swepco?"  My dad generously reminds me, lol, that I was the child who couldn't remember to turn out the lights, so maybe I should be more understanding!  Although , I suppose, 80 degrees for April is not really summer in Arkansas.  That comes in July when it's 108 with 90 percent humidity.  It's enough to make you think we live in the rainforest! I 'm trying not to be like some people and scream "global warming", but it does kind of make you wonder.  Of course we did get more snow in the last year than ever, so who knows?  I guess we 'll just have to take it as it comes.  Keep your closets half and half , instead of summer wardrobe only.  It's not fooling me again......I've got my sweater out!  Hope everyone is staying comfy today , wherever you are!

Here's to the whims of weather~  Ruby Jeanette

P.S. I remembered to spell check today!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hillbillies and High-Rises~

I spent most of my morning in the cardiologist's office in Hot Springs.  I love to people watch so this is not a drag for me.  Of course, as usual I was the youngest person in the waiting room, so to look intelligent,lol, I decided to read a magazine.  It was something called AY.  About You.  Apparently it's a magazine printed in Arkansas, about Arkansas businesses , attractions, shops, and people.  I think Arkansas is a great state to live in.  I've always lived here, and think we have some of the greatest places to visit anywhere.  But, I guess I was kind of disappointed in the magazine, because it was really kind of one-sided.  I know in Arkansas we have great architecture, history, and people.  We have awesome scenery, and some of the best outdoor experiences in the world.  Wildlife, and mountains.  Springs and rivers.  But, if you had never been here, and picked up this magazine to figure out what we were all about, you wouldn't have known about any of those things.  If you read this magazine and formed your opinion, you'd think we were all wealthy , living in million -dollar homes, having plastic surgery, eating at 5 star restaurants, and driving Jags, and Mercedes.  You'd think we all have perfect dental work, and that we carry thousand dollar purses.  We all play golf, and have a lake house for the weekend.  We're real pretentious, and snooty.  I don't know about you, but I don't want to visit someplace like that , much less live there full time!  Seriously, folks.  Here in Arkansas we do have wealth, we do have great archtitecture, and fine dining.  Great golf courses, and wonderful medical care.  But, that is not ALL we are about.  It's misleading to think that we are all one kind of a person, whether it's hillbilly or highclass. We're a little of everything. We 've got great natural beauty and our biggest asset is our people!  So if you come for a visit, make sure you stop and see the sights.  Not just the big towns with the great restaurants, and shops.  But come see the Diamond Mine, or maybe go to Queen Wilhemina and catch the view.  Stop at the golf club, but go see the caves in North Arkansas.  See some high brows, and visit with the hicks.  It's all Arkansas, and that's why we love it!

Here's to variety of my home state!  Arkansas rocks!~ Ruby Jeanette

Monday, April 11, 2011

1-Five- 0~and a Little Bit Wild

Today I have published 150 blog posts in  a row.  WhooHoo!  Well, for the attention-challenged, 150 of anything in a row is an accomplishment.  We joke around here that I need to paint a sign for our front door that says BEWARE!  2 Artists, 4 people with ADD, 5 dogs, and one left-handed blonde live here.  ENTER at your OWN risk!  But, I can't really complain.  We never lack for entertainment here anyway. I guess we're probably "poster people" for the kooky.  I really wouldn't have it any other way.  We've always got paper, paint, pencils, markers, clay, wood, nails, string, beads, toys, dog food, legos, and miscellaneous junk, plus a huge stack of magazines and books, fiction and non, spread out somewhere.  I suppose if cleanliness is next to Godliness, we've got a long road to go yet.  But, we're pretty happy with the way we are , so I don't see us changing anything soon.  So, if you've dropped in here on my blog for the first time today, or if you've read any of it before, or if you never read it again, lol, thanks for sharing a little bit of your time with me.  Oh, yeah, and be warned,  if you drop by the house, this is NOT a fictional account of my life! Be prepared.........

Here's to living creatively~ Ruby Jeanette

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Here is a poem I finished today.

People are not toys,
so easily cast away.
They've got feelings , minds and hearts,
that are hurt by the things you say.
You use your words , like poison darts,
to cause other people pain.
You see the scar, and use your barbs,
to open the wound again.
But, worse than any jagged dart,
is when you turn your head.
You walk right by , see someone else,
as if I was already dead.
I guess being a non-person ,
is what I mean to you,
One day I really will be gone,
it really will be true.
So pass me up, and go your way,
I'll try not to let it show.
How much indifference hurts my heart,
and sears me in my soul.

Ruby Jeanette

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Gone Fishin'~

It's officially arrived!  Fishing Season!  It was such a pretty day today, that my guys decided it was the perfect day to open Fishing Season.  I guess other than swimming , this is my boys favorite summer activity.  And I'd have to say , I don't mind.  I love to go, and sit in my covered chair ( no direct sun for lupus patients), and watch the water and birds.  Joseph has finally gotten old enough to handle all of his own problems with a pole, such as baiting, and untangling the line.  He looks so grown up , getting in the tackle box, and fixing his hook up just the way he wants it.  Denim still has a little bit of trouble with throwing it in the weeds, but he's getting there, too.  It's as much fun to watch them as it is to fish myself!  They've always loved going to the river or lake, and reeling in a big ( or not so big) one.  We went to Millwood today and even though the tally was only one fish, we still had a great time. We were hoping to see a big alligator, (preferably from far away), but nothing was biting today, including them, thank goodness! I know pretty soon it'll be the dog days of summer, and be way too hot to even enjoy the river bank, so I'm glad we went today.  It's funny how such a little thing can mean so much to your kids, they truly are happy with the smallest pleasures in life!

Here's to the pleasure of fishing~  Ruby Jeanette

Friday, April 8, 2011

I Lift Mine Eyes.....~

This is a picture I shared on FaceBook yesterday.  I added the birds and the text, obviously, but the rainbow and scene are real.  I took this picture on a trip to New Mexico for missions. I hadn't planned on going, and couldn't really afford to go.  The trip was the first part of August.  In the middle of July , I miscarried mine and Mark's first child, at three and a half months.  To say I was devastated does not do it justice.  Is there a word for that kind of pain?  I haven't found it yet, a word that will cover that feeling.  I only remember going around in a type of fog for the rest of July.  My adopted Grandma, Geneva MacAnally asked me to come on the trip with her.  She said she would pay for me to go if I wanted to. I didn't really want to go, but she said she had prayed for me, and believed if I would go , that God would give me a sign .  A sign that everything would be ok.  So , I went.  In New Mexico in the area where we stayed there are mountains and flat lands.  When a storm comes you can see it , literally like God's hands moving the water and wind across the earth.  There aren't trees like what we have here, and when it comes it can be fierce.  The day we arrived, there was a huge rainstorm.  I felt like all my emotions that I was experiencing were somehow reflected in nature.  Anger, hurt, pain, sadness, sorrow, you name it .   But , then it was gone.  The storm , and some of my hurt. I heard that still small Voice, telling me to look up.  And here was this rainbow, God's promise of better things to come.  Even though I was still in pain, and still carry the thought of "why" with me today.  I can remember seeing that arc in the sky and knowing that everything comes to pass, and the words of the psalmist come to me, I lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help?  My help comes from the LORD , the maker of heaven and earth, and I can walk on.

Here's to the Grandma Geneva, and the GIVER of PEACE Christ Jesus~  Ruby Jeanette

Thursday, April 7, 2011

That's Just a Little Bit Much~

Did anyone else watch the show "Extreme Couponing" , last night?  Was that not one of the craziest things you've ever seen?  I know times are tight right now, and I'm all for saving money, and using a coupon if you have one for something you use.  But the show was not very realistic, in that it was saying , "Oh, I got $900 dollars worth of groceries for 6. 75". But then I noticed , they are spending six or eight hours doing planning and clipping.  They also pay for a clipping service so they don't have to clip all of it themselves. The clipping service costs something like $70 dollars. They also drive to four or five grocery stores in order to get the best deals.  They buy 7 to 10 newspapers a week too.  So if you add it all up, gas , coupon services, and newspapers, you can't help but wonder what the real total is.  And really , who needs 1500 bottles of deodorant , or 300 toothbrushes?  On A and E they show people struggling with harmful addictions, like alchohol or drugs.  But to hear the women on this coupon show talk , they sound just like the addicts on Intervention.  And the fact is , they don't quit buying the items that they already have, because they are constantly adding to their "stockpile".  So apparently 1000 rolls of toilet paper is not enough, if it goes on sale next week and they have their coupon, they buy more.  One lady on the show even has her stockpile insured, for $35,000!  To me, this smacks of gluttony.  It screams rich man in the mansion, Lazarus begging for crumbs type thing.  I  guess people assume that because it' s not costing anything, or hurting anyone, that it's an ok habit.  I think these people are just like any other addicts, and need help with their compulsions.  When they start talking about how their stuff takes up more than two rooms in their house,or that they blow off plans with their families , so they can shop, then this IS a problem. It's all just a little  bit much for me!

What do you think about "extreme couponing" ?  Good habit, or harmful compulsion? Let me know what you think......

Here's to a little more moderation~ Ruby Jeanette

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Bugs and Bats~

Today has been such a beautiful day!  Compared to all the black skies , hail and wind, today is spectacular.  My boys finished their home school testing Monday, so I said that they could have Spring Break this week.  Today for their hour of video time, they decided they wanted to draw some pictures on the computer, instead of playing Nintendo.  The first picture Joseph "drew" , is of a centipede.  The second is what Denim "drew" and it's a bat.  I thought they did a great job on both , and so I figured I could just let them be the star of my blog page for today! 

Here's to Joseph and Denim~  Ruby Jeanette (MOM)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Now If I Only Had My Cape!~

As a mother of teenagers, do you know how many times I've picked up the phone to apologize to my own mother?  ~ Kristy Borgeld
This year , my oldest son will be 13.  He is really sweet and fairly mature for that age, so I really can't complain.  But, I'm telling ya', this parenting thing is a LOT harder than anyone ever lets on.  I was a fair pain in the backside ( no snarky comments from anyone who grew up with me!)  so looking back on it now, I wonder how my mother kept her sanity.  It's  not easy , day in, and day out, to try to point your children in the right direction, keep them focused on school, teach them manners, and respect for their elders, instill moral virtues, keep them away from bad elements, feed them, clothe them, and so on the list goes.  When I was 13, I had my first job. By the time I was 14 , I had two.  So, I'm not a stranger to hard work.  But parenting has to be by far, harder than even two jobs at once.  There's a statistic somewhere that says if mothers got paid according to the work they do, no one could afford to hire us for the position!  You have to be the chef, doctor, nurse, mediator, advocate, dry cleaners, dishwasher, maid, driver, pyschiatrist, advice columnist, personal shopper, and soooooo much more. Of course in some people's cases you have to add their regular "paying" job, and home schooling on top of that!  So,  I give you props , you managed to raise two fairly decent kids is a miraculous feat worthy of sainthood, I think.  And to all you other moms out there, myself included, let's keep on keeping on, the payoff will be worth it in the end!
Here's to the superheroes of the world, MOMS~ Ruby Jeanette

Monday, April 4, 2011

Tornados, Tests, and Tacos~

We had an interesting experience today.  We homeschool, and as part of the regulations in the state of Arkansas, each student from 3rd to 9th grade must test at the end of each school year.  Today was our testing today at Hope.  The weather was quite rainy, but not really bad to start with.  We arrived early at the testing site, and waited to register.  After registering at 8:30 the coordinator let us know that they were warning of a possible tornado, and where the safe areas of the building were so we could get to them.  I suppose that was a good thing, because about ten minutes after that , the sirens went off, and the sheriff's office notified the coordinators that a tornado had been spotted , and for us to get to the safe rooms.  It hailed, and the wind blew, and there was a lot of rain, lightning and thunder.  Finally, about 30 minutes after that , they gave us the all clear.  So , all told, we got more excitement than we bargained for!  I praise the Lord that we were all safe.  The boys finished up their tests, and I said we could have spring break this week, so they were excited!  We went to Taco Bell, and ate, and then to their favorite store in Hope:  The DollarTree.   I mean everything for a dollar, right?  A little kid's dream.  I am so glad that things turned out well, as there was a whole building full of young people and small children.  It might sound strange, but if I was going to get blown away in a tornado, I'd rather be at home, than in a different city, with strangers.  Not sure why I feel that way , I  just do.  But all in all, we had a great time.  I might rethink experiencing those three T's all in one day again though.  Tornados , Tests, and Tacos is more excitement than I really want!

Thanks God for keeping us safe!~  Ruby Jeanette

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Read the Book!~

I am a book fanatic.  (See previous posts....)  I love to read, and I am always in the middle of one book, and sometimes more than one at a time.  I've never been a huge television watcher, or movie goer.  I guess to me, the books are just always better than the movies they are made into, with maybe two exceptions.  I'd have to say "The Wizard of Oz", and "Alice in Wonderland" (Tim Burton's version), are better than the books because you really see the universes of those books expand in a good way.  Now, the Twilight books are better books than movies.  Yes, yes, I know , go ahead and "BOO" me, you know I'm right!  The Lord of the Rings is a better book, as is The Chronicles of Narnia.  I know in this day and age, everything is supposed to be better on the big screen, but it's just not.  Of course, now , everyone is getting the Kindle, or the Nook, and not even having the paper version of a book anymore.  That's something like sacrilege to me!  How can you stand to hold a computer, and act like it's a novel, or non fiction ?  I mean , what about the feel of the paper in your hands, or cracking the spine on a  paper back, and smelling the newness of it?  I understand the world is going digital, but if they do away with regular books, I am going to be one unhappy camper!

Here's to doing it "old-school"~ Ruby Jeanette

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Crawdaddy Huntin~

The boys have had a great time this weekend!  First off, they spent Friday night at the church having a "lock in".  Of course, they consumed massive amounts of sugar,and caffeinated substances.  They got home about eight thirty, and then crashed and slept til  two thirty.  Then we got up and went to Swaha,
to visit with my parents, and grill hamburgers and hot dogs.  They topped their evening , and their weekend off, by going crawdaddy huntin.  This is the ultimate little boy experience, as it involves all their favorite things.....water, squishy mud, creepy animals, and the possibility of getting bitten by something.  I love watching how excited they get when they finally catch one!  They really have no fear when it comes to life.  I remember feeling that way, when I was young.  It's a wonderful thing to have such trust in the universe, your parents , and God.  You just know in your heart that HE will take care of you.  I think that is part of what that scripture means when it talks about faith like a child.  They just know that God is good, that HE has their best interests at heart, and that HE is taking care of them every day.  I pray every day that I can have that kind of faith, the NO FEAR kind, of just grabbing all that GOD has for me, with both hands, squishy mud and all! 

Here's to the faith of a child~  Ruby Jeanette

Friday, April 1, 2011

That Better Be Gold-Leaf Paper!!~

We went and had our pictures taken at the church last night, so that we can be in the church directory.  Although I don't mind getting pictures made, or supporting the church in this way, I 'm kind of confused as to the reason why we need a directory.  If we've got so many people in the church that we can't remember all of their faces, or names, we may have too  many people.  And then there was the issue of cost.  We said for him just to show us their basic package, the one that most people wanted.  So he runs all the little pictures up on the screen to show what we will  get, and then he shows us the price.  I about fell off my chair.  569 dollars.  That's what I said,  FIVE HUNDRED AND SIXTY NINE DOLLARS!  That better be Gold leaf paper they come on , is what I thought, or really I thought "What have you been smoking?!?", but seeing as how we were in the church house, that wouldn't have been appropriate to say out loud.  But what I did say was Sorry.  Do you have anything in the 100 dollar range?  I was nice!  I did say to Mark later , for 569 dollars I could buy a GREAT digital camera, and you would love the pictures I was taking on it.  Maybe I'm  in the wrong business! So, anyhow, we did not get the fancy canvas pictures or the 24 wallet sized ones that cost almost 100 dollars all on their own.  I did buy the package with the CD in it, so I get copyright release and can make copies of the shots they took.  Needless to say, I won't be giving Olan Mills very much of my money!

Here's to cheap shots~  Ruby Jeanette