Friday, December 31, 2010


We will open the book.  Its pages are blank.  We are going to put words on them ourselves.  The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day.  ~ Edith Lovejoy Pierce

What is your New Year's resolution going to be for 2011?  I don't make them for myself, but it is fun sometimes to hear other people's .  I guess I always thought I had enough trouble keeping straight about what I'm doing today, much less the rest of an entire year! I like the quote above.  Especially the part about the blank pages.  When I was a little girl, I loved to go in the art supply store, and just stand in the aisle with all the paper.  The BLANK paper.  It was intoxicating!  All the opportunities!  If I'd had the chance and the finances at that young age, I'm sure I'd have kept Hobby Lobby in business myself.  A blank space just begs us to put something in it.  So far, 2011 is blank. Not one evil thought , action, or deed, fills its spaces.  It would be wonderful if it could stay that way, but the problem is, I'm sure that someone is already working on a way to spoil the freshness, and we have no control over that.  What we can control, is what will we bring to this new year?  Will we improve or poison it?  Will we take the opportunity offered of the blank spaces, to bring joy and love to it?  Or will we cover our blank pages in something harsh and negative?  I'm starting today.  Not with a resolution, but with hope that every day I make my part in this new year the best it can be.

Here's to blank spaces~ Ruby Jeanette

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