I never think of the future, it comes soon enough.
Can you guess who's quote this is? I would never have guessed , if I had not seen it for myself. The future sometimes seems like a scary place. When you have a chronic disease, sometimes the next day is more than your body seems like it can handle. The day you are in drags so far out ,that it seems to make tomorrow a far-off dream. Pain is a funny thing, in that way. A second turns into a minute, a minute turns into an hour, and the hours flow into an eternity of nothing but the awful thought that this will never go away. But , it is the future that is the most frightening! What if? What if it's always this way? What if I never get any better? What if it gets even worse? What if? What if? This is future thinking. The study of physics is actually pretty interesting. Time and space, and the mechanics of these things. The thing is the earth is turning 1000 miles an hour, rotating around the sun at a speed of 67,000 miles per hour. Every day, all day, the Lord keeps us attached to the planet, and we don't fly off. We never think about it, because it just is. But, we can worry over the next ten minutes, or ten days, concerned that the Lord is falling down on His job. But, time, space, and the mechanics of our lives and souls, is His domain! This is why He created us! Not to watch us suffer in time, but because in time, we come to realize how very much He cares. I don't know why some things are hard. I don't know why it isn't always worked out the way I want. But, I know that the Master of all Time, and Space, holds me in a hand , large enough to spin the Earth, but small enough to keep me safe from anything that might pull me away from Him. The future, any future, is only a moment , compared to the eternity that He bought and paid for!
Here's to eternity~Ruby Jeanette P.s. The quote is from Albert Einstein
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