Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Some Really Weird Things

Here are some really weird things to be afraid of.  These were all listed on the complete list of phobias. 
Ailurophobia- fear of cats
Alliumphobia-fear of garlic
Bufonophobia-fear of toads
Chorophobia-fear of dancing
Euphobia- fear of hearing good news

Although, these might sound strange to us, these are all actual phobias.  There are people who are really afraid, of cats, garlic , toads ,dancing , and of hearing good news.  A phobia is not your regular version of fear, either.  A phobic will go to any length to avoid the activity, of object of their fear.   I am not crazy about tall buildings.  But, I wouldn't go screaming into the night if you asked me to go up one.  That's the difference between a fear and a phobia.  Fear is a powerful emotion, it causes a major physical response in the human body.  Fight, or, flight. In some instances,this is a protective reaction.  If you see a large bear , fear, and flight are good things. If you see a small house cat , not so much.  The funny thing about fear is it can become a habit. We start to fear the small things, and then it snowballs . Suddenly, the world is more scary then we can deal with.  But, the amazing news, is, God has a verses for just these situations.  He knew that we were frail creatures, in our own minds, easily given to negativity and fear. His Word is a powerful combatant to these thoughts!  Check out what He tells us in II Timothy 1:7, "For God has not given us a spirit of fear , but of power, and of love , and of a sound mind."
A sound mind is a wonderful gift!  Whenever you start to feel that creeping feeling of fear, these verses can help. 
Romans 8:15
1 John 4:18 and
Revelation 2:10

Here's to casting out fear~ Ruby Jeanette

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