Ham and eggs~ A day's work for a chicken; A lifetime commitment for a pig.
Work is hard! I guess if it wasn't ,we'd call it something different, something whimsical, like fun or playtime. But most people have jobs they don't like , dealing with people they can't really stand. My dad was employed by the same company for almost thirty years. He is a very smart, very capable individual. He can weld, do maintenance, and build just about anything. If it's broken , and he doesn't know how to fix it, it is well and truly broken. But , he had bosses who were engineers, highly "educated" people. These are the ones with the fancy papers on the walls of their offices. They seemed to think that their time was worth more than my dad's . They made more money, and enjoyed more respect. But the funny thing is , to them it was just a day's work. I put in my hours , I go home. But , to my dad, it was a lifetime commitment. He always worked just as hard at quitting time as he did at the start of the day. I never knew him to do less than his best at anything. The thing that the highly educated engineers never got, is that he didn't work "for" them. He worked for us. My mother, my sister and me. He wanted us to have the things we needed, and even some of the things we wanted. And at the end of the day, he could say, that he really worked for himself. To know that he had done his best, and was more a man for doing it under difficult circumstances, than those high dollar bosses would ever be. It makes a difference; so are you in your job for a day's work, or a lifetime commitment?
Here's to being the best we can~ Ruby Jeanette
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