My friend Janet pointed something out to me yesterday. You need a reason to smile. I hadn't really thought about the way she said it. I mean, I 'm just generally a positive person, but, I don't usually think about why. See, I got saved when I was 5 years old. Now, you might say, "You didn't know what you were doing." But, let me tell you the story first. The church we attend was having a Children's Crusade. For those who maybe have never heard of that, it's when a church invites a special speaker just for children, and does a week of revival that is youth oriented. The message was very anointed that week, and I remember the speaker giving an altar call, saying that Jesus loved me, if I knew I was a sinner , that HE had died for me, to come to the front and accept HIS gift of salvation. I remember the feel of the wooden altar, and even that I was wearing my pink dress. I remember knowing how wonderful I felt that Jesus had saved me! I knew I was changed , and was on the path for what God wanted in my life. Now, I'm ashamed to say, that until Janet said that yesterday, it had been a long time since I thought about that experience. Not a long time since I've thought about the grace of being saved, but just the actual day and experience of it. So, I had to think, what if the people I see at town, have never had that experience? Do they have a reason to smile? Are they weary and heavy laden? As the song says, are they burdened down with care? If you feel your life has no purpose, or reason for being , would you smile? Would I? See, I may not know exactly what my purpose in this life is, but I DO know I have one! If I touch even one person, or make a difference somewhere, I had a purpose. Jesus can save anyone, HE can give you the joy that makes you smile! I'm so glad I know Him! If you don't know HIM, HE wants to know you. HE does know you. Wherever you are, whatever you've done, it's not too big for Him to cover with His blood. He went to the Cross for you, so that you might be free from sin, and have eternal life.
Scripture to read.......John 3:3-7
John 3:16
The Book of Romans
Hebrews 11
The Book of Corinthians
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