Saturday, March 12, 2011

Little People~

  Well, Joseph is sick.  He never complains about feeling bad unless he is really not well.  We used to joke that he'd have to be cut open to complain about pain, although he has been, and didn't really even cry all that much when he had surgery.  He's a tough guy.  I still think of both of my boys as little people, even though they are 12 and 10 now. 
   Joseph came to the kitchen and said, "Momma, my throat's a little bit sore."  So , I told him I would look at it.  Sure enough it's red and swollen.  He's got a 101.2 fever too.  I hate for my babies to be sick. 
   When he was little , he was sick constantly.  We had one week where we were at the pediatrician's every single day for the weekdays, and took him to the ER on Saturday.  Then they admitted him to Hope Hospital, and he stayed another week.  He had pneumonia five times in one year.  And five different strains of one kind of virus, plus asthma , environmental allergies, plus was allergic to formula and had to try about six different kinds before he could drink one.  He got acid reflux, and colic, and the first two years of his life, he never slept through the night,  not even once.  Oh, and did I mention the monthly visits to Children's because he also has third degree AV block with a pacemaker implant?  Let me tell you, it 's enough to make even the most sane mother paranoid.  He would get a sniffle, and I was ready to race him to the ER for fear he was coming down with something serious!
   But, you know what, we've been super blessed for the last couple of years.  He hasn't been sick at all. No flu, no fevers, no viruses, and all his pacemaker checks have gone well.  It's almost a relief to hear him say, "I've got a sore throat."  Cause that's just a normal childhood illness!  I praise the Lord every day that he is doing so well, now.  And I will never take for granted his good health.

Here's to better health for everyone~  Ruby Jeanette

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