Thursday, March 10, 2011

Happy Birthday!~

Happy Birthday to someone special. 
When you are young , you dream about romantic love, and the flowers and fancy dates, and the things that go with that.  The whole storybook scenario.  I was no different.  When I finally cared about what boys thought, (I was a late bloomer), I did the same thing.  "It's going to be so wonderful!", is the thought that crosses your mind.  And it was.  I met someone (against all odds)  who thought I was the bee's knee's.  We got married, and our fairytale began.  But what the story books and fairy tales and Cinderella stories never prepare you for, is when things begin to go wrong.  Things that you have no control over. I have seen real love.  It is what was shining in the tears in the  eyes of my husband, when we miscarried our first child at three and a half months.  It was in his embrace when they took our son away to Children's without me getting to hold him first.  It was in his legs when he pushed my wheelchair every day, twice a day, from the Ronald McDonald house to Children's to hold the baby.  It was in his conversations with the doctors when I was too sick to speak for myself.  It was there all the times, when I've been in pain, and all the times I've ever thought I couldn't go on with this illness, one more day.    So maybe my story book ending hasn't happened yet, and maybe my fairy tale has not worked out quite the way I would have written it.  But I say truly,  I HAVE found my Prince Charming.  I am so blessed to have him in my life......Happy 45th birthday Mark!

Here's to finding your true love~  Ruby Jeanette

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