Thursday, March 3, 2011

What Were They THinking?~

 I noticed that one of the news stories on yahoo! today ws that the Catholic Church is putting out a new version of the Bible.  Now, I have nothing against Catholics, but I worry anytime some one says they are changing words in the Bible, or replacing them with something else.  They want to replace the word virgin, with young woman.  I have a serious problem with this idea!  If Mary were only a young woman, and not a virgin, doesn't that take the miraculousness out of Jesus' birth?  If Jesus is only a man, and not the Son of God, then why bother reading the Bible anyway?  This makes me very nervous!  I think we will probably see a lot more of this replacement of words as time goes on.  By changing the words, they hope to make it so that people are not offended.  But the Bible is God's Word, and if it cuts you, it's because God is calling attention to your sin.  If they pretty it up, and "sanitize" it, it might not offend , but it won't save either.  I believe God will punish this offense to His Holy Word.  I for one do not feel arrogant enough to improve on perfection.  

Here's to the power of God's Word, unadulterated~ Ruby Jeanette

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