Saturday, March 19, 2011

A Cure for Sleeplessness~

  I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou , LORD, only makest me to dwell in safety.  ~ 
   Psalm 4:8

This verse brings great comfort to me.  Not only does the psalmist say that he will lay down, but he lays down in peace.  And not only laying down, but sleeping.  The world can be a super scary place sometimes.  These last days and weeks have brought much upheaval , and tragedy for many around the world.  Sometimes it can be very hard to "turn our brains off", so to speak , to let the peace of the Lord, in.   Having chronic pain can make nights very difficult.  When there is no one else up, and the house is quiet, and you are alone with your pain, it can sometimes seem like the pain is all you can think about. 
   When I have a night like that, I have a routine I do.  First , I run a bathtub full of hot water, as hot as I can stand it.  Then I pour in about a cup of epsom salts, and a cup of powdered milk. (Sounds crazy, I know!), then I soak until the water gets cold.  I dry off, put on my most comfortable pair of pj's , and then I spray 3 types of aromatherapy sprays on my body.  I put vanilla on my hair, lavender on my ankles, and tuberose on my wrists. Then I pop in my Celtic Cd, in the player, cover up, and while I listen to the music, I meditate on the Word of God, reciting all the scriptures that I know , to myself in my head.  Very soon I am asleep.  I know this might sound crazy, but the whole routine is very relaxing for body and mind.  Try it yourself sometime!  Find a body spray that says "for relaxation", and a Cd that you find soothing.  Vanilla , Tuberose, and Lavender are all calming scents.  Try it , it really works! Even if it doesn't completely take the pain away, it somehow soothes your mind to help you cope better.

Here's to relaxation~ Ruby Jeanette

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