Thursday, March 31, 2011

There's a Positive Side to Everything~

Today's Quote~  No diet will remove all the fat from your body because your brain is entirely fat.  Without a brain , you might look good, but all you could do is run for public office.  ~ George Bernard Shaw

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Epic Poetry, Candy Eggs, and Mountain Dew~

Sooooooo.......I've been working on an epic poem.  Have never written one before, so it's been interesting.  I really didn't intend for it to be so long, it just kind of got out of control, lol.  But, there's not a lot to do when you don't feel good, so I've been working on it a little every day while I had the flu.  Thankfully, I'm feeling a lot better now, so not sure when I'll have time to finish.  But it's not like the poem is going anywhere.  I think I did find the perfect combo of inspirational foods though.......Candy robin eggs and Mountain Dew.  Oh, yeah!  This stuff works wonders for the mind in serious thought for words that rhyme with Fall, and things like that.  You wouldn't think it, but it actually tastes pretty good together.  When I write poems, I eat weird things.  Always a combination of sweet and something. Like Doritos and Hershey bars.  Or cashews and Dr. Pepper.  Or Coca Cola and Kettle Cooked BBQ chips, and Mounds bars.  Hmmmmm. Maybe my wardrobe is glad inspiration doesn't strike all that often, or it would get replaced, I think.  Well, anyway, when I get it finished, I'll share it, for sure.  Or maybe I should say IF I get it finished!  Hope everyone is having a great day today!

Here's to your perfect snack combo~  Ruby Jeanette

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tech Support~

 Computers are possessed by the Devil, it's true, I'm sure.  Everytime I try to get something going it won't load, but when the kids want to play games, it's fine.  Hmmmmm, maybe it's the operator?  I dunno. I think it can tell it's me when I sit down, and so decides to see how aggravated I'll get.  Anywho.  I am on line temporarily anyway.  It's just been one of those weeks this week.  Instead of one of those days.  I am so ready for warmer drier weather!  I love homeschooling but when it is cold and wet, my boys just about drive me around the bend!  There is only so much school you can do , and I don't let them play their video games , except for about an hour.  Soooooo, after a while I do run out of "constructive" things for them to do.  Who knows what happens when little boys run out of "constructive" things to do?  There's another "structive"........yep.....DE - structive.  It 's happened here before , let me tell ya!  Well, I guess that's boys.  Or that's what my Daddy says long as no one got knocked cold by a 2 by 4 it's all good.....another story, to be shared later maybe!  I guess I'll have to call my TECH support (AKA my MOM) if this computer keeps acting up.....I don't suppose she knows Tech support for little boys, though?  LOL catch everyone here tomorrow!

Here's to a better , brighter tomorrow~  Ruby Jeanette

Monday, March 28, 2011

Bossy Goes to Town.....~

But not after 1 P.M.  Here are some weird laws for Arkansas that are still on the books.  The first ones are state laws, and the second set are city.  The last four are for Little Rock, so we'll be sure to keep these in mind when we go to Children's Hospital next time!
The Arkansas River can rise no higher than to the Main Street bridge in Little Rock.
School teachers who "bob" their hair will not get a raise.
A man can legally beat his wife, but not more than once a month.
Alligators may not be kept in bathtubs.
It is illegal to kill "any living creature."
Little Rock~
Honking one's car at a sandwich shop after 9 P.M. is illegal.
Dogs may not bark after 6 P.M.
Flirtation between men and women on the streets of Little Rock may result in a 30 day jail term.
And finally, for those who have thought about it, and you know who you are..........
It is illegal to walk one's cow down Main Street after 1 P.M. on Sunday.
Just for fun~  Ruby Jeanette

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Getting Better~

Well , I am feeling a lot better today.  Amazing what some actual sleep will do for a body.  You know, I don't knock certain organizations use of sleep deprivation for a tactic.  It'd get me pretty quick.  Good to be on the upswing.  Laying around, while sometimes nice, gets old after a bit.  Especially if it's because you feel lousy, not lazy.  Go far away flu bug,  far, far away!  Hope everybody is having a good evening.  I'm listening to the rain on my tin roof right now.  That's a great sound you know.  I think it's probably one of the most romantic, relaxing sounds of the South.  I didn't like living in a regular house so much, when you couldn't hear it as well.  Mark said when we retire , we're going to build us a little shack on the back of our property and make sure it has a tin roof.  We'll let one of the boys have our "big" house we live in now.  Whichever of them gets married first. I'm not in any particular hurry for that!  Well, it's getting on towards eight o'clock, and I know everybody is busy, and has their own things going on, so I'll let you get back to it.  Thanks for everyone's prayers while I was sick, I think I'm on the mend now.  You all have a great night, and I 'll catch you back here next time!

Thinking of you all~  Ruby Jeanette 

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Well, You'd Think So, Anyway......~

Let me tell you.  I am SOOOOOOOO ready to be done with the flu.  I know it 's a hazard of being a mom, that you catch what your little people, or even not so little people bring home.  But, when you're a mom, even one day out of the action of  keeping your house under control, is one day too many!   And we're a fairly technologically advanced society.  We've got wireless phones, wireless internet, heart valve replacement, organ transplants, electric cars, digital clocks, airplanes, microwaves, lasers, and we've even put men on the moon.  But, there is really no cure for the flu, or even the common cold.  So , I think it's amazing that with all the advancements we've got going for us these days, we can 't really lessen a person's suffering from these illnesses.  With all the scientists investigating certain diseases, I wonder if they're any closer?  Well, you'd think so , anyway! 

Here's to being on the well- er side~  Ruby Jeanette

Friday, March 25, 2011

What's Your Reason?~

My friend Janet pointed something out to me yesterday.   You need a reason to smile.  I hadn't really thought about the way she said it.  I mean, I 'm just generally a positive person, but, I don't usually think about why.  See, I got saved when I was 5 years old.  Now, you might say, "You didn't know what you were doing."  But, let me tell you the story first.  The church we attend was having a Children's Crusade.  For those who maybe have never heard of that, it's when a church invites a special speaker just for children, and does a week of revival that is youth oriented.  The message was very anointed that week, and I remember the speaker giving an altar call, saying that Jesus loved me, if I knew I was a sinner , that HE had died for me, to come to the front and accept HIS gift of salvation.  I remember the feel of the wooden altar, and even that I was wearing my pink dress.  I remember knowing how wonderful I felt that Jesus had saved me!  I knew I was changed , and was on the path for what God wanted in my life.  Now, I'm ashamed to say, that until Janet said that yesterday, it had been a long time since I thought about that experience.  Not  a long time since I've thought about the grace of being saved, but just the actual day and experience of it.  So, I had to think,  what if the people I see at town, have never had that experience?  Do they have a reason to smile?  Are they weary and heavy laden?  As the song says,  are they burdened down with care?  If you feel your life has no purpose, or reason for being , would you smile?  Would I?  See, I may not know exactly what my purpose in this life is, but I DO know I have one!  If I touch even one person, or make a difference somewhere, I had a purpose.  Jesus can save anyone, HE can give you the joy that makes you smile! I'm so glad I know Him!  If you don't know HIM, HE wants to know you.  HE does know you.  Wherever you are, whatever you've done, it's not too big for Him to cover with His blood.  He went to the Cross for you, so that you might be free from sin, and have eternal life.

Scripture to read.......John 3:3-7
                                  John 3:16
                                 The Book of Romans
                                  Hebrews 11
                                  The Book of Corinthians

Thursday, March 24, 2011


 I do believe I have never seen so many grouchy people in my life!  Everywhere I go, people are angry, aggravated, annoyed, alarmed or something.  Now, granted, I know these are tough times.  Times are tight, and money's even tighter.  But, I am beginning to wonder if people have forgotten where we live.  I mean, it's still America, right?  Land of the free, home of the brave , and all that that implies?  Sure, we're having tough times,  but we've still got more freedoms than just about any other place I know of.  You can get up in the morning and go to work, or not.  You can buy macaroni, or filet mignon, if you wanna, (and can afford it!).  You can wear a striped shirt, some dotted pants, and a pink bow in your purple hair.  You might get some looks, but no one will tell you , you can't do that.(Well, I mean your mother might, but it isn't illegal.) You can drive your car, go home to your house, of whatever size , and pretty much feel safe. These are all good things right?  And I know everyone is entitled to have a bad day. But , you are not entitled to take your bad day out on someone else.  So, I swear the next time I go to Wal-Mart, and smile at someone, and they snarl at me......I may just have to get angry, aggravated, annoyed, alarmed or something! is good SMILE! it freaks people out!~  Ruby Jeanette

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Are You SURE?~

from this month's Reader's Digest.....
I overheard two  EMT volunteers talking about the time they went to the aid of an elderly man.  As one took down his information, the other opened his shirt to attach EKG cables.
"Any history of heart trouble?" asked the first volunteer.
"None." said the patient.
   Looking at the telltale scars of  bypass surgery , the second volunteer wasn't so sure.  "In that case," he said, "do you remember when the lion attacked you?"
Monica Gilligan
Just for fun~  Ruby Jeanette

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Continued from Yesterday~

  Did you know that at one point only the very wealthy had books?  Before the invention of the printing press , the only way you could get a book printed, was to have the monks at the local monastery copy it out, letter by letter, page by page, one at a time.  It might take over a year for your book to be ready , and it was insanely expensive!  Now , people throw books out wholesale, and never think about it.  Here are some ideas for your unwanted books, besides the garbage bin.

1.  Drop them off at the local library , they are always taking donations, and they will either put them out on the shelf, or sell them .  The money they raise , will be used to buy more books.
2.  Call your local hospital and ask if they take books , for their patients.  Some have carts with books and magazines for patients to choose from.
3.  Ask a nursing home, if they have a resident library.
4.  The Ronald McDonald house in Little Rock has a library room , for the parents of patients in Children's Hospital.
5.  If they are children's books , and gently used, some church programs take them to give to underpriveleged children at Christmas.

So , you see, there are lots better things to do with old books then just toss them! 
Here's to spreading the  fun of a book til the pages fall out! ~ Ruby Jeanette

Monday, March 21, 2011

A True Tale of a Bibliomaniac~

 I would bemost content if my children grew up to be the kind of people who think decorating consists mostly of building enough bookshelves.~ Anna Quindlen


The man who DOESN'T read has no advantage over the man who CAN'T.  ~ Mark Twain

When the check comes in, I buy books.  If there's any left over , I buy food.` Unknown


   I am addicted to books.  Straight up , no other  way to say it, I'm a book junkie.  And come to find out there is a word for it- Bibliomania.  I breathe, eat, and sleep books.  I read every day for many hours. It's my passion.  Before I had children I read 20 or 30 books a week.  No joke.  And I read everything.  I like fiction, non-fiction, biographies, fantasy, sci-fi, Christian fiction, history, science, technology, crafts, politics, crime, humor, fashion,  the only thing I don't read is Westerns!  Well, and harlequin romance novels.  I like cook books and craft books, sad books, and happy books.  The smell of Books -a - Million is just like an aphrodisiac.  The rows and rows of books!  Paper, the feel and texture of it.  The words, put together every way imaginable.  The knowledge held in just a few pages. 
   I have piles and piles of books here at the house. People give them to me, I buy them at yard sales, or I buy them cheap on  But, to me it is a way of expanding my universe beyond the small town I live in.  I love living here, but in a book , I can go to Ireland, or even an alien planet , and never have to leave the comfort of the armchair.  We lived in Mineral Springs in 2007, and the boys became friends with some boys down the street.  They told me they had never seen so many books before.  Did they all belong to me?  And you can read them anytime?  I was just amazed that these kids thought you could only get books at the library.  If you can read, it is such a blessing.  If you can't then I feel your pain.  If you can read, but don't , then I 'm not sure what to say to that!  Maybe I really am addicted.  But it's a pretty educational addiction , I think! 

Read on, I say,  Read on!  ~ Ruby Jeanette

Sunday, March 20, 2011


I wonder why Mary
Didn't go to church,
And went to the cemetery instead?
Did she expect the Lord to be there?
Or did her grief drive her to care,
With ointment and oil?
She came to show her love,
In one last pouring out,
One more year's wages,
With no Judas to criticize.
The Gardener is there to tend the flowers on this bright morn.
A glow comes from the empty cave where they have laid her Master.
"Oh , please sir!  Tell me where they have taken him?"
With that one word, she knows.
She knows , why she has come to the cemetery this morning.
She knows, why the cave is empty.
She knows, why He died.
And all is right again.

Jeanette Woods

Here's to the power of the Resurrection!   ~ Ruby Jeanette

Saturday, March 19, 2011

A Cure for Sleeplessness~

  I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou , LORD, only makest me to dwell in safety.  ~ 
   Psalm 4:8

This verse brings great comfort to me.  Not only does the psalmist say that he will lay down, but he lays down in peace.  And not only laying down, but sleeping.  The world can be a super scary place sometimes.  These last days and weeks have brought much upheaval , and tragedy for many around the world.  Sometimes it can be very hard to "turn our brains off", so to speak , to let the peace of the Lord, in.   Having chronic pain can make nights very difficult.  When there is no one else up, and the house is quiet, and you are alone with your pain, it can sometimes seem like the pain is all you can think about. 
   When I have a night like that, I have a routine I do.  First , I run a bathtub full of hot water, as hot as I can stand it.  Then I pour in about a cup of epsom salts, and a cup of powdered milk. (Sounds crazy, I know!), then I soak until the water gets cold.  I dry off, put on my most comfortable pair of pj's , and then I spray 3 types of aromatherapy sprays on my body.  I put vanilla on my hair, lavender on my ankles, and tuberose on my wrists. Then I pop in my Celtic Cd, in the player, cover up, and while I listen to the music, I meditate on the Word of God, reciting all the scriptures that I know , to myself in my head.  Very soon I am asleep.  I know this might sound crazy, but the whole routine is very relaxing for body and mind.  Try it yourself sometime!  Find a body spray that says "for relaxation", and a Cd that you find soothing.  Vanilla , Tuberose, and Lavender are all calming scents.  Try it , it really works! Even if it doesn't completely take the pain away, it somehow soothes your mind to help you cope better.

Here's to relaxation~ Ruby Jeanette

Friday, March 18, 2011

How Did You Die?~

This is a poem writen by Edmund Vance Cooke in 1903.  It really puts things in perspective!

How Did You Die?

Did you tackle the trouble that came your way
  With a resolute heart and cheerful?
Or hide your face from the light of day
  With a craven soul and fearful?
Oh, a trouble's a ton, or a trouble's an ounce,
   Or a trouble is what you make it.
And it isn't the fact that you're hurt that counts,
  But only how did you take it?

You are beaten to earth?  Well, well, what's that?
  Come up with a smiling face.
It's nothing against you to fall down flat,
  But to lie there- that's disgrace.
The harder you're thrown, why the higher you bounce;
  Be proud of your blackened eye!
It isn't the fact that you're licked that counts;
  It's how you fight and why?

And though you be done to death, what then?
  If you battled the best you could;
If you played your part in the world of men,
  Why, the Critic will call it good.
Death comes with a crawl, or comes with a pounce,
  And whether he's slow or spry,
It isn't the fact that you're dead that counts,
  But only,  how did you die?  

Here's to fighting to the end, and dying well~ Ruby Jeanette

Thursday, March 17, 2011

All of Nature~

It is said that all of nature tells the story of God, and creation.  Today is Saint Patrick's Day, and I found this interesting picture of a four leafed clover.  The shamrock generally only grows three leaves, only rarely four.  The three leaves are said to represent the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, with the color green representing the new life we receive when we accept His gift of salvation.  Green is such a prominent color in our world, when Spring comes, it seems as if it is everywhere.  My husband once made the comment that green must be God's favorite color because He uses more of it than He does any other.  I think he must be right.  God certainly wants to remind us that there is hope, and life , and that even though sometimes our lives seem brown and dead like the fall , or winter landscape, the Spring does always eventually come again. I love that scripture in the Bible , about how summer and winter , springtime and harvest, will never cease until the Lord comes again.  That is a great reminder that everything just "comes to pass" and not to "stay".  It was so wonderful to see the sun and all the green grass and jonquils out blooming today. It definitely lifted my spirits up!  Thank God for new beginnings!
Here's to the power of God-given life! ~ Ruby Jeanette

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Where's a Pillow When You Need It?~

Well, I have got something funny to share today!  Everyone who knows me, knows I have a fairly strange sense of humour.  I love to laugh, and watching kid's cartoons is really fun for me.  Ever since I was little I loved to do impressions of cartoon characters to make my sister laugh.  Joseph, my oldest shares this habit with me.  Denim, my youngest is more like Mark, he has kind of a serious side, and a more dry sense of humour.   Last night Joseph and I were watching Despicable Me, and simultaneously went into the "SquidLauncher,  OH YES!  Ever seen one before? Of course not, I invented it!"  routine.  Then we were laughing and high-fiving one another and just being silly.  Mark turned to Denim and said , "Are they like this every day?  How do you stand it?"  Denim said, completely deadpan, "I just scream into a pillow slowly."  We laughed, and laughed, and laughed.  I think that is probably one of the funniest things I've ever heard him say!  Just had to share this with you guys!

Here's to being a little different~ Ruby Jeanette

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Dear Daddy....~

I wanted to take a few minutes and say, Happy Birthday!  You're the big 6-2, and retired now, and you've earned it. I have to tell you , I appreciate how hard you've worked over the years, and all the struggles you put up with at your job.  I know you did it for Mom, Neva and me.  Mark's mom and dad are both gone now, and I see how lucky I am to still have you and Momma too.  Even though we had our share of disagreements over the years, I never had to wonder if you loved me.  That was a given. 
   My very first memory of you and me together is going hunting on Fowler's Hill.  I wanted so badly to be the "big squirrel hunter" . Mom laid out all my clothes and told me I would have to get up early to go.
You woke me up the next morning, saying "Jay , you going to get up?"  I got around and got ready, and you let me take the 4-10. I was so excited! We got in your old blue '65 and went to the hill. It was just coming daylight.  I remember how quiet and still the woods were.   You could smell all the fallen leaves and pine needles.  You had brought my sleeping bag in case I got cold.  You found the perfect tree and sat down, and I got down in the sleeping bag to wait for the perfect opportunity for a squirrel to come  out. I know I talked for a long time, and probably just about drove you crazy!  "What's that noise, Daddy?  What kind of tree is that?  There's a big bug , what is that?  When will the squirrels come? I'm getting warm now, Daddy.   If I take a little nap, will you wake me up when the squirrels come?  Okay."  The next thing I remember is you shaking me a little saying "Jay , you going to get up?"  So , I spent my first big hunting trip asleep .  There is something still so magical about the woods at dawn to me.  The smell of the earth and early morning will always remind me of you Daddy.  I would say that this was my favorite memory of us together, but it would have to compete with so many!  You letting me "drive" down the old dirt road, while I was in your lap.  You letting me "help" you in the shop.  You taking me down the old roads of your childhood, showing me all the places you lived when you were small.  You  telling me all the funny stories about Aunt Glenda, Uncle Earl, and Uncle LarryDale.  Getting older , you , hugging me when my heart was broken by some boy.  You holding my hand to steady me , as I walked down the aisle, to marry the right boy.  You , saying the right thing when I was upset, or sometimes just saying nothing at all, just being there when I needed you to be. 
    I realize now Daddy that life is short, and we never have as many days as we plan on, or even hope to have . I didn't want to let another day go by without telling you how much you mean to me.  How every day of my life growing up, you were the person I most wanted to be like.  That you are the best Daddy I could have ever wished for.  So, on this birthday, I say thank you, and I am so blessed that you have been in my life.   I love you always..........Jay

Monday, March 14, 2011

Let there be......~

  I was doing my Bible study, and I've started over in Genesis again.  I try to read the Bible through once a year, but sometimes it takes longer , if I find a section to study that really interests me.  Genesis is so interesting because it is a story of beginnings.  The beginning of animal life.  The beginning of human life.  The beginning of light , and the beginning of God's relationship with man. 
   I've often heard the story of Jesus' first miracle at the wedding in Cana.  He turned the water into wine, and that is His first recorded miracle.  But, I've often thought about the fact that the Bible actually starts out with a miracle.  There was nothing.  Then God spoke.  And then there WAS.  That is the very definition of a miracle, something is not , and then IT IS.  If you think about it, Genesis sets the whole tone for the rest of the Bible.  It was not, God spoke , and then it was.  The Israelites were in bondage, God spoke, and they were free.  We were lost in sin, God spoke, and we were liberated through the obedience of His Son to the cross.  I am thankful that we still  serve the God of miracles.  He is the same yesterday , today , and forever! 

Here's to an unchanging God~  Ruby Jeanette

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Round 2 anyone?~

  Well, the sickness continues here at our house.  Joseph started yesterday, Denim started last night, and now my poor hubby has it too.  To top it off, my Labrador got sick all over my hallway carpet in the night.  I tell ya', it's things like this that they should video, and put on those Teen Mom look at everything going on here today would be pretty effective birth control, don't you think?  But , seriously, I love my family.  I love being wife, mother, nurse, teacher, counselor, chef, maid, kisser of booboos, and fixer of any problem.  I had a friend tell me once, that I didn't know anything about the real world, because I was just a mom with kids, in a small town, and what did I know about real life?  But , to me real life IS being the mom, being the best wife I can , and taking care of my family.  I know I live in a small town, but it's by choice, not because I'm forced to.  Small town life and marriage is not a prison to me.  I know women who balance work, family, church and all aspects of their life, and I respect them for it.  I know women who go to school, and are bettering themselves for their families.  That is their choice and I am glad they have the freedom to make it.  I know women who live in big cities, where all the "action" and the hustle and bustle is, and they love it.  But to me paradise is our little town, our little house, and just being the mom.  Even if it's not glamourous , or even sometimes all that much fun,  I wouldn't trade it for anything,(sick babies, sick  husbands , and sick dogs included!) 

Here's to being the person you ARE~  Ruby Jeanette

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Little People~

  Well, Joseph is sick.  He never complains about feeling bad unless he is really not well.  We used to joke that he'd have to be cut open to complain about pain, although he has been, and didn't really even cry all that much when he had surgery.  He's a tough guy.  I still think of both of my boys as little people, even though they are 12 and 10 now. 
   Joseph came to the kitchen and said, "Momma, my throat's a little bit sore."  So , I told him I would look at it.  Sure enough it's red and swollen.  He's got a 101.2 fever too.  I hate for my babies to be sick. 
   When he was little , he was sick constantly.  We had one week where we were at the pediatrician's every single day for the weekdays, and took him to the ER on Saturday.  Then they admitted him to Hope Hospital, and he stayed another week.  He had pneumonia five times in one year.  And five different strains of one kind of virus, plus asthma , environmental allergies, plus was allergic to formula and had to try about six different kinds before he could drink one.  He got acid reflux, and colic, and the first two years of his life, he never slept through the night,  not even once.  Oh, and did I mention the monthly visits to Children's because he also has third degree AV block with a pacemaker implant?  Let me tell you, it 's enough to make even the most sane mother paranoid.  He would get a sniffle, and I was ready to race him to the ER for fear he was coming down with something serious!
   But, you know what, we've been super blessed for the last couple of years.  He hasn't been sick at all. No flu, no fevers, no viruses, and all his pacemaker checks have gone well.  It's almost a relief to hear him say, "I've got a sore throat."  Cause that's just a normal childhood illness!  I praise the Lord every day that he is doing so well, now.  And I will never take for granted his good health.

Here's to better health for everyone~  Ruby Jeanette

Friday, March 11, 2011

What Can I Do to Help?

Be not afraid of sudden fear, neither of the desolation of the wicked, when it cometh.
For the Lord shall be thy confidence , and shall keep thy foot from being taken.   ~ Proverbs 3:25,26

Not much to say today, other than God is watching over us all, and holds us in His hand.  Please pray for the people in Japan and the surrounding areas during this time of tragedy.  Remember who is in control in all situations, and remember even if we can't do relief work for places hit by natural disasters, we can pray and this is a more powerful tool than we realize most times.  I will be keeping these countries and people on my list , until this tragedy is abated.

Join me in prayer~ Ruby Jeanette

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Happy Birthday!~

Happy Birthday to someone special. 
When you are young , you dream about romantic love, and the flowers and fancy dates, and the things that go with that.  The whole storybook scenario.  I was no different.  When I finally cared about what boys thought, (I was a late bloomer), I did the same thing.  "It's going to be so wonderful!", is the thought that crosses your mind.  And it was.  I met someone (against all odds)  who thought I was the bee's knee's.  We got married, and our fairytale began.  But what the story books and fairy tales and Cinderella stories never prepare you for, is when things begin to go wrong.  Things that you have no control over. I have seen real love.  It is what was shining in the tears in the  eyes of my husband, when we miscarried our first child at three and a half months.  It was in his embrace when they took our son away to Children's without me getting to hold him first.  It was in his legs when he pushed my wheelchair every day, twice a day, from the Ronald McDonald house to Children's to hold the baby.  It was in his conversations with the doctors when I was too sick to speak for myself.  It was there all the times, when I've been in pain, and all the times I've ever thought I couldn't go on with this illness, one more day.    So maybe my story book ending hasn't happened yet, and maybe my fairy tale has not worked out quite the way I would have written it.  But I say truly,  I HAVE found my Prince Charming.  I am so blessed to have him in my life......Happy 45th birthday Mark!

Here's to finding your true love~  Ruby Jeanette

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Does That Make Any Sense?~

 Well, it's official.  The list is out for what cause people to be unhappy in their marriage.  I suppose it is now on record that America has some of the most shallow people on the planet. Because, get are the reasons people are unhappy with their spouse.  Coming in at number 10 with 4% of the responses is , bathroom habits.  9. Lapsed fashion habits  (out of date dress) 4%  8. Snoring  6%  7.  Alcohol 7%  6. Lack of romance 8%  5.  In-laws/extended family 9%  4.  Personal cleanliness  9%  3. Anti-social working hours  10% 2. Money  11%  and the number one reason people are unhappy in their marriage and think of divorce, of splitting up and leaving the one person they've sworn to love, for richer or poorer, for better or worse is........1.  WEIGHT GAIN  13%
    So, apparently you can be lazy, dirty , smelly, have terrible in laws, be a raging drunk, snore when you sleep, never be romantic, and dress like it's still the 60's but the one thing you can't be is FAT. 
I've been mighty annoyed with my hubby sometimes. I mean , men are not known for the best housecleaning or bathroom habits.  Redneck men don't necessarily care about fashion, at least in the modern sense of the word,  and he's got some crazy family.(But , so have I.)  And yes , he's been known to snore, and sometimes money is tight.  I've never thought about divorcing him for any of those reasons.  But for me to hear that the number one reason people are unhappy is because their spouse is fat, is just indescribable to me!  I weighed 90 pounds when we got married , and let me tell you, I weigh a LOT more than that now. And if he ever came home and said "Honey, I'm divorcing you because you're fat."  First, I would probably laugh, then I'd probably say "Are you serious?", and then I would tell him to hit the road as fast as his fanny could carry him.  Because any man who won't love me because I'm overweight, doesn't need to be hanging around here!  Seriously, America, wake up and smell the coffee, or the bananas or the diet food, or whatever, if this is all we are worried about these days no wonder people are getting divorced in record numbers.  Shame, shame on us!

Here's to REAL love~  Ruby Jeanette

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

 Here is one of my favorite sections of Scripture:

Matthew 25:verses 34-46

34. Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand,  Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:
35. For I was an hungred , and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger and ye took me in:
36. Naked , and ye clothed me: I was sick , and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.
37. Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty , and gave thee drink?
38. When saw we thee a stranger , and took thee in? or naked , and clothed thee?
39. Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?
40. And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily , I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren , ye have done it unto me.
41.  Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
42. For I was an hungered, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:
43. I was a stranger, and ye took me not in : naked and you clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.
44. Then shall they also answer him saying, Lord, when saw we thee and ahungred, or athirst, or a stranger , or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?
45. Then shall he answer them, saying , Verily , I say unto to you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these , ye did it not to me.
46.  And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

Now notice that God does not place earthly stipulations on helping the less fortunate.  He does not say, if they look like people we should help, or if they "seem" worthy, or if they don't seem like a homeless drug addict, or , if it's people we know.  He says, the hungry, the thirsty, the sick, the naked, and the imprisoned.  He does not say, help those in prison only if it's not a "bad" crime, or something that doesn't bother us.  In prison means , all.  Murderers , rapists, child molesters, thieves and all manner of "untouchables".  He does not say help only the people who are dressed cleanly, smell nicely, and behave appropriately.  He does not place any restriction on the help that Christians are supposed to offer.  When HE was here, he did not spend his time among the wealthy, clean, respected, religious people.  HE spent his time among the leper , the prostitute, the tax collector, the unwell, and the unwashed.  This is the meaning of true compassion.  I pray every day that God show me the way to show HIS mercy to those truly in need .  May this be all our prayers, that HE might say , Enter into life eternal!

Here's to mercy , and compassion~ Ruby Jeanette

Monday, March 7, 2011

Not of This World~

  Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth , give I unto you.  Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.  ~  John 14:27


  This is such a meaningful scripture to me.  I suppose it means so much because it is Jesus talking.  He is saying that He is giving us His peace.  Not the pat on the back of an earthly friend saying "It will be alright.".  or  "Everything will be ok, you'll see. "  Sometimes, hearing that from even a very good friend is not what we need.  The situation we are in is so out of control, or beyond our own help, that no matter what our friends and loved ones say, it does not help.  But to hear the LORD of all creation telling us, that he leaves us HIS peace, that is such a powerful thing!  He is telling us not to let our hearts be in turmoil,  and not to let our spirits and minds be consumed with fear.  When life has gone past what we can humanly do to fix it, these words are amazingly soothing to the troubled soul!  I thank GOD every day for His reassurance that He is in control, and that He leaves me His peace!

Here's to the peace that passes understanding~ Ruby Jeanette

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Spring ~

Spring has sprung,
and I'm so glad,
the jonquils have arrived.
The trees are budding ,
the grass is greening,
just glad to be alive.
The calves are jumping ,
the birds are chirping,
and I can feel my heart just sing.
Jesus is risen, He lives forever,
Praises to the KING!

Here's to the power of HIS resurrection!  ~  Ruby Jeanette

Saturday, March 5, 2011

In the Sand Pile~

  Wisdom is not at the top of the high school mountain, but in the sand pile of kindergarten.

All I ever needed to know I learned in kindergarten.

1.  Share everything.
2. Play fair.
3. Don't hit.
4. Put things back where you found them.
5.  Clean up your own mess.
6. Don't take things that aren't yours.
7. Say  you're sorry when you hurt somebody.
8. Wash your hands before you eat.
9. Flush.
10. Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you.
11. Live a balanced life~ learn some and think some and draw and paint
and sing and dance and play every day some.
12. Take a nap every afternoon.
13. When you go out in the world, watch out for traffic, hold hands and stick together.
14. Be aware of wonder.
15. Remember the little seed in the Styrofoam cup, the roots go down and the plant goes up,
and nobody really knows how or why, but we are all like that.
16. Goldfish and hamsters and white mice and even the little seed in the Styrofoam cup-they all die-
and so do we.
17. And then remember the Dick and Jane books , and the first word you learned-the biggest word of all-  LOOK.

Robert Fulghum

Here's to going back to kindergarten philosphy~  Ruby Jeanette

Friday, March 4, 2011

WhooHoo! ~

  I love the smell of a garage sale in the morning!  I went by MS Retha's garage sale today, and here is what I got!

Three brand new fabric table cloths ( the round ones, nearly impossible to find), a brand new table topper, 4 brand new fabric napkins, 2 brand new dish towels, a black organizer handbag, a navy wallet, a gift for my mom, a Ralph Lauren POLO men's dress shirt(like new) , a bowl of seashells(still in the package), brand new salt and pepper shakers, a gift for my husband, and two curio shelves.  For the bargain price of 40 dollars!  I couldn't believe it!  The men's dress shirt by itself would cost that !  I'm telling ya' , if you don't garage sale, or think there is something wrong with gently used stuff, you obviously have never been to some of the sales I have.  My kids think yard sales are a summer sport all their own.  They'll even bargain with people if they see something they want.  These are tough times for most of us financially , so if you  can get nice things, for a better price, I say why not?  Who cares if it's used?  Who will know unless you tell them?  But I don't mind letting people know I bought it at a garage sale....I laugh all the way to the bank with my savings in hand!

Here's to getting it for less~  Ruby Jeanette

Thursday, March 3, 2011

What Were They THinking?~

 I noticed that one of the news stories on yahoo! today ws that the Catholic Church is putting out a new version of the Bible.  Now, I have nothing against Catholics, but I worry anytime some one says they are changing words in the Bible, or replacing them with something else.  They want to replace the word virgin, with young woman.  I have a serious problem with this idea!  If Mary were only a young woman, and not a virgin, doesn't that take the miraculousness out of Jesus' birth?  If Jesus is only a man, and not the Son of God, then why bother reading the Bible anyway?  This makes me very nervous!  I think we will probably see a lot more of this replacement of words as time goes on.  By changing the words, they hope to make it so that people are not offended.  But the Bible is God's Word, and if it cuts you, it's because God is calling attention to your sin.  If they pretty it up, and "sanitize" it, it might not offend , but it won't save either.  I believe God will punish this offense to His Holy Word.  I for one do not feel arrogant enough to improve on perfection.  

Here's to the power of God's Word, unadulterated~ Ruby Jeanette

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Small Town Perks~

Well, I accomplished a huge task this morning.    I paid our taxes.  (lol) I really do think it is a sucky task.  But , it is lessened by the fact that we live in a small town.  I know everyone at our beautiful old courthouse.  I told MS. Nina that when you come and take care of your yearly business there it is more like a visit than a chore, and she agreed.  Her son lives in Little Rock, and so he does all his business with taxes and so forth on - line.  He told her that even trying to get downtown where all the government offices are is a huge headache.  She said he jokingly told her to "join the real world."  I can honestly say I have no desire to live in a town so large as to prevent you from doing any real visiting with anyone in person.  If that is the real world, then please count me out of  it.    I noticed that recently the mayor of Nashville said that "We must be careful how we are viewed, because towns like Murfreesboro look to us to see how to act."  Well, Mr. Mayor, please do not include me in that generalized statement.  I do not look to Nashville to see how to act.  We like our small town just fine, thank you.  It might not be perfect, but I will take it over your "bigger" city any day!  As they say on Face Book,    "just sayin' ....."

Here's to Murfreesboro!  ~Ruby Jeanette

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

It's Good, I Promise!~

We are fairly adventurous eaters at our house.  My youngest, Denim, is 10 and likes to come up with new food combos for everyone to try.  One of his combos was blackberries and velveeta shells n cheese.  Together..... Yes, I know it sounds weird.  But it really does taste good!  We also made some pumpkin flavored fudge last fall.  That was pretty good too.  He wants to be a chef, and have his own restaraunt.  I think he'll be great at it.  He certainly thinks about food often enough!  Here is another something that he and I have worked up together. ( Try it, if blackberries and shells n cheese is a little too far out for you!)


Easy One Pan Mexican Chicken~

1 medium sized bag of Original or Spicy Doritos
use the Spicy if you want an extra kick

2 cans of Ro- Tel tomatoes with lime and cilantro (drained)

2 cans of cheddar cheese soup

2 large cans of chunk chicken (do not drain)

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Open the bag of Doritos to let out the air.  Then take a heavy glass or mug and crunch the chips while they are still in the bag.  Then pour them into a large mixing bowl.  Drain the RoTel.  Then add the Ro-Tel, both cans of cheddar cheese soup, and the 2 cans of chicken( with the juice).  Mix well, or until chips are coated.  Pour into a 13 X 9 inch baking pan, and cook until bubbling hot.  Serve over more doritos, or fill tortillas with mixture for a different flavor. 


It's good, and from start to finish takes about 30 minutes.  This is a great meal to serve for Sunday dinner when you don't feel like dirtying up the whole kitchen.  Just crunch, open the cans, mix and heat!  It's awesome!

Here's to a one pan   plan~  Ruby Jeanette