Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Is there anything better than an afternoon nap?  I 'm having a hard time thinking of it, if there is!  I mean seriously!
If I can just get a couple of hours straight in the afternoon, it's almost like being a totally different person.  Not , that  there's anything wrong with my usual charming self, lol.  No, really, sometimes by the time 1 o'clock rolls around my body has had all the activity it can take, and must recharge.  I don't know why sleep in the afternoon should be  any different than sleep at night, but it seems to just work better, for some reason.  Perhaps the Latin American countries are on to something with siesta time. Of course, my husband , in his infinite wisdom, has decided for the sanctity of his health, it is better to let the bear sleep.  You've seen that shirt?  "Sometimes I wake up grumpy.  And sometimes I let her sleep."  Well........there you go.  Honestly, though, I have had a great day all around, and as Maxine says, "Any day on THIS side of the flower bed is a good one."

Here's to the power of an afternoon nap~ Ruby Jeanette

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