Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Best Gift of All~

Well, Father's Day is tomorrow.  I already gave my dad his gift.  I think he liked it.  It's very difficult to buy gifts for your father after so many years.  After a while , they seem to have everything already.  For years, the accepted gifts were welding caps, tools, denim shirts,  and pocket knives.  Or when we were really little, pictures or things we had made ourselves.  He always made a big fuss over it , no matter what it was.  "Oh, wow!  Another knife.  Thanks !"  And he was sincere about it , too.  But really, I think now he is just happy to say he has all his children around him for Father's Day.  He loves having his grandkids over, and just spending time with all of us.  He has told us, that when he was growing up, affection and approval were in short supply from his dad.  I can honestly say, though, it didn't affect my dad's ability to love or be loved.  I can't remember a day that went by without my dad saying ," I love you".  He never forgot to say , "I'm proud of you!", when we had done well.  He always worked really hard, and made sure that we had everything we needed, and a lot of the things we wanted.  I know that he grew up very poor, and he wanted to make sure that we had more than he did growing up.  But , if I think about it, it wouldn't have mattered if we lived in a shack, and were poverty-stricken.  We could look back and say, " I was loved."  And isn't that the best gift to give your children? 

I love you Daddy,  ~ J.

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