Friday, June 24, 2011

Pop-Tart or Grandma Chic?~

I am stoked!  I got some seriously good deals at the Friends Thrift Store in Nashville today.  I hit the jackpot on decent-looking clothes for myself today.  Now maybe that sounds selfish, but I don't mean it to be.  I've lost about 50 pounds in the last two years, and all my old clothes were starting to fall off.  I mean literally.  Now even though I've lost a ton of weight, take my word on the fact that you don't want to see my clothes fall off.  Soooooo, I was really glad to get some decent shorts, (Not hootchie length!) , skirts and sleeveless dressier looking tops.  You wouldn't think it would be that difficult to find clothes for a 32 year old, but it is.  Well, clothes that I don't mind being seen in , anyhow.  I 'm not a fashionista by any means, and I don't label read.  (Sizes yes, brands , no.) I don't require hundred dollar outfits, or two hundred dollar bags. But is it too much to ask to say I'd like to look my age?  I don't want to look 12 , but I don't want to look 80 either!  There seems to be very little clothing in the classic category, in my price range anyway.  What category do you put a young mother in, anyway?  I am still in search of the label for our group!  So, forgive my soapbox sermon today! Not sure how I got off on that particular subject, but there ya go...........

Coming tomorrow , courtesy of a discussion with Aundi Ponder, the OompaLoompa look. In or Out?

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