Saturday, June 4, 2011

2- Oh- Oh, and 100 degrees~

Today I mark 200 consecutive posts on my blog, and the temp officially broke 100 degrees!  Whooh! Man, I am sooooooooo grateful ,to my hubby for buying a bigger air conditioner for the house!  The doctor just told me that the two best things for my health were , A.  Not getting too hot.  and B.  Not getting too stressed.  So summer may kind of suck for me, in the outdoor department, which is rough, because most of my favorite summer activities are outdoor ones.  Camping, fishing, picnicking, swimming with the kids, and just generally enjoying nature.  I guess we could go catfishing which is a night time activity, but have you seen the size of Arkansas skeeters?  I mean , that's like an extreme sport, night fishing!  You better be bringing your DEET or your therma cell , or your rolled up newspaper, they are that big folks!  They would n't be satisfied just snacking on you in the boat, they'd be toting you off for a midnight meal on the go.  Well, anywho.  I suppose I will just have to grin and bear it. We had a real good time today, we went yard saling and got some great deals. I got the boys both a set of Real-Tree overalls and longsleeve shirts for $4 total, so that was a steal.  Plus, some books.  You know I couldn't pass those up!  All in all, life's pretty stellar right now, so I 'm not gonna complain!  Hope everyone is staying cool today and thanks , for sticking with me one more post! 

Ya'll take it easy~ Ruby Jeanette

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