Thursday, June 30, 2011

Copy That~

I have to relate something that happened to me at the doctor's yesterday.  You know how when some people get old, they get osteoporosis, and break their bones real easy.  Well, because I took Prednisone for so long (about 8 or 10 years , off and on), they wanted to do a bone scan. I've had one before but it's been a while, so the technology has really improved.  All you have to do is lie flat on the table , and this robotic arm passes over you.  Only it doesn't look like an arm. It looks like a copy machine or a scanner.  It was all I could do to lay flat, and not laugh ( a requirement!)  Finally the lady gave me the "look".  The one that says , "Alright , explain yourself!  How come you are having such a good time at the doctors?" .  Soooooooooo, I asked her where the copies of people came out.  You would have thought that I had asked her if it was true that pigs could fly.  I just had to say it , though!  It looks just like some kind of sci-fi device for cloning people! It makes these noises, and they have it in a cubby -type thing in the wall. It just looks like copies of people should come out the other side.  I don't think she really got the joke, but I thought it was wild.  Oh, well.  I guess I have to take my fun where I can find it.  Besides, don't you think even 50 years ago, that WOULD have been science fiction.  A robotic arm that can take a picture of your skeleton, just by passing over you.  I can't even imagine the reaction of people from 100 years ago, to some of the things we take for granted for thought, hmmmm?

Here's to having a little more fun with the everyday things, AND to scientific marvels~  Ruby Jeanette

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Application Process~

Whoooweeeeee.........I about didn't get here tonight.  I took one of those afternoon naps that I was talking about the other day, which kinda turned into one of those evening naps, which almost turned into waking up tomorrow! I didn't realize I was that tired, I guess.   Of course, trips to Hot Springs can do that to you.  I remember when those kinds of things used to be exciting, and now I guess it's more like a chore.  It doesn't help that most of them are for doctor's visits now, I suppose.  But, I really can't complain, I don't reckon.  I saw the new rheumatologist today, Dr. Logan.  I must say I thought he was awesome.  He actually talked to me like a real person , which makes a big difference in a doctor.  You would think that , "Oh , well doctors are people , too." So, when I go they are going to be normal humans.  But , no. I have had some excellent doctors, don't get me wrong. But in the rheumatologist department the wanted section must read something like this. (  Wanted~ Rheumatologist.  Must come from Mars.  Must treat patients like mindless sheep.  Must have no ability to smile or make people feel at ease.  Must be able to prescribe poisonous medications in attempt to make patient feel worse than they already do.  Sound exciting?  Then Rheumatology is the job for you!!!!!!  Apply at nearest torture center, I mean arthritis clinic.  )   So, when I met Dr. Logan , I was apprehensive, to say the least.  But , he rocked his job interview!  And really , isn't that what first consults should be like?  I'm hiring him, right?  I think I found the right candidate for my particular situation anyway.

   So here's to long afternoon naps,to having a more pleasant experience at the doctor's , and finding the right guy for the job!~ Ruby Jeanette

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Lies , Lies, Lies!~

I don't usually get into long religious discussions with people.  I don't usually get into long political discussions with people either.  I fairly well figure that politics and religion are two topics everyone pretty much has their minds made up on already. So why argue trying to change it?  I'll pray for you, but I won't argue with you.  But, I do just have to say something about a post my associate pastor's wife made yesterday.  Apparently, there is a movement going around (churches, not just secular!) , that there is no hell.  Well, this disturbs me more than enough to break my "no religious or political discussions rule".  I guess what bothers me about it most is that if there is no Heaven or no hell, than why do we bother being good or evil?  If there is no hell or Heaven and I was wrong, at least I helped people while I was on this earth.  But what if they are wrong?  There is no changing it after you are gone! It is appointed unto a man ONCE to die, then the judgement.  If this isn 't true, then why bother teaching your children any values?  Just go with it. If it feels good do it.  That is like telling your kids not to steal , but then not doing anything to them if they do steal something.  They just think it doesn't matter .I can do what I want.  Now, I am not going to sit here and say, I KNOW who is going where. THAT is GOD's job.  But these are real places ,and everyone will go to one or the other.  I think the belief that there is no judgement for the dead is one of the most dangerous lies I have ever heard the devil come up with.  If he can fool you into thinking it doesn't matter , because nothing happens when you die, he's got his job done.  Even if it wasn't a lie from the pits of hell, can you imagine how hopeless your life would feel , if you thought "This is all there is."  This earth, this suffering, these trials, there is no hope.  Well, let me tell you, it's not true!  GOD has promised us a home with HIM forever if we believe in HIS SON's sacrifice on the CROSS.  HE paid for ALL sin, so that we might be clean and enter into our HEAVENLY home when we die, or HE comes back.  For someone to tell you nothing will happen to you if you die without GOD's grace of the CROSS , is an absolute falsehood!  If you hear this at all, know that these are real places, and everyone goes somewhere when they die. Which will you choose?

Monday, June 27, 2011

Just Wondering~

What Happens in the Tree~

I 've had the strange sensation,
thoughts swirling in my head,
Like "Where do fireflies go at dawn?",
"Where do they go to bed?"

"What do owls dream about,"
,"while sleeping in their tree?"
"Do they dream about their night- flights,
", and where the mice might be?"

"What fancies do the small bats see, "
"what memories do they keep?"
"I'd like to listen to their thoughts,"
"when they are fast asleep. "

Where might we all travel?
Which places would we be?
If we could know the night -one's thoughts,
while dreaming in the tree.

Ruby Jeanette

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Nothing at All~

Do you know , not one interesting thing has happened to me today?  I would say I was sorry about it, but I have had too many of those days where WAY too much happened, and not all of it fun!  Within a three week period once when Denim was about 5, he had his tonsils out, had complications from that , had to be hospitalized, came home, broke his arm , the elbow part sticking out, had to go to Children's , have surgery and pins, and shortly thereafter started Kindergarten at private school. The same year his brother had to have his pacemaker replaced, and I was in and out of the hospital and doctor's offices for all kinds of things.  Sooooooo, maybe a NON - interesting day isn't so bad, huh? I can honestly say I'm glad it's been REAL uneventful around here lately!  Hope everyone is having a uneventful day around their house too, in a good way! You all try to stay cool, and catch you tomorrow, hopefully!

Here's to a very boring day, yay!  Ruby Jeanette

Saturday, June 25, 2011

High-Fashion or Home-Broiled Ham?~

Okay. As promised , today's discussion shall be about tans.  Now, I'm not talking about your natural color.  I am not prejudiced, about people of a color other than white.  That IS their skin, and brown, black, cream, tan, or anything in between, is ok with me.  I'm talking about this enhanced version of what surely could only be described as OOMPA LOOMPA orange.  You all know what I mean.  And to add to this disastrous effect, most people who sport it feel compelled to accentuate their "golden god/goddess " with bleached white hair, (male and female) , and on the ladies , some otherwordly color of nail polish.  I guess I'm just not sure what the appeal is in this look.  Even if it didn't cause cancer.........which, IT DOES!, but it is just not really attractive, I don't care what kind of body you're rocking.  Do they know that tanning in a tanning bed even ONE time increases your skin cancer susceptibility by something like 75%?  One time!  And we've got people doing this to them selves on a daily or weekly basis.  I know it's the "fashion".  But , seriously, when you start having the texture and color of Halloween construction paper, it's time to rethink.  I'm supposed to stay out of the light for health reasons of a different sort, sun is very bad for people with lupus. So tanning beds would be kind of like committing suicide.  I remember my elderly neighbor commenting once when I was about 7 or 8 years old, that my white complexion was so beautiful.  They used to consider that the cream of the crop, pun intended.  I think we should bring back that trend! As  Aundi says, "We're not pale, we're ethereal." Kinda has a nice ring to it , huh?

Here's to the ethereal ones, may we start a new trend! ~ Ruby Jeanette

Friday, June 24, 2011

Pop-Tart or Grandma Chic?~

I am stoked!  I got some seriously good deals at the Friends Thrift Store in Nashville today.  I hit the jackpot on decent-looking clothes for myself today.  Now maybe that sounds selfish, but I don't mean it to be.  I've lost about 50 pounds in the last two years, and all my old clothes were starting to fall off.  I mean literally.  Now even though I've lost a ton of weight, take my word on the fact that you don't want to see my clothes fall off.  Soooooo, I was really glad to get some decent shorts, (Not hootchie length!) , skirts and sleeveless dressier looking tops.  You wouldn't think it would be that difficult to find clothes for a 32 year old, but it is.  Well, clothes that I don't mind being seen in , anyhow.  I 'm not a fashionista by any means, and I don't label read.  (Sizes yes, brands , no.) I don't require hundred dollar outfits, or two hundred dollar bags. But is it too much to ask to say I'd like to look my age?  I don't want to look 12 , but I don't want to look 80 either!  There seems to be very little clothing in the classic category, in my price range anyway.  What category do you put a young mother in, anyway?  I am still in search of the label for our group!  So, forgive my soapbox sermon today! Not sure how I got off on that particular subject, but there ya go...........

Coming tomorrow , courtesy of a discussion with Aundi Ponder, the OompaLoompa look. In or Out?

Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Little Bit Older, A Whole Lot Wiser~

This has been kind of a banner year for me so far.  My husband turned 45 in March.  One nephew turned 16, and his brother,13 in May.  Another of my nephews was 16 today.  My oldest son turns 13 in November.  I've been a great -aunt for over a year now.  I'll be 33 in December, not that 33 is such a special age, but hey.  My friends children are growing up so fast it hardly seems real.  I used to think it would make me really sad to see my nephews and nieces growing up and moving on to have their own children. But, really , it is kind of exciting. Seeing what kind of people they turn out to be.  Seeing where their lives are taking them. And watching them with their own babies, making their own way.  I guess it all just makes life seem kind of worthwhile.  Knowing I had a part, however small in their lives.  So , rather than being teary-eyed, I am proud. Thanks , God, for blessing me with the opportunity to see my family grow into the people You want them to be!

Here's to making the passage of time sweet! ~ Ruby Jeanette

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Is there anything better than an afternoon nap?  I 'm having a hard time thinking of it, if there is!  I mean seriously!
If I can just get a couple of hours straight in the afternoon, it's almost like being a totally different person.  Not , that  there's anything wrong with my usual charming self, lol.  No, really, sometimes by the time 1 o'clock rolls around my body has had all the activity it can take, and must recharge.  I don't know why sleep in the afternoon should be  any different than sleep at night, but it seems to just work better, for some reason.  Perhaps the Latin American countries are on to something with siesta time. Of course, my husband , in his infinite wisdom, has decided for the sanctity of his health, it is better to let the bear sleep.  You've seen that shirt?  "Sometimes I wake up grumpy.  And sometimes I let her sleep."  Well........there you go.  Honestly, though, I have had a great day all around, and as Maxine says, "Any day on THIS side of the flower bed is a good one."

Here's to the power of an afternoon nap~ Ruby Jeanette

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Summer starts today! Ha! Like it hasn't already been in the triple digits here for a month seems like.  It is only the middle of June, so I'm not sure I'm looking forward to July, and August.  Of course , too, the boys want to go swimming and fishing and all the regular summertime activities, as if it were not sweltering.  I can't blame them, though, before I was old ( and sick), I spent every waking hour outside in the summer and any  other time.  I spent most of my summers with the Spanhanks girls, the Leavins boys, and the Bailey boys.   We would walk, (yes , walk!)  2 or 3 miles down to the river to swim, or climb up in the barn in the evening to sit in the hay and wait for the sun to go down, and for the fireflies to come out.  John and I liked to sit under the peach tree in Papaw Davis' back yard and play.  Adam and I liked to sit on the old tree that had fallen across the small hidden creek by his house.  Of course, Ahlisha and Katrina and I spent our days swimming and riding our horses  into the river to cool off after a long ride, or a long day haying.  I think all the neighbors must surely have thought we were nothing but wild Indians , who surely would come to no good, what with all the running around we did.  But , we stayed out of trouble, (mostly).  Of course , this was before boys .  Well, before boys became something other than our buddies and playmates.  So , I've got great memories of the good ol' summertime.  I understand the magic that my boys still see.  Long days stretched out with endless possibilities.  No school.  No jobs. No responsibilities.  All the energy to be what you want, and go where your dreams take you.  It's a frozen , crystal time for them.  They won't know it now, but they'll look back and think, " Man. We had it good."

Here's to the possibilities of summer~ Ruby Jeanette

Monday, June 20, 2011

First Fruits~

A little boys grubby hand
Holding out his latest treasure.
Still warm from the sun.
Small and green,
with the stem still on.
Pulled from the plant ,
with excited fingers.
"Momma! Momma! I grew one!"
Crisp , sharp smell,
"Can we taste it, please?"
Spicy and warm,
just the right amount of bite.
A jalapeno shared,
on a hot summer afternoon.

Ruby Jeanette

Sunday, June 19, 2011

One More "I love you"~

I had a little time today,
And went to my dad's ,
Just to say,
I love you.

It's Father's day,
And I wanted him to know,
How much he means to me,
And I wanted to show,
an, "I love you."

But, even if it wasn't
That special day in June,
I'll tell him every chance I get,
I love you.

Happy Father's Day, Daddy, I love you!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Thanks to God...........and my friend Will~

I am so glad that I am feeling better!  I actually was able to ride to town, and get a few books at the library.  It's strange how often we take just the smallest things for granted.  My friend Will Silvey always has a wonderful post each day about something to be thankful for.  "Thank God I can still brush my teeth!", "Thank you  God, that I can still hear and see!"  , "Thank you God that I can walk on my treadmill!".  On the surface these seem like ordinary everyday things.  But , what if , at some point in your life, you weren't able to do them anymore?  Yeah, brushing your teeth seems like no big deal until you can't use your arms, to do it yourself.  Or walking on a treadmill seems like a very casual thing, even a pain, maybe.  Until you can't work your legs.  These are all things that I have struggled with.  When I was in the middle of a huge lupus flare, and other medical complications, these are all things I couldn't do myself.  I could see and hear, but I couldn't walk by myself, or brush my own  teeth.  When I had the vertigo this week, I was reminded of all I have to grateful for. So, thank you Will, for your encouraging posts, and thank you God, that I can get up and walk, and am able to do things for myself again!

Here's to the smallest of blessings, and the largest of gifts~ Ruby Jeanette

Friday, June 17, 2011

On the Road Again~

I am back!  I am so grateful to be back to the ruby butterfly after being gone!
You know when you're a little kid, (and a lot less breakable) , how it was fun to spin around and around and around, until you couldn't stand up anymore?  And everything continues to twirl after you  sit down?  That's vertigo. And who would have thought that just increasing your heart medication would cause that?  Well, I got it fixed now, I think! It feels good to be able to sit up without feeling like falling over, and stand up without feeling like passing out. I think feeling that way is possibly the worst ever.  Hopefully , I'm on the flip side now, and I wanted to let everyone know I appreciated all the prayers, and visits, and phone calls.  And especially thanks to my Mom who did my shopping, and Mark for taking me to the doctor.  Of course, I have to thank my sweet boys too, for getting me cold cloths, and sprite, when I was feeling really sick.  It's great to be loved, but it's great to be back on my own two feet too! 

Here's to the road to recovery~ Ruby Jeanette

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Un-Merry -Go - Round~

I can honestly say , I didn't know if I was going to be able to get here today. I have a terrible case of vertigo.  You know what I mean, when the floor feels like it's moving , but you're not. Or your head feels heavy? Rough stuff.  Mark got me some medicine which helped enough for me to get up off the couch.  I tell you , if this is what being drunk feels like , I can say right up front it's definitely NOT for me.  So, anyway, I may not get here for a couple of days, and try to rest and see how it goes.  Ya'll take care,  and say a prayer for me , if you think about it.  See you soon!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

It Ain't Today!~

I have been writing about fathers all week.  I really dug deep and brought up some of my favorite dad memories.  Only to have my mom tell me, that Father's Day is next Sunday! I guess I should have really checked my calendar and figured that out before I wrote all that down, huh, lol? Anyway, it's never a bad idea to compliment the ones you love, or to let them know that they are appreciated.  My husband and I have always had a different approach to holidays anyway.  We buy each other things whenever we are thinking of the other person.  Anytime.  He doesn't wait until Mother's day to let me know he is grateful for the job I am doing.  I don't wait until Father's Day to let him know we are so happy to have him as a husband and father.  We've always been the same about Christmas and birthdays too.  If the boys want something and we can afford it, we've always tried to get it, within reason.  Mark says you never know if you are going to have another day with those you love, even your children.  And we're going to leave everything we've accumulated, here on Earth when we go to Heaven , so we want to enjoy it while we can.  So even though Father's Day isn't today, celebrate! Celebrate having one more day with your favorite people.  Make every day  as special as a holiday.

Here's to great people , every day of the year! ~ Ruby Jeanette

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Best Gift of All~

Well, Father's Day is tomorrow.  I already gave my dad his gift.  I think he liked it.  It's very difficult to buy gifts for your father after so many years.  After a while , they seem to have everything already.  For years, the accepted gifts were welding caps, tools, denim shirts,  and pocket knives.  Or when we were really little, pictures or things we had made ourselves.  He always made a big fuss over it , no matter what it was.  "Oh, wow!  Another knife.  Thanks !"  And he was sincere about it , too.  But really, I think now he is just happy to say he has all his children around him for Father's Day.  He loves having his grandkids over, and just spending time with all of us.  He has told us, that when he was growing up, affection and approval were in short supply from his dad.  I can honestly say, though, it didn't affect my dad's ability to love or be loved.  I can't remember a day that went by without my dad saying ," I love you".  He never forgot to say , "I'm proud of you!", when we had done well.  He always worked really hard, and made sure that we had everything we needed, and a lot of the things we wanted.  I know that he grew up very poor, and he wanted to make sure that we had more than he did growing up.  But , if I think about it, it wouldn't have mattered if we lived in a shack, and were poverty-stricken.  We could look back and say, " I was loved."  And isn't that the best gift to give your children? 

I love you Daddy,  ~ J.

Friday, June 10, 2011

To My Grandpa Capps~

The smell of new tomato plants and tobacco.  Tractor grease and machine oil.  Little Debbies and fresh pork sausage.  A dog.  Dirt.  A cold coke from Ms Jo Couch's store in the hot summertime.  Learning to drive an old pickup, barefooted , down a dirt road, with the wind blowing through the windows of the truck.  Overalls and shucking corn.  Riding in the back of the truck in the camper to Raymond's Thriftway.  Ice cream in the little paper tub, to be eaten with the wooden spoon.  Planting watermelons.  Eating cantaloupes.  Picking up parts at Sweeden's tractor place.  Buying wire at Ace Hardware. Just sitting in the shade, watching the cars go by.  Taking a nap in the camper bus when I was tired.  Picking peaches.  Eating a peach right off the tree, warm juice running down my chin.  Driving the tractor.  Wisdom being passed down to me.  "Row your own boat, and let everyone else row theirs."  "Stay away from Mary Jane, and liquor."  "Don't take anything that doesn't belong to you."  "Let that baby eat a little dirt.  That's what is wrong with everybody these days. Not enough dirt."  "Make sure you and Jesus are always on good terms."  He wasn't college educated, or a millionaire, or anything the world would call important.  But ,  he taught me more about life, and living , than any book, or self-help seminar.  He's been gone almost 11 years now, and I miss him just as much today, as I did then.  I love you Poppaw!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

For Mark~

To my husband and the father of my children~

I know you came to marriage late in life, and fatherhood even later.  But I wanted to tell you, I think it was worth waiting for.  You were not exactly excited when I told you we were expecting Joseph.  Abject terror is more like it.  You were worried that you would be a lousy dad because of your personal experiences.  When Joseph was born early, and with all the problems, I wasn't able to care for him.  You morphed from this terrified person into a grizzly bear who would fight all who got in between you and your son. For the three days that I was still in the hospital, you got to hold him first, and made sure that the nurses and doctors were doing everything they should. By the time I got to hold him, you were an old pro.  I was so proud to call you my husband!  You wheeled me around in my wheelchair, wherever I wanted to go, whenever I wanted to visit Joseph.  You made sure I was taking my medicine, and took care of me as well as all the bills, finances, everything.  You never complained.  Not even once.  This is the attitude you have brought with you through all of our experiences.  You take such pride in our boys.  It's evident in all you do.  I just wanted to let you know that even though you thought this was a job you could never do,  you excel at it.  We are so proud to call you Daddy!  With love , Nette , Joe, and Den

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


For Mark's dad.  Who became my DAD. Who transformed from the man who didn't care for company, to the man who was a great Papaw.  From the man who wasn't sure he was a very good dad, who became the person who always had time for my children.  Who despite all his frustrating habits, I loved very much.  For all that you were, and all that you became to us, We love you.  We miss you.  We can't wait to see you again. 

Mark, Nette ,  Joe ,  and Den

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Just Like the Movies~

Has anyone seen the movie "True Grit" yet?  I must admit I was afraid to watch it, as John Wayne is my favorite western actor.  I didn't think any remake of a Wayne western would be worth watching.  I was wrong!  It was really good.  Jeff Bridges was the perfect Rooster, and Hailee Steinfeld is way better than Kim Darby in the original.  This weeks posts are all about dads , so I thought I'd share another memory of mine. 

On Saturday nights the PBS channel used to have something they called the Good Times Picture Show.  It was almost always a Wayne western or war movie.  And on Sunday mornings at 8 they always showed a western.  My Dad and I used to love to tape those on VHS , and then watch them on Sunday afternoon after church.  We would eat lunch and fire up the VCR and root for John Wayne, Roy Rogers, Gabby Hayes, Gene Autry, Tex Ritter, and Harry Carey, Senior and Junior.  That might seem like a small or insignificant thing to remember, but it meant a great deal to me.  See, I loved riding my horse, and shooting guns, and wearing my cowboy clothes.  I thought the westerns were great reflections of real life.  ( Fantasy , I know, lol)  But , when I watched my Dad and saw him embody the ideals of the western hero, I thought all of life was like that.  Don't cheat.  Don't lie.  Always work your hardest.  Don't steal.  Always have a firm handshake.  Never say something behind someone's back , that you wouldn't say to their face.  And never , ever , ever shoot a man in the back. ( Not sure where that applied in real life, but hey, you never know.) But, I learned a great deal from those pictures, it's true.  When I grew up and got a job, and then got married, and went out into the "real" world, I was very surprised to see that all people were not like the movies, or my hero Dad.  They would lie, cheat, steal, and stab you in the back to get ahead.  But my lessons served me well.  I realized that even though the real world was not like my ideas, I could still choose to live my life on the terms of the old westerns.  Just like my Dad taught me.  Just like the movies.

Here's to some old fashioned values~ Ruby Jeanette

Monday, June 6, 2011

It DOES Matter~

My Dad and I have a great relationship, and all week leading up to Mother's Day I posted Mom - related items, so I decided to do the same thing for Dads.  You may think , if you are a dad, that your position is not as important  as your wife's or  children's mother.  You'd be wrong.  Here are some cold hard facts from the census bureau for what"uninvolved " fathers cost us. 

According to census data of 2009, 24 million children live apart from their biological dads.  That's 1 in 3, or 33%.  In 1960, only 11% of children  lived apart from their fathers.
If they live apart from their fathers, they are 2 to 3 times more likely  to be poor, and to experience physical health problems.  They are 2 to 3 times more likely to experience educational , emotional, and behavioral problems.  They are also 2 to 3 times more likely to engage in criminal activity.

The U. S. Government spends $99.8 billion,  (yes, that 's BILLION , with a B) annually to support father absent homes.

Now , here is the flip side to that.
The single most important factor in developing empathy( the ability to care about others emotional state and feelings) is time spent with DAD.

Babies who spend time with their Daddy in the first year receive high scores on cognitive tests.

Children are more likely to get A's in school if their Dads are involved in their educations.

Children with fathers who are highly involved in their lives, such as eating at the same table with Dad for meals, one on one time and so forth, are more social, and have fewer behavioral problems. 

So Dads, next time you might be thinking that what you do isn't making a difference, it does!  You matter and the things you do matter.  You are so important to the welfare of our children, thank you for all your hard work, and for being great dads!

Ruby Jeanette

Sunday, June 5, 2011

First Things~

A big pair of rough hands.  A welding cap.  Cutting torch striker.  Welding goggles.  The smell of burnt metal and machine oil.  Tools.  Parts.  Pickup trucks.  Car parts.  Crow Burlingame.  Learning to hit a softball.  Cutting wood. Camping.  Deer hunting. A scratchy beard .  Big hugs.  Confidence.  No fear of life.  Knowing who I am. Believing in God.  Believing in myself.  Faith in my ability to make the right decisions. 

Just a few of the things that my  first memories of my Dad are made of . In honor of Father's Day, next Sunday, I am going to try to post something Dad related all week.  Have to devote equal page space to Fathers cause they are important too!

What is your first memory of your Dad?~ Ruby  Jeanette

Saturday, June 4, 2011

2- Oh- Oh, and 100 degrees~

Today I mark 200 consecutive posts on my blog, and the temp officially broke 100 degrees!  Whooh! Man, I am sooooooooo grateful ,to my hubby for buying a bigger air conditioner for the house!  The doctor just told me that the two best things for my health were , A.  Not getting too hot.  and B.  Not getting too stressed.  So summer may kind of suck for me, in the outdoor department, which is rough, because most of my favorite summer activities are outdoor ones.  Camping, fishing, picnicking, swimming with the kids, and just generally enjoying nature.  I guess we could go catfishing which is a night time activity, but have you seen the size of Arkansas skeeters?  I mean , that's like an extreme sport, night fishing!  You better be bringing your DEET or your therma cell , or your rolled up newspaper, they are that big folks!  They would n't be satisfied just snacking on you in the boat, they'd be toting you off for a midnight meal on the go.  Well, anywho.  I suppose I will just have to grin and bear it. We had a real good time today, we went yard saling and got some great deals. I got the boys both a set of Real-Tree overalls and longsleeve shirts for $4 total, so that was a steal.  Plus, some books.  You know I couldn't pass those up!  All in all, life's pretty stellar right now, so I 'm not gonna complain!  Hope everyone is staying cool today and thanks , for sticking with me one more post! 

Ya'll take it easy~ Ruby Jeanette

Friday, June 3, 2011

My Hero for Today~

I have the best Daddy in the whole wide world.  There is just no argument about it, sorry,lol!  I can't even begin to list all the great things he has done for me.  I guess growing up, that's why I never had a problem believing God would grant me my prayers.  Everyone said God is our Father, and that He wants to care for us, and do the best things for us.  Well, I believe it.  My Daddy always wanted the best for me, and wanted to do what he could within his power for me to be happy, so I just took it on faith that God was the same.  Today was no different. My keys , (both sets), got locked in my van. Luckily , I was still at Mom and Dad's and Daddy got a knife, a screwdriver and a coathanger, and unlocked my van.  The auto guy at Wal Mart said that Neeley's charges forty dollars just to show up and then charges by how much time it takes to unlock your vehicle. Money that I definitely  could not spare today.  So I guess I better put Daddy's check in the mail, lol! Thanks Dad for just another in a long line of rescues.........I love you!

Here's to Dad~ Ruby Jeanette

Thursday, June 2, 2011


I've had two doctor's visit this week already, and will have a third tomorrow.  I had really good experiences at St. Joseph's radiology and St. Joseph's cardiology.  I also had a great experience at Dr. Floyd's this week.  So I got to thinking , "What made these visits so excellent?", and thought I'd list these tips.

1. My visit began on time.
2.  The office staff was efficient and friendly.
3.  The nurses were competent and cheerful.
4.  I was treated with dignity and respect.
5.  The doctors were not in a hurry.
6.  Each test and procedure was explained in full detail, and I was made comfortable.
7.  No one was too busy to smile!

So to those of you in the medical offices I visited this last week , Thank You, and great job!  To SOME of the offices I've been in , in the past few years,  maybe think about some of these things and realize we DO notice if you are friendly, if you smile, if you know what you are doing, if you care about how we feel.  And just because you CAN be a nurse, doesn't mean everyone was cut out to do the job well, and with compassion.  I am so grateful for the good doctors I have seen lately , here at home and in Hot Springs.......your extra effort was noticed, and appreciated!

Here's to great nurses, technicians, receptionists, and doctors~ Ruby Jeanette

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

For Your Health?~

I heard about the Health Fair/Women's Night Out , that they are having in Hot Springs this weekend.  They were talking about it on the radio and telling about all the stuff that they are offering at the dinner.  They said that they would have wine and cheese tasting, chocolates, and all kinds of health screenings. They also said if you get your mammogram done at the event, they will give you a massage and a robe.  Now I know mostly ladies read my blog, so you men, if you are squeamish........turn away, lol!   I have had a mammogram, just last year, and let me tell you probably the only way that I will get another one anytime soon is IF they're offering chocolate to go with it.  Plus, I told my mom, the massage and the robe is just standard mammogram equipment.  They "massage" your boobs up into that machine, and give you one of those nice backless paper "robes" to do it in. So , no thank you.  I believe I will just eat chocolates here at the house .  For this year anyway.

Here's to "proper, DIGNIFIED" health care ~ Ruby Jeanette