Friday, May 27, 2011

Water, Water , Everywhere~

And still no place to fish.  We traveled all over our area today looking for someplace for our boys to drown a worm.  They were so excited starting out! They gathered the worms, they gathered up the tackle, and rods, got the cooler and the drinks, and loaded the van.  Now, I don't know what your knowledge of 12 and 10 year old boys is, but THAT is a lot of work for them.  (Even if it is for fishing, lol)  But , every place we stopped at was either closed or flooded or both, and they ended the day (so far ) without catching a fish.  They're in the yard now , getting ready to roast hot dogs over an open flame, so maybe that compensates some.  I 've got some of those ginormous marshmallows too, so maybe they won't be completely heartbroken, lol.  Oh, well, another day, another time spent traveling together, and we're alright.  We DID get to see, 4 deer, multiple squirrels, some great scenery and the topper of all that, in the guy's eyes ,anyway, was a dead wild hog on the highway! Pretty exciting stuff.  I'm off now to go eat a marshmallow off of a stick.  Cooked by little boy hands, mmm, mmm, good!  Ya'll have a safe and happy weekend, spend it doing the things you love , with people you can't live without. 

Here's to a good day after all~ Ruby Jeanette

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