Sunday, May 22, 2011

Wading In~

Well, I guess I wouldn't have thought it.  I told the boys they needed to find something outside to do, since the sun is out (yay!).  They milled around for a while, and then I went to town.  I surprised them with a plastic pool.  You know the kind, with the floppy edges and you fill it up and it stands up?  It was only about 15 inches deep, and I didn't really know if they would play in it.  They are going to be 13 and 11 after all.  Do you know those goofy boys acted like that was the best thing since sliced bananas?  They played for over an hour until they were all wrinkly and cold and couldn't take it.  I thought it was great!  Their dad and I sat in our lawn chairs and just enjoyed each other's company.  So, I guess it just goes to show you, they ARE growing up, but maybe not as fast as I thought.  I don't mind.  I'll take wading pools over the dating pool anyday!

Here's to letting them be little , a little longer~ Ruby Jeanette

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