Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Say that again?~

   Actual rules for the Wally Wash in Nashville. 

1. Do not leave children unattended.  (What could possibly happen?!?)

2.  Remove clothes as soon as they are done.    ( Are we cooking them, or   do they WANT naked people in the laundromat?)

3.  Shoes and shirt required at all times.  ( No pants though?  Again with the naked people, hmmmmmm.)

4. This premises videotaped for your security and ours.   ( Yeah. Mmhmm. They just want to look at all the people remove their clothes when they get done cooking them.)

Just something to think about...................Ruby Jeanette

Monday, May 30, 2011


This is a very famous poem, and most people can quote the first two lines.  The poem is really beautiful even though the wording seems so simple.  The man who wrote this, Joyce Kilmer, was killed in action near Ourcy, July 30, 1918.  Almost one hundred years ago and these lines are still incredibly moving and relevant.

Trees~ Sergeant Joyce Kilmer -165th Infantry (69th New York), A.E.F

I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.

A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the earth's sweet flowing breast;

A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;

A tree that may in Summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;

Upon whose bosom snow has lain ;
Who intimately lives with rain.

Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


This poem was written by Carl Sandburg and published in Cornhuskers in 1918. 
We have had our soldiers overseas for nearly ten years now, and this is Memorial Day weekend, so I thought I would post some poems in honor of those still fighting and those of the fallen. 

Pile the bodies high at Austerlitz and Waterloo.
Shovel them under and let me work-
               I am the grass;I cover all.
And pile them high at Gettysburg
And pile them high at Ypres and Verdun.
Shovel them under and let me work.
Two years , ten years, and passengers ask the conductor:
               What place is this?
               Where are we now?
                I am the grass.
                Let me work.

Lest we forget~ Ruby Jeanette

Saturday, May 28, 2011

For Memorial Day~

In Flanders Fields~
Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae
The author of this poem , a member of the first Canadian contingent, died in France after four years of medical service on the western front.

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses , row on row,
     That mark our place; and in the sky
      The larks, still bravely singing , fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived , felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
      Loved and were loved , and now we lie
               In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe;
To you from failing hands we throw
           The torch ; be yours to hold it high.
            If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep , though poppies grow
            In Flanders fields.

For Memorial Day, For the Fallen.......~ Ruby Jeanette

Friday, May 27, 2011

Water, Water , Everywhere~

And still no place to fish.  We traveled all over our area today looking for someplace for our boys to drown a worm.  They were so excited starting out! They gathered the worms, they gathered up the tackle, and rods, got the cooler and the drinks, and loaded the van.  Now, I don't know what your knowledge of 12 and 10 year old boys is, but THAT is a lot of work for them.  (Even if it is for fishing, lol)  But , every place we stopped at was either closed or flooded or both, and they ended the day (so far ) without catching a fish.  They're in the yard now , getting ready to roast hot dogs over an open flame, so maybe that compensates some.  I 've got some of those ginormous marshmallows too, so maybe they won't be completely heartbroken, lol.  Oh, well, another day, another time spent traveling together, and we're alright.  We DID get to see, 4 deer, multiple squirrels, some great scenery and the topper of all that, in the guy's eyes ,anyway, was a dead wild hog on the highway! Pretty exciting stuff.  I'm off now to go eat a marshmallow off of a stick.  Cooked by little boy hands, mmm, mmm, good!  Ya'll have a safe and happy weekend, spend it doing the things you love , with people you can't live without. 

Here's to a good day after all~ Ruby Jeanette

Thursday, May 26, 2011

It's a Miracle!(Almost)

Cue the monk chanting........Aaaaaaaa ah ah ah ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh....My mother is officially a technical goddess. She raised my computer back from the dead.  No joke folks, I have no idea what she did, but it is fixed and I am not going to complain.  Thanks Mom!     But now it feels weird because it is on the widescreen now instead of Joseph's small laptop screen , and every time I look at it , it seems funky.  Man it's good to be back with Ole Faithful here.  Funny how attached we get to some strange things.  I'm just letting everyone know, I'm alive and kicking, and since I got no feedback to say otherwise, I am blogging away here on the ruby butterfly.  I am looking into transferring all my posts to some other less complicated forum though.  Let me know if you know of any good ones.  Well, I suppose.......I should get off of here and do laundry, dishes and other ho -hum tasks.  Or, I guess I could finish reading the book I started earlier.......hmmmmmmmm, no contest there, I'll let those that know me well guess which I choose!  Have a great night everybody!

Here's to being functional again, and to my Mom , you rock! ~ Ruby Jeanette

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Prayer for those in the Storms~

Dear Heavenly Father, I know that you are the Master of the Wind, and the Maker of the Rain.  I know that You love us , because Your Word says so, and because you sent Your Only Son to die for all humanity.  I know that we are sinners, born without hope of salvation except for His Blood.  I know that all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose.  But I am saddened to hear of all the terrible storms that have raged across the south and other areas in the last few weeks and months.  I am grieved to know so many people have been killed, and so many personal belongings, homes and business have been destroyed.  I would not dare to say I know why. Or that I know better than You do Lord.  But please give these people in these areas, relief and comfort in their sorrow .  I ask that You grant them shelter, and safety in the storm.  I ask that You hold them and their loved ones in Your arms, and let those who don't know You , draw close to You now in this time of danger.  Be with them all, watch over them.  Be with us, and let us never forget to be thankful for all that You have blessed us with.  I ask this in the Name of Your Son,  Jesus Christ.........Amen.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Thoughts on Today~

I thought it would be fun to look at the Holidays for Everyday website and see what we could celebrate for today.  Today is National Pickle Day,  and National Sea Turtle Day.  So I decided that in the spirit of celebration, I was going to find a Sea Turtle, and feed it a pickle.   Or ask for a ride on a Sea Turtle, while I eat a pickle.  Or perhaps ride on a pickle while eating a Sea Turtle.  Hmmmmmm, I may have already eaten too many pickles, they seem to have gone to my head. Can't wait to see what wacky holiday tomorrow's will be.  Maybe National Gopher Day, and National Ketchup Day,  that would open up a whole new world of possibilities! 

Have a great day everyone! ~ Ruby Jeanette

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Wading In~

Well, I guess I wouldn't have thought it.  I told the boys they needed to find something outside to do, since the sun is out (yay!).  They milled around for a while, and then I went to town.  I surprised them with a plastic pool.  You know the kind, with the floppy edges and you fill it up and it stands up?  It was only about 15 inches deep, and I didn't really know if they would play in it.  They are going to be 13 and 11 after all.  Do you know those goofy boys acted like that was the best thing since sliced bananas?  They played for over an hour until they were all wrinkly and cold and couldn't take it.  I thought it was great!  Their dad and I sat in our lawn chairs and just enjoyed each other's company.  So, I guess it just goes to show you, they ARE growing up, but maybe not as fast as I thought.  I don't mind.  I'll take wading pools over the dating pool anyday!

Here's to letting them be little , a little longer~ Ruby Jeanette

Saturday, May 21, 2011

What Does It REALLY Cost?~

These ads appeared in the Farmer's Almanac recently.

Gifted healer
Solves all problems, troubles, unusual sickness, bad luck , love, nature problems , brings back lovers to stay, good luck , money. 
Uncle doc Shedrickrack

Rev. Doctor Adams
Spiritual healer. 100% guarantee.  $39 to cast love spells.  Bring that man or woman back.  Results in hours no matter the spell you need.

Okay.  I'll overlook the fact that the man's actual last name is Shedrickrack, that's just weird.  What is not weird, and what is extremely sad to me, is that these people can afford to put an ad in the Farmer's Almanac.  They are obviously doing well off enough financially to do this.  This is wrong on so many levels that I don't even know where to start!  First off,  only GOD can heal, and save!  And these people are CHARGING for the "privilege" of "praying" for you, which the disciples never did.  Plus, they are promising GUARANTEED results.  Now, I KNOW God answers prayer.  HE promises results, and I 've been on the receiving end of His blessings too long to not believe it.  But , to have a person, just a flesh and blood person promise your healing or luck, or love or rain or whatever, you kind of have to wonder how they can do that.  I mean , 100% guaranteed means they are pretty sure of their results.  So , you have to wonder if they have otherworldly connections of the not so angelic type.  I would be seriously leery of doing any "business" with people like this!  You might wake up one day and find that the price of the love and luck you wanted was WAAAAAAAAAAAY more than you wanted to pay.  We have to remember ,with the devil, there are always strings attached, but with GOD, His gifts are free!

Thank God for His blessings~ Ruby Jeanette

Friday, May 20, 2011

The End of the World, As We Know It~

Well, as you know, if you read my post about this the other day, the end of the world is tomorrow.  I hesitated even writing my blog for the last couple of days, because after all, after tomorrow, who will read it?  I'm sure glad that this "prophet" guy got this all figured out for us, because I was really worried I might not know what was going to happen and when.  He had some of his "converts" out interviewing folks to find out what the "believers" were all going to be doing tomorrow.  There were a lot of different answers.  But my favorite part was when they asked one of the unbelievers what he would be doing tomorrow to plan for the coming apocalypse.  "Well, " he said , "I believe I'm going fishing."  Sounds like a good plan to me.

Here's to God being in control, of whatever happens~ Ruby Jeanette

Thursday, May 19, 2011


A long ride on the four-wheeler. A green place in the woods.  Sitting by the river.  Worms in a bucket.  Fresh  perch on the line.  A blanket to lay on.  Birds singing.  Little boys laughter about some discovery under a log.  A hand to hold.   A tent to raise.  A fire built low.  Darkness settling over like a quilt.  Marshmallows sticky on graham crackers.  Owls calling to one another above me.  The deep cover of the forest and the sounds that go with it.  No man-made  intrusions.  No hurry - hurry.  No destination except the one where we are now.  This is camping, but it's more than that , too.  This is the meaning of summer.  This is the purpose of life.  This is LOVE.

Ruby Jeanette

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Just Chatting~

I have hit a brick wall.  I can not think of one thing to write about or talk about. I guess this  must be what writer's block is like.  Thank goodness, I don't make a living off writing, because I might be out of a job.  There just has not been any thing interesting going on here lately.  Although , there are those who would say, that was a good thing in and of itself.  We haven't had any dramatic doctor appointments or emergency room visits.  No major illnesses or drama.  So, I suppose I'm glad in that respect.  We live in a small town, and so we haven't really had anything newsworthy there either.  I am glad we live somewhere that the major news is that our "new" store got ice cream!  Well, I hope everyone's life has been non eventful too.  But blessed and safe.  Have a great afternoon everyone!

Here's to the slow lane~ Ruby Jeanette

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Work In Progress~

I saw the angel in the marble, and carved until I set him free.  ~ Michelangelo

We are all under construction.  We are all working on ourselves, and God is also working on us if we let Him.  Michelangelo was one of the greatest artists, and sculptors the world has ever seen, and yet even he does not compare to God and the art He is making of our lives.  We are steadily carving away at our personas, and making changes to the way we are viewed by others around us.  God is shaping us , and showing us the places that we need to carve away to make us the person He wants us to be.  I wouldn't say that  we have an angel inside, but we all do have a better person inside.  When the carving is going on, sometimes , it is not a pleasant feeling.  There's a lot of dust, and chips of self flying off, and it's a noisy sometimes painful process.  But the end result will be that we will be a beautiful example of God's artistry.  We just have to remember the little song we used to all sing,  "He's still workin' on me, to make me what I oughta be........" and remember too, if someone is not perfect, or hurts you in some way, they are just under construction, as we all are.

Here's to the final sculpture~ Ruby Jeanette

Monday, May 16, 2011

A Different Kind of Love Poem~

My husband is a logger at heart.  His favorite place has always been in the log woods with his Stihl chainsaw in his hands.  The logging business has not been very good the last few years, so he sacrificed his greatest love in work, to work somewhere with a steady paycheck.  He still loves to cut up firewood, and use his saw.  I wrote this poem while watching him saw up a huge tree for the winter.  There is something almost spiritual about watching a man do something he loves and enjoys this much.  So it's kind of a love poem. Hope you enjoy it.

The Song of the Saw~

I see him stand,
Tall and strong
As the tree he has felled
used to do.
Working out the notes
he will play.
A limb here or there,
this branch or that.
The machine comes alive
in his hands,
and they pass strength to each other.
The chords he plays
are no less powerful,
for the difference of his instrument,
brings a symphony just the same.
I will hear his music echo
in the crackle of the logs
he cuts to bring us warmth,
and I will remember always,
the song of the saw.

Ruby Jeanette

Sunday, May 15, 2011

On A Roll~

I' m typing this on Joseph's laptop because my computer is kaput.  It just quit working for apparently no reason. It wouldn't even turn back on, so I'm not sure how you go about fixing something like that.  Joseph was kind enough to loan me his laptop, he said "Cause I know you want to get back to your blog, Momma."  Well, he was right!  I missed yesterday, and it was my first time to miss since I started six months ago.  I was really on a roll too.  But I guess that's how life works, too. We really think we are "on a roll" and then something comes along and throws us off track .  It can be anything . Sickness, or tragedy.  Even something positive can throw us off track from where we need to go.  If we get more focused on the blessing than the Blessor, our lives can become unbalanced.  Hopefully, Mom can fix my computer, if not, I may have to keep using this laptop.  It's not a big deal.  I think if that is the worst thing that ever happens to me, I'll be doing alright!  With the help of the Lord, I'm going to stay on a roll!

Here's to staying on track ~ Ruby Jeanette

Friday, May 13, 2011

Which Direction Are You Going?~

Life is an escalator : You can move forward or backward; you cannot remain still.  ~
Patricia Russell~McCloud

I think this is an interesting quote.  I'm not sure I agree with it in the fact that I don't think you can go backwards in life.  Life is constantly changing, and pushing us forward.  Many people would like to go backwards, and change things that are behind them.  I 've made decisions I regret , and I'm sure others have too.  But we can't go back.  That's both a blessing and a curse.  I believe God made time only go in one direction, so that we can't dwell on what has happened.   We can only choose forward.  He gives us this moment, and this moment only to make the most of.  We cannot remain still in it, we must continue our journey to the next place, the next moment.  I am thankful that every minute is a new slate, and that God blesses us each breath to change our lives, and our futures.  I don't want to look back, and live in regret.  I only want to move forward towards the goal of Heaven !

Here's to moving forward , one moment at a time~ Ruby Jeanette

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Don't You Believe It~

Has anyone else seen the article circulating on the web, about May 21st being Judgment Day?  Well, apparently some kook has got it into his head, that he's figured it all out, and May 21st is the day that the Lord is coming back.  He's kind of an old dude , too, so I know he was alive in 1988.  Remember "88 Reasons Christ is Coming Back in 1988"?  Obviously that didn't work out either.  I 'm not sure what compels people to make such ignorant statements, although in the case of this particular weirdie he's using his supposed "knowledge" to convince people to sell all their possessions to get ready .  Bet you can't guess who's getting all the money!(Insert sarcasm here.)  This kind of stuff just sets me off!  The Bible warns us that no man, not even the angels, but only the Father knows the day and hour of Christ's returning.  Guess he didn't read that part.  Seriously people! We have to be ready at ALL times, any day, any hour could be the one.  But, somehow I just don't think it's going to be May 21st.  God has a sense of humor , after all. 

Here's to the blessed return of Jesus Christ(When God says so !)~ Ruby Jeanette

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Are They From Mars?!?~

I don't know about anyone else, but some of the fashion trends that are going around are a little out there for me.  I just finished reading an interesting article on Yahoo!Shine that says a lot of men agree with me.  Here is a copy of the list of things that men listed as definite don'ts on women . 

1. Heavy foundation
Men do not want to see you looking like a wax mannequin, or a recently dead person. 

2.  the Bump-It
This was listed as a major don't.  Men do not like the "cone-head" look, as if you were from Mars or some alien planet.  Beware of anything that misshapes your head.

3. Neon Lipstick
Don't wear anything that might rub off on them, and leave them explaining "Why?'.

4. Over-plucked eyebrows
If you are having to pluck your eyebrows this thin, how hairy are you everywhere else?

5. Bold eyeshadow
See the neon lipstick reasoning.

6.Too -rosy cheeks
This was categorized as the "old-Granny" look.

7.  Two -toned lips
Again with the "alien from Mars- look"

8. Glitter
Unless you're a clown or a Vegas show -girl , this was also a don't.

So basically , the majority of things that we do to "improve" our looks, men don't really even seem to like.  Natural is apparently the "look" they are going for, not some cover-girl, enhanced ideal.  I think that's encouraging.   We can all pull off the natural look, thank goodness!

Here's to the natural beauty of all women~ Ruby Jeanette

PS. Happy 13th birthday to someone special!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Here We Go Again~

Whooeeeeee.......it's like the tropics outside today!  I don't know why , but the shock of summer is the same every year.  We know it's coming, we know it gets in the triple digits by the end of May here, and we're shocked every time anyway!  I really don't mind the heat , it's that humidity that kills me.  In New Mexico, one of my favorite places on earth, at night you can need a sweater and by the daytime, you're wanting to run around in shorts, but it's not the miserable swamp heat we have here.  Sultry.  That 's the perfect word for it.  Even though a lot of people use that word in a sexual sense, to me it applies best to the weather here in Southern Arkansas.  I might be a wuss, but I guess I just don't know what people did without air conditioning!  When it's like this outside, the only thing you want to do is lay in front of air, and not move.  Even the slightest motion seems to ratchet your body temp into the uncomfortable zone.  I've always thought it was interesting that I was born in December and that I love the winter and the cold ( as long as it isn't raining, ) and my sister was born in July and loves summer in all it's warmth.  Maybe that 's a coincidence, I don't know.  Well, I guess I might as well get ready , cause it's looking like summer is on it's way for sure!  Ya'll stay cool everyone!

Here's to those powerful BTU's, lol~ Ruby Jeanette

PS. Happy 16th Birthday to someone very special :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!~

I hope everyone is having a great day today. It's Mother's Day, so spend it doing the things you love best with the people you love most.  Make sure that you tell those you love how much they mean to you, and thank God for all the things He has blessed you with.  Have a wonderful day everyone!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Don't Say It~

Mother's Day is tomorrow.  My theme has kind of been mothers this week, and today is no different.  After Sunday I can go back to picking random subjects, but moms are a topic that require a lot of discussion, lol. 
  Everyone is listing the birthdates of their children on FB, and I posted mine also.  I did however start with the date of my miscarriage in July of '97.  This is a very sensitive subject to many people, I know. It is a very emotional subject to me also. I was very excited to be pregnant as most women are.  I was three and a half months when I miscarried.  Unless you have had this happen to you, you have no idea how insensitive people are with their comments.  Mother's Day is very hard for women in this situation. You sit and think about what could have been , and the pain is deep.  I 've thought a lot about it in the 13 years since.  Here is a few of the things which you SHOULD NOT say to a woman who has just lost a child.  These are all comments made to me right after the fact.  

1.  You're young.  You will have lots more babies.  (How can they say that for certain?)
2.  It wasn't God's will.  (And that makes me feel better how?)
3.  The baby is in Heaven.  (Well, yes. But, I wanted the baby in my arms.)
4. You'll feel better soon.  ( How? )
5.  I know just how you feel.  ( No. You don't.  You really don't .)

I know the people who made these comments were doing their best to be comforting in an emotional and somewhat awkward situation.  But, comments like these do not help.
Here are some things you CAN SAY, that I heard from people at the time, that really helped.
1. I'm sorry.
2. I love you.
3. I'm praying for you.
4. I don't know how you feel , but I know you are hurting.
5. You will never forget, and that is ok.
And probably the best reaction I got from anyone was from my Daddy .  He didn't say anything at all.
He just put his arms around me, and held me while I cried.  So sometimes no words are the best thing at a time like that.

Here's to the power of the right comforting words~ Ruby Jeanette

Friday, May 6, 2011


Mother's Day is Sunday and I am very lucky and blessed to still have my mom with me.  As I said the other day , Mark's mom passed away when he was very young.  But , he did not lack for motherly love. He had both his Grandmas, and many aunts,  who were there to let him know he was loved.  I think it's been one of the greatest blessings in my life, that I have had many adopted Grandmothers, and Aunts.  I had Granny Jo Spanhanks who was always there in the summer to let me and her other grandchildren run wild on her land, and down to the river.  I had Grandma Geneva , who was always there with encouragement and a big hug and a kiss when I needed that. I had Mamaw Ruth, who always knew that sometimes the best thing to say is I love you.  I 've had Sister Ruby Walls, who let me know that she thought I was special, and she was glad to see me( Why? I've often wondered?lol) I've had Nan Chandler who would always offer her unvarnished opinion which is sometimes a good thing.  I had my Aunt Rachael who always let me know I had great potential and pushed me to always do my best.  I had my Aunt Lola who always lent a listening ear, when sometimes, I thought this world is NEVER going to make sense!  And I've been blessed with a great relationship with my Mom now.  It was not always so peachy, let me tell you.  I was somewhat of a brat, if you can believe that.  I pretty much expected everything to be my way , or you could hit the highway, and didn't quite understand why others didn't feel the same.  So , I was difficult.  I wonder that it's not my MOM who's bald-headed now, instead of my Dad.  She surely felt like yanking it all out on occasion.  But, I did grow up eventually, and I understood that things couldn't be all my way , all the time.  (Most of the time, yes, but not all the time.)  Anyhow, I think I turned out alright.  But, I don't know if I could've said the same if I hadn't had all these great ladies to help me out.  It's definitely helped shape me into the person I am today.   So , thanks to them, and if you are "done" mothering your own children and they are grown, don't underestimate being an adoptive "Aunt" , "Grandma" or even "Mom".  It makes a huge difference.

Here's to all my Grandmas, Aunts, and special ladies~ Ruby Jeanette

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Now Why Didn't I think of That?~

The Pit~

A man fell into a pit, and couldn't get himself out.

A SUBJECTIVE person came along, and said:
I feel for you down there.

An OBJECTIVE person came along, and said:
"It's logical that someone would fall down there."

A   Pharisee said:
"Only bad people fall in the pit."

calculated how the man fell into the pit.

wanted the exclusive story on his pit.

"You deserve your pit."

An I.R.S. agent
asked if the man was paying taxes on the pit.

A SELF-PITYING person said:
"You haven't seen anything until you've seen MY pit."

"Just confess that you're not in the pit."

"Things could be worse."

"Things will GET worse."

JESUS seeing the man , took him by the hand and LIFTED HIM OUT of the pit.

Which person will you be? ~ Ruby Jeanette

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


To All  Mothers Everywhere~


Mother's Day is this Sunday, and I am blessed to still have my mother.  Mark's mom died when he was really young, and so Mother's Day is sometimes hard for him.  Mothers as a whole are not celebrated enough I don 't think.  I mean sure, we have Mother's Day, but really what else do we do to celebrate the position of motherhood?  The entire idea of mothers actually has diminished in society's eyes.  Women aren't much interested in staying at home, and mothering.  Now, I'm not talking about single mothers, who must work to support their children.  And I probably will offend some people by this statement.  It's not meant to be offensive.  I am however tired of people assuming that because I choose to stay home with my children , and be a "full-time" mother ( is there any other kind?) , that my life is somehow less fulfilling than theirs.  I don't make comments to them, about "Why are you working?  Or going to school, etc?"  I do not judge them for their choices.  It would be great if I could say the same.  The comments of , "Doesn't it drive you crazy to be home all the time with your kids?" , and "Well , I wish we could "afford"  for me to stay home." , are really not fair.  We make sacrifices for me to be able to stay home.  And no, it doesn't drive me bonkers to be with my kids all day.  And no, I 'm not a dummy.  I could have gone to school, it wasn't for lack of smarts.  But, the whole point of this soap-box speech, lol, is that they are MY choices.  You made YOUR choices, and I don't fault you for them.  I don't feel compelled to tell working women , "Why don't you stay home?"  But for some strange reason , some of them feel compelled to say "Oh, you mean you don't WORK?"  Please afford me more respect than that! I mean really!  A non -working mother is like BigFoot, a non -existent animal!We ALL work!  I am glad to be a mother, and glad to be home.  If that isn't your cup of tea, I'm glad for you too!  Mutual respect would go a long way!  As they say on FB,  "Just sayin'. "

Here's to the wisdom of mothers everywhere~ Ruby Jeanette

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Isn't it glorious to see the sun today?  I was beginning to despair of ever seeing it again.  It seemed as if the whole world had gone gray forever.   Having had   such a long stretch of rain, made me think of Noah, and how he and his family must have felt on the ark.  Rain for forty days and nights, and then many , many days of waiting for the waters to recede.  The monotony of it all.  The feeding and caring of the animals, and the rocking of the boat.  The tedium.  The fear.  The smell!  Animals of all kinds mooing, calling, chirping.   The worry that perhaps they had done the wrong thing in trusting the Lord after all.  Finally , the leaving of the safety of the ark after so many days.  It must have been scary. Wondering what the earth would look like after such upheaval.  How happy the animals must have been to feel the solid earth under their feet again!  The concern of Noah's family as they worried about what would happen next.  It's human nature after all , to question, what will become of us now? How do we go forward on an earth devoid of all human life, other than our own?   Then the words of God, Never again.  Never again will I cover the earth with water.  I do set my bow in the clouds as a reminder of this promise.  The reassurance Noah had to have felt! It was not all for nothing. God had a plan .  The whole time we were in the ark, and always!  God had a plan!  The same holds true for us today.  God has a plan!

Here's to God's plan for us all~ Ruby Jeanette

Monday, May 2, 2011

Who Am I?~

This is a poem I wrote about a week ago.  Sometimes we see people every day and think we know them , but there are always hidden depths that we don't see.  This poem is not really about me, it's not really about any one person, so friends of mine, don't freak out thinking I'm some sort of two -faced chick!  What you see with me is pretty much what you get,(well, most of the time, lol!)  Nah, sometimes it's just fun to write a little something dark, and keep ya' guessin'. 


I am just a shell- nothing lives inside of me,
I am only a mirror , reflecting you from me.
Stand before it, take what you will,
And see what you want to see.

I learned long ago in time,
to never let my true feelings show.
To betray them is a weakness,
the gap where the knife will go.

The real me is behind the frame,
hidden under the silvered glass,
only a fleeting image ripples,
one glance and the moment has passed.

There's no escape from the leaded shell,
no reason left to try.
For I am just a vapour,
caught between the dark and light.

So don't think the images that you have formed,
are the person I really am.
It's all just an illusion,
a trick of light, a sham.

Don't think you have me figured out,
there's much more left to know.
But you will never comprehend,
I'll never let it show.

Ruby Jeanette

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Stuff and Nonsense~

Here is a poem I wrote today.  I was thinking about all the rain, and somehow the wheels in my head turned around this idea.  Don't ask me how, I don't know, lol.


Roosters In My Bathtub~

There are roosters in my bathtub,
and they're splashing all about.
They're frothing up the bubbles,
they're hopping in and out.

They're leaving three-toed footprints.
up and down the floor.
They're firing off their water guns,
at the target on the door.

I'm not sure how they got here,
or where they'll go back to,
But roosters in my bathtub?
This simply will not do.

Ruby Jeanette