Sunday, January 2, 2011

What IS It?

I've never made it into" Who's Who".  But I have been featured in "What's That?"

Are you a little bit odd?  Do you have a hard time fitting in with the "norm"? Do you sometimes wish that you were just like everyone else?  Why?  What is it about being "normal" that is so appealing?  I'm not sure why this is such a common occurrence in our times.  Children, teens and even adults strive so hard every day to fit in with society's ideas of who they should be.  We as a country certainly push the idea of vanilla.  Don't be too fat, too skinny, too smart, too dumb, too loud, too quiet, too kind, too mean.... and the list goes on and  on.  Just don't be "too" anything, and the world will never bother you.  When I was growing up, I was odd.  Now that I am grown up, I am still odd.   I don't mind.  You can even say it to my face, because it's true!  But, did you know? Because I was a weird kid, I developed appreciation for the unique characteristics in other people.  My husband says I am a "kooky people" magnet.  If there is a "different " person within 10 miles, somehow we become friends.  I am happy to be this way! I have met so many interesting folks like that.  I hope everyone can try to be just a little more weird in the upcoming year.  Try  it, and I promise the world will notice.  Try it and I promise you will make friends you never thought of.  The more you try being yourself, being the unique person that you are, the more you will notice that you care less about what other people think of you, and care only that you are being the  person God intended you to be.  God loves variety, Seriously! Have you ever noticed two leaves, exactly the same? I don't care if I ever get featured in "WHO's WHO"  , and so what if I 'm featured in "WHAT"S THAT?"  If I march to the beat of a different drummer, at least the line ain't crowded.

Here's to being unique~ Ruby Jeanette

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