Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Adopt -a - Granny~

I got a nice suprise after lunch today.  I got a call from my Granny.  It was really nice to hear from her.  She just wanted to say thanks for the card I had sent.  But here's the really nice thing.  She's not really my Granny.  When I was growing up I had two girlfriends who lived down the road from me. ( I know in today's society that word has sexual connotations, but they were just friends who happened to be girls!) We spent every day of every summer together from the time we were really small.  And they had a Granny.  She was just like the grandmas you see in movies.  She wore aprons, and made the best cookies, and let us make the worst muddy messes in her yard, and house!  She had a pond to fish and swim in, and she had acres and acres for us to ride our horses on.  Sometimes we picked and hulled her beans, in her garden, or sometimes we climbed the big tree in her front yard and sat in the forks, and tried to decide what our lives would be like when we were "grown-ups".  I spent so much time there , and stayed around so much , that I just started to call their granny,  my Granny.  That's been 20-odd years ago, or so.   And she is still my Granny.  Even though she started as my friend's special grandmother, she became part of my family. See, family is not just the people you were born to, or born with.  Family is the people who care about you, and for you.  Family is the people you see every day, who play some important part in your life.  Family is where you make it.  So, if you are lacking father, mother, grandmother, grandfather,  think about your friends, those people you interact with at church, or school.  Chances are there is someone who would be happy to be your surrogate parent or grandparent.  Take it from me,  it's definitely worth adopting a Granny!

Here's to family where you find it~  Ruby Jeanette

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