Friday, January 7, 2011

Did You Take Your Medicine?

Pollyanna-(pol-ly-an-na) Noun: A person regarded as being foolishly or blindly optimistic.

Did you ever have one of those days?  You know the ones I mean.  When the minute you roll out of bed , you wish you could roll back in?  If it can go wrong, it does?  I've had a few days like that.  Well, honestly, more than a few.  I've been accused by a few people of being a "Pollyanna" .  That's ok.  I'm sure they were worried about my mental health.  That's ok , too.  I give God all the glory.  (Not for making me mental!) Sometimes it's hard to maintain a positive attitude, I admit.  Chronic disease sucks.  Someone once asked me , "What is lupus like?"  The best way I could describe it was to say, "Imagine the worst case of flu, you ever had, the body ache, the fever, the bone-killing fatigue.  Now imagine that it NEVER goes away. That's lupus."  But, this disease does not define my life. It is a part of me , not ALL of me.  I decided a long time ago that a negative attitude would not help my situation.  In fact the days that I feel the most depressed are the days I feel the worst physically.  This is not a psychogenic effect.  The Bible is way ahead of science in this field.  (Go figure!) Proverbs 17: 22 states , " A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit drieth the bones. "  Medical science has discoverd that laughter is good for a whole host of reasons.  It stretches your muscles, sends more oxygen to our tissues, and burns calories.  It also lowers blood sugar, improves blood flow and sleep and increases pain tolerance.  Lastly, it reduces stress hormones.  So , if you see me, or read my blog, and think "this chick's mental!  ". Don't worry about my positivity in the face of trial.  I'm just taking my daily medicine! 

Here's to a merry heart~ Ruby Jeanette

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