Saturday, November 26, 2011

Oh, yes. I Did. ~

Okay. I must say this up front.  I do not watch organized sports.  I don't watch football, basketball, soccer, golf, tennis, hockey, wrestling, ice skating, volleyball, or any other sport.  I don't play video games, like Wii, PlayStation, Nintendo , Xbox, and so on.  I don't play computer games, like FarmVille, CityVille, TownVille, FrontierVille, Angry Birds, Mad Cows or anything in that vein , either.  I DO read, read, read, just about anything I can ,although being a mom, wife, teacher, homekeeper, homemaker, and general Queen of the Castle has cut my reading from about 20 books a week to WAAAAAAAY less than that.  I DO enjoy chess, puzzles, word games, and anything of that sort.  I consider myself a fairly intelligent person. ( Most of the time!)  So after saying all that, let me now explain my red-faced moment of the day, week, possibly lifetime,  ( although with me it is never safe to be certain of anything !) .  Since being on FB, I notice people have all these little acronyms, and abbreviations for things.  You know, LOL (LaughOutLoud) , TY (ThankYou), YW ( You'reWelcome), ROFLOL, (Rolling On Floor Laughing Out Loud) , and so on and so forth.  Well, since it's been football season, everyone keeps posting WPS.  Wellllllllllll, I didn't know what that meant!!!!!  I kept trying to figure it out without asking because I did not want to be seen as some weirdie.  ( No danger in that , right, RIGHT?) Anyhow,  I keep thinking to myself , "What in the world does that stand for?"   (Will Pray, Surely!)  (Well Played Sister!)  (What? People Sick?  ), and I knew it wasn't something tacky or vulgar, because it was good Christian people posting it. And then........... it hits me.   WhoooPigSoooieee.  Yes.  So, there is your moment for the day .  Don't you feel better about yourself now?  YW. Please feel free to say TY while ROFLOL. 

Here's to being able to laugh at yourself...........(I've no shortage of material , in that department!)

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