Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and January's Jewels!~

"Does thinking you're the only sane man left on earth, make you crazy , Doc?  Cause if it does, then maybe I am."  ~ Will Smith  in "I, Robot."

I guess I 'm either crazy , or the only sane woman left on earth, but I DID NOT go Black Friday shopping today.  I did not go last year.  I have NEVER in my life , been Black Friday shopping.  I haven't ever been Cyber Monday shopping , either.  I saw all kinds of FaceBook posts about , "Ooooooh, we scored a huge deal!", or "Got the electronical whatsitwejusthaddtohave for 30 dollars!"  , or my favorite!" There are so many people here we can't even breathe!!!!"  all posted with some type of maniacal glee.  Like, "This is fun and cool!". Or they are desperately trying to convince themselves it is. Going shopping at midnight or 1 am, waiting in a line full of pushy people , while cold, caffeinated , and probably needing to pee, all trying  to save a few dollars for something that will probably be cheaper in January anyway.  No thanks.  I mean , no offense if that IS your idea of a really good time, but it just doesn't do it for me.  People might think my husband and I are Scrooges somewhat, but we've taught our boys that if you can wait til after "The BIG day", you can get twice as much stuff for your buck.  They know if you save your money , that toy set or electronic gadget will be marked down after Christmas.  One year they scored their faves ( Lego sets) , for over half off.  That convinced them!  So, if you 're waiting for me to post about how I managed the Black Friday madness, it won't ever happen on here.......just sayin!

Here's to everyone 's own way of scoring that deal! ~ Ruby Jeanette

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