Saturday, November 5, 2011

Consider the Lilies~

I finally got the results yesterday, from the poetry contest I entered.  I didn't win the grand prize  , (CASH, sigh....) , but I did win one of their first prizes. Funny thing is, I don't even know what the first prizes were!  Oh, well, I suppose to have your poetry chosen out of thousands of poems , and be rated as good enough for a first is not too shabby.  So, what goes on in your world today? I got up about 4 30 and helped a couple of my  fellas off to the deer woods.  You know the whole warm clothes, snack boxes, hot cocoa routine. Today is youth hunt here where we live, so I hope the oldest boy get a shot on something.  The littlest boy got one last year, what we call around here , a "nubbin" head . Meaning it only had nubs of horn sticking up.  So that was pretty cool.  I'm wrestling with a major sinus and bronchial infection , so I didn't feel up to going and sitting in the cold , dark woods, waiting on the sun.  I do love to do that when I feel good though! There is just something about listening to the world come alive in nature.  To me there's nothing really like it .  It makes you realize there are so many other things happening on Earth than just what is going on with you personally.  The animals go about their daily lives without regard to what's occurring in our ridiculously fast paced ones.
 I guess that 's what God meant when he talks about the sparrows, and considering the lilies.  He tells us we are worth so much more to Him than that, and yet we still worry .  What will we eat?  Where will we live?  And so on.  If you ever get the chance, go to the woods sometime, and wait for the sun to rise.  Watch the squirrels, birds, deer and other animals go about their morning routines.  They might be scurrying, but it's not because they are worried!  They are taken care of by God, and He knows when even one sparrow falls, His Word says so.  Just think what kind of care He will take of us, if we let Him!

Here's to a little less worry and scurry!~ Ruby Jeanette

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