Wednesday, November 30, 2011

One Thing Only~

What's the one thing you would never, ever give up? 
This was a tough question for me!  I guess because most people immediately think of intangibles.  Like your faith, your sense of humor , your  children,  your spouse.   But  these are not really things.  These are non - negotiables!  But a thing.  Actual material possession?   I don't really know.  A lot of people have keepsakes, heirlooms handed down to them from a special person.  These items hold memories for them.  A loved ones face, a smile, a certain event relating to that object.  I know what my husband's would be, he'd have to have two actually.  It would be a box of keepsakes from his dad , who recently passed away, and an album of photographs of his mother who died when he was 7.  It's really all he has of her, and I know it would be one of his most prized material possessions.   As for myself, I am just having a hard time pinning down any one thing I would be devastated if I lost.  It's probably all the albums I have filled with photos of our boys, and family.  I guess it's funny if you get right down to it.  If someone told you , "You must choose.  One thing is all you are allowed to have to remember your life by." , what you would you take?  Kind of narrows it down , huh? 

Here's to knowing what really counts~ Ruby Jeanette

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

An " Invention", a Disappointment, and an IDEA.........~

I was a little disappointed with the purchase of the new hardback novel.  I have a bad habit of just reading the flaps, and not really looking THROUGH the whole thing.  And usually this is not a problem, cause I know the authors I like, and very rarely get a book I don't care for.  I like big, thick hardback books.  Although I will settle for a big thick paperback when I have to.  This was a big book, 500 plus pages.  And here's the kicker. Probably three-quarters of that was black and white illustrations.  Ohhhhhhhhh, I was so mad!  It's a beautiful book.  It's Brian Selznick's "The Invention of Hugo Cabret".  I hear it's a movie now, and hope to see it.  It's really a young adult book, but I don't generally mind those.  What aggravated me about it is I wanted it to last more than a day, because I wasn't feeling well, and was just looking forward to spending some down time with a book.  In hindsight , I suppose that's a dumb thing to be annoyed about, but I was.  It really is gorgeously illustrated, and it's got these black end papers, and chapter separators. Then, I had an idea!  I actually told my son what I most wanted to do with it now was to buy those gel pens, that write on dark paper, and scribble on all that fabulous dark glossy paper!  Shame on me , I know!  Defacing a book.  What depths I've sunk to.  It really is quite tempting though.  It almost seems as if the author intended for it to be written on.  Of course if you've read my blog any before, you know I kind of have this thing about paper.  Hobby Lobby, Michaels , Office Depot, any place with more than just plain white typing paper, has me drooling.  Scrapbook paper, drawing paper, construction paper, need I say more?  I've made a lot of scrapbooks, journals, and so on,  that I've illustrated.  I've never actually wanted to draw in a ready made book though.  Do you think if the library finds out, my card will be revoked?  I can hear the library ladies now,  "She actually wanted to scribble in a book!!"  Shock and horror.  Ohhhhhhh, my rebellious side calls me to run to the nearest purveyor of gel pens and scribble away......bwahahahahahahaha!!  Man. I either have too much time on my hands, too much going on in my brain , or both.  Maybe, just maybe, if I DRAW for a while, it will calm my brain...............:)

Monday, November 28, 2011


This is my three hundred and fifteenth blog post !  Yay me!
I know I chatter on far too much.  But if you only knew how many things I want to say, and don't......~ Anne of Green Gables

I'm sure my mother despaired of me doing ANY -THING   three hundred and fifteen times , when I was growing up.  Well, anything really constructive anyway.  I could definitely leave my room dirty that many times in a row.  Or come up with some inane thing to say at least that many times.  I used to think my Dad was a quiet man, but now I realize he was only quiet because I never let him get a word in edgeways.  I have come to this realization because now I have a son who is the exact copy of me in personality.  He looks just like his dad, but his personality is ALL mine.  (Except he doesn't mind school work, which I hated with the passion of a thousand dying suns.)  But other than that.  He's me.  In all his awkward , geeky glory.  He once informed me,  "Gee Mom, you're a veritable fount of useless information."  This from a 7 year old.  How many 7 year olds even know the meaning of the words fount and veritable? At that age, I told the boy I had a crush on, ( he was older!  13!) , that Trilobites were a prehistoric animal that lived in the water, and went on to describe them in great detail.  He looked straight at me, and said,  "You know, I just really don't believe that."  I was crushed!  Of course, this was a fairly common reaction .  I read, read , read, anything I could at that age , too.  My sister and I were some of the few children allowed access to the adult section of the library, so I had access to the better books, you know.  So, I was not just nerdy, but immensely nerdy!  I have also come to the realization that I was not very easy to get along with as a child.  I was notoriously messy.  I'm an artist, and so paper, pencils, watercolors, markers, chalk, charcoal (shudder!) cardboard, scissors, yarn, glue, beads, and so on, were EVERY where, ALL the time.  It drove my mother wild!  Just the other day , the boy of mine we've been talking about had a box full of colored pencils sharpening them into his own bed , while gleefully drawing some imaginary creation.  He never even had a second thought about sleeping with pencil shavings that night.  I must admit though, perhaps he's not an EXACT replica of me personality wise.  I had an  attitude about a mile wide.  My mottos in life were "Don't TELL me to do anything.  You can ASK , but don't TELL me."  , and , "If it's do it or else.  I choose ELSE."  Yes,  you can imagine the conflict that ensued over those particular philosophies.  I 've mellowed some............I think.  I am still an avid reader.  I 'm still an artist.  There are STILL paper, pencils, watercolors, markers, chalk, charcoal, cardboard, scissors, yarn glue , beads, and so on scattered everywhere.  I try to keep them "loosely" organized.   I 'm still pretty messy.   Although I prefer  "creatively cluttered".  In retrospect , and now that I have a real live subject to study, myself in the looking glass if you will,  I realize that with your mind going in something like 529 different directions at once, it is very difficult to care about things like clean bedrooms, or organized work areas.  If  you take time to clean , that masterpiece you are currently thinking about might not get down on paper.  That invention might not get made from wire and old gears.  If you do EVERY thing you're ever told,  it seems as if a piece of yourself gets lost somewhere.  If you never speak your mind,  you can be a doormat.  Of course, there are negative consequences to these actions , too.  If you don't clean , you can lose time looking for JUST the right color for that masterpiece.  If you don't mind your parents,  losing privileges is a real possibility.  If you do speak your mind, you can really hurt someone's feelings( even if what you said was true.) All these things I can see in hindsight and happening for my little guy in real life , everyday.  I have grown up now, (mostly), and can clean , listen to my parents, I'm working on the speaking without thinking problem, but I'm by no means perfect!  My little man came home the other night, and told me "Mom, this girl said I was geeky and awkward.  "  I just put my arms around him, and said ,  "Me too, Bubba.  Me too."

Ruby Jeanette

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Can't I Have ONE?~

Yesterday I posted a "funny" thing, so today I am posting a "fearless" thing .  Well, it's kind of a fearless/furious thing about life that I kind of wanted to get off my chest.  Big breath,  whew, here goes.

I feel bad.  I mean , really physically bad.  I never, ever tell complete strangers that.  But I kind of figure, well, after nearly a year, maybe we aren't complete strangers.  I don't share a lot about feeling bad.  I always think everyone has their own struggles, problems, and  concerns, and it really makes other people feel bad because there is nothing they can do.  You can pray, I know, and I'll accept all the help I can get in that department! 
  The thing is , it's not even anything real specific.  I DO have major ulcers and lesions in my mouth and on my gums right now.  That's a "lupus thing".  I 've had them before, but it's been a long time since I had any this bad.  But the weird thing is with lupus and auto immune diseases you get this condition called "malaise".  Which is really just a fancy way of saying your body feels out of sorts with itself.  Imagine that feeling you get when you know you're coming down with something , but don't really know what.  Like the flu.  Or some type of virus.  You feel really "blah" and just can't seem to get going.  You're tired for no reason, and the couch and warm covers seem like the perfect place to be.
  I guess that' s the really sucky thing about a chronic illness.  It's not even the "big" things that get you down.  It's the nagging, seemingly little things.  Like persistent fatigue, mouth ulcers, joint pain, or lack of energy.  Yeah, a couple of days a year with those type of things, and you manage.  But after a while, the very monotony , all  day ,  every day,  of the annoying symptoms start to overwhelm you. Like your own body is giving you the Chinese water torture treatment, or scratching invisible  fingernails on a chalkboard. 
  So , that's it. In a nutshell.  I've got a physical thing to deal with, and I'm sure everyone out there has their own "little" things that frustrate them every day.  Soooooo.......
I've had my ONE grouch session for the year! Although as blessed as I really am, even ONE seems more than I am due.I 'm not trying to bum anyone out, or even collect pity from anyone.  No pity needed! :) It is what it is.  I am here, and I'm grateful that everything is as well as it is. You know with illness , it's not even anyone's fault, so you can't even really be angry! My genetic lottery just was not a winning hand for me.  But , you know, I feel better now.  Sometimes it helps to be able to tell someone , anyone! about what is going on  with our lives.  So, now that I've turned my frown upside down for the day, maybe I'll get my pillow and a good book.  An Ibuprofen and a cup of milk.  I think I hear the couch and covers calling my name. 

Here's to taking care of yourself , when you need it, and thanks for listening.........~ Ruby Jeanette

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Oh, yes. I Did. ~

Okay. I must say this up front.  I do not watch organized sports.  I don't watch football, basketball, soccer, golf, tennis, hockey, wrestling, ice skating, volleyball, or any other sport.  I don't play video games, like Wii, PlayStation, Nintendo , Xbox, and so on.  I don't play computer games, like FarmVille, CityVille, TownVille, FrontierVille, Angry Birds, Mad Cows or anything in that vein , either.  I DO read, read, read, just about anything I can ,although being a mom, wife, teacher, homekeeper, homemaker, and general Queen of the Castle has cut my reading from about 20 books a week to WAAAAAAAY less than that.  I DO enjoy chess, puzzles, word games, and anything of that sort.  I consider myself a fairly intelligent person. ( Most of the time!)  So after saying all that, let me now explain my red-faced moment of the day, week, possibly lifetime,  ( although with me it is never safe to be certain of anything !) .  Since being on FB, I notice people have all these little acronyms, and abbreviations for things.  You know, LOL (LaughOutLoud) , TY (ThankYou), YW ( You'reWelcome), ROFLOL, (Rolling On Floor Laughing Out Loud) , and so on and so forth.  Well, since it's been football season, everyone keeps posting WPS.  Wellllllllllll, I didn't know what that meant!!!!!  I kept trying to figure it out without asking because I did not want to be seen as some weirdie.  ( No danger in that , right, RIGHT?) Anyhow,  I keep thinking to myself , "What in the world does that stand for?"   (Will Pray, Surely!)  (Well Played Sister!)  (What? People Sick?  ), and I knew it wasn't something tacky or vulgar, because it was good Christian people posting it. And then........... it hits me.   WhoooPigSoooieee.  Yes.  So, there is your moment for the day .  Don't you feel better about yourself now?  YW. Please feel free to say TY while ROFLOL. 

Here's to being able to laugh at yourself...........(I've no shortage of material , in that department!)

Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and January's Jewels!~

"Does thinking you're the only sane man left on earth, make you crazy , Doc?  Cause if it does, then maybe I am."  ~ Will Smith  in "I, Robot."

I guess I 'm either crazy , or the only sane woman left on earth, but I DID NOT go Black Friday shopping today.  I did not go last year.  I have NEVER in my life , been Black Friday shopping.  I haven't ever been Cyber Monday shopping , either.  I saw all kinds of FaceBook posts about , "Ooooooh, we scored a huge deal!", or "Got the electronical whatsitwejusthaddtohave for 30 dollars!"  , or my favorite!" There are so many people here we can't even breathe!!!!"  all posted with some type of maniacal glee.  Like, "This is fun and cool!". Or they are desperately trying to convince themselves it is. Going shopping at midnight or 1 am, waiting in a line full of pushy people , while cold, caffeinated , and probably needing to pee, all trying  to save a few dollars for something that will probably be cheaper in January anyway.  No thanks.  I mean , no offense if that IS your idea of a really good time, but it just doesn't do it for me.  People might think my husband and I are Scrooges somewhat, but we've taught our boys that if you can wait til after "The BIG day", you can get twice as much stuff for your buck.  They know if you save your money , that toy set or electronic gadget will be marked down after Christmas.  One year they scored their faves ( Lego sets) , for over half off.  That convinced them!  So, if you 're waiting for me to post about how I managed the Black Friday madness, it won't ever happen on here.......just sayin!

Here's to everyone 's own way of scoring that deal! ~ Ruby Jeanette

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Don't Let a Rock Take Your Job~

It's Thanksgiving Day!

I rise at 5:45, thankful for alarm clocks , because it means I have things to do to busy my hands and heart.  I am thankful for messy kitchens because it means I fed my family yesterday.  I am thankful for cluttered living rooms, because it means my children feel that this is their home too.  I am thankful for grocery sacks scattered in the floor, because it means we will eat today ,  and share it with family.   I am thankful for hunter orange, stray ammo, and dried mud crumbled, because it means my husband was well and able to go deer hunting this morning.  I am thankful, so VERY thankful, that this Thanksgiving , I am at home, and NOT in the hospital, with myself, or one of my children. Of the 15 years we've been married, we have spent 3 or 4 Thanksgivings, and 1 or 2 Christmases , in the hospital. I am thankful , thankful, thankful !  For salvation from sin, for forgiveness of my very human fallen condition, because it means that JESUS loves me!  I am thankful, thankful, thankful, that I've been blessed with one more day to be present in this body,  and thankful I am one day closer to being present with the Lord.  I am so very blessed, with so much more than I ever deserved.  If I fail to praise Him, the rocks will cry out.  I refuse to let some rock take my place!  How about you? 

Blessed Thanksgiving to you and yours~  Ruby Jeanette

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Soaker Hose~

Happy 11th birthday to someone very special!
I just want to say how proud I am of both my boys and how much they've grown in the last couple of years.  I can't say how hard being the parent of a teenager is, since I've only got two days experience in, so far. But , I think we are doing okay , today anyway! I do want to brag on both of them for a minute , though.  Den actually got up behind the podium and led the song Wednesday night, (red-faced), but hey, a very BIG deal for him.  So he's getting better about not being so embarrassed.  And I have to say I was impressed with the conversation I had with Joseph about his class.  He was telling me about sin , and how it corrupts ( his words, not mine!) .  Maybe not even all at once, but a little at a time, it causes your heart to be sick.  So, I guess even though I think maybe sometimes they don't listen, they are picking it up, little by little.  I don't want to give up on it now!  Even though sometimes I just wish I could pinch them, I think they may be on the road to being responsible, moral  adults , in time.  I guess really it is just a long process.  Every minute of every day of every year, gently , slowly, repetitively , it's soaking in.  Just like those old soaker hoses we used to use in the garden.  A little bit, over a long time, and the plants grow big and strong!

Here's to being in it for the long haul! ~ Ruby Jeanette

Friday, November 18, 2011

Nothing On!~

It is official.  I now pay 100 dollars a month for 400 channels of nothing.  There is absolutely nothing on ! And I like a wide variety of things, not just one type of programming.  I like mysteries, crime shows, nature documentaries, kids programs, good movies, music shows, British telly, I will even  watch hunting, fishing , auto auctions, home improvement, craft shows,  even financial reports!  I like cooking shows, and even  opera!  But here is  what was ACTUALLY listed on six channels in a row on my DirectTV screen guide.  In order , they were:
I Like Killing Flies
Turkey Fried Easy!
Hairy Bikers
Best Vacuum Ever!
More American Eats
I Used To Be Fat

Really!  I couldn't help but laugh!  I thought about, "What if aliens landed on Earth , and were going to learn about our culture , from just these six channels?!?"  We like to kill flies ,while eating turkey, fried  easy.  All of our friends are hairy bikers, who used to be fat , from eating more American eats, but worked it off with the best vacuum ever! I'm sorry!  I couldn't help it!  I 've got to take my laughs where I can , and this was just too good to pass up..........have a great evening everyone......just don't expect to find anything on TV!  :)

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Happy 13th birthday to someone very special!
Current Situation:
Me~ Sitting in front of computer , at FaceBook page
Husband~  Standing behind me, asking "What are you doing?"
Me ~  Saying "Checking my FaceBook page."
Husband ~  Still standing there staring, staring, staring..........."Well, whatever."
Me~.   Ohhhhkayyy.  Yeah, whatever.  Men are sooooo weird!

Is that one of those situations where you just say, huh?  I mean , I know English was my first language, and  I thought I had picked up  more man-speak in fifteen years than that, but I guess not.  Any ideas as to what that particular exchange was supposed to mean?  Seriously? I'm scrolling through Face Book , something I do a couple of times a day.  What did he THINK I was doing?  I have no clue.  Sometimes I just look over at him, and think , "Who ARE you?!?"  Definitely one of those head-scratch type of days, for sure.  I wonder if he has any idea how close I come to just lobbing him upside the head sometimes?  Heehee.  With one hand I'm scratching my head, while I lob him upside his head with my other hand, so HE can scratch HIS head in confusion..........."What happened?"......(lol)!  Ahhhhhhhh, the joys of married life!  

Have a great day everyone!  ~ Ruby Jeanette

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Getting Better~

It feels so good to be on the mend!  I had no idea that a sinus/bronchial infection could lay you so low. Two weeks in, two antibiotic rounds, and one steroid shot later, I think I may be on the upswing , finally.  Congestion mostly gone, now just really tired still.  I have missed posting on my blog, and FaceBook these last couple of weeks.  I'm behind with my "Thanks for" count , too.  I missed Wednesday and Sunday church from last week,  and I sure do count on the fellowship I get when I go.  You don't realize what a difference that time in the Lord's house makes for the rest of your week.  Or, it does for me , anyway. 
  Hubby has gone hunting for the day, and I haven't heard anything from him yet, so don't know whether he got a deer.  He was hoping for a nice, juicy , doe.  He never has been much of a horn hunter, you can't eat them, you know.  But tenderloin from a doe,  whew - whee, that's some seriously good eats, there.  Well, I just wanted to say hi to everyone, and wish everyone a blessed day!  Here's my "Thanks for"  for the last week or so....
6.  Feeling better
7.  Deer in the woods
8.  My parents living right next door
9.  Groceries in the cupboard
10.  Wood in the stove
11.  Little boy hugs
12. Warm blankets

Here's to being on the upswing!~ Ruby Jeanette

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Playing Catchup~

I am excited to see so many of my friends participating in Thanks -Living this month!   I think it's a great tradition to start.  I haven't been posting anything for each day, but was glad to read other people's thoughts on what they are thankful for.  It's awesome to see people treating life with a more grateful attitude. We have so many blessings here in our great country.  Despite what the conditions are now, we still live in the most wonderful country on Earth.  Most of us have plenty to eat, clothes to wear, vehicles to drive, jobs to go to, are mostly healthy , can go to the doctor if we aren't , go to church when and where we want, read our Bible anywhere, anytime, speak freely, write freely, teach our children the things we want, and so many other things I can't even think of right now.  I wonder sometimes if our lack of thankfulness, and our considerable arrogance as a country is like a slap to the face of God?  That's really a theoretical question, because I already know that it is like a slap to His face.  I don' t like to preach, as  I don't feel that 's my calling. But there was a saying going around on FaceBook a while back that said, "What if today you only woke up with the things you thanked God for yesterday?".  Kind of scary , huh?
I'm going to catch up!
What I'm thankful for today:
1.  My salvation.
2. Jesus
3. My family
4. My freedom
5. That we live where we do!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Consider the Lilies~

I finally got the results yesterday, from the poetry contest I entered.  I didn't win the grand prize  , (CASH, sigh....) , but I did win one of their first prizes. Funny thing is, I don't even know what the first prizes were!  Oh, well, I suppose to have your poetry chosen out of thousands of poems , and be rated as good enough for a first is not too shabby.  So, what goes on in your world today? I got up about 4 30 and helped a couple of my  fellas off to the deer woods.  You know the whole warm clothes, snack boxes, hot cocoa routine. Today is youth hunt here where we live, so I hope the oldest boy get a shot on something.  The littlest boy got one last year, what we call around here , a "nubbin" head . Meaning it only had nubs of horn sticking up.  So that was pretty cool.  I'm wrestling with a major sinus and bronchial infection , so I didn't feel up to going and sitting in the cold , dark woods, waiting on the sun.  I do love to do that when I feel good though! There is just something about listening to the world come alive in nature.  To me there's nothing really like it .  It makes you realize there are so many other things happening on Earth than just what is going on with you personally.  The animals go about their daily lives without regard to what's occurring in our ridiculously fast paced ones.
 I guess that 's what God meant when he talks about the sparrows, and considering the lilies.  He tells us we are worth so much more to Him than that, and yet we still worry .  What will we eat?  Where will we live?  And so on.  If you ever get the chance, go to the woods sometime, and wait for the sun to rise.  Watch the squirrels, birds, deer and other animals go about their morning routines.  They might be scurrying, but it's not because they are worried!  They are taken care of by God, and He knows when even one sparrow falls, His Word says so.  Just think what kind of care He will take of us, if we let Him!

Here's to a little less worry and scurry!~ Ruby Jeanette

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Keeping It Going~

I decided to redo the appearance of my blog yesterday.  I got bored with the look, and thought it could use re-vamping.   I did add a new description underneath the title and picture.  I did have "Only positive, uplifting, and humorous anecdotes".  Now I have ,"Finding the funny, fearless, and furious things in everyday life...".  Why did I change it?  Well, I found out that people find it hard to believe that you can be positive every day.  I guess I was really naive in that I didn't realize there was so much  negative energy in this world. I guess I knew it, but I didn't KNOW it, if ya' know what I mean.  So, I thought , "I'll change my description, but only so people realize you can still be frustrated or even furious and still be positive and optimistic.  Sometimes the world sucks.  I mean this is a fact.  We get sick, the bills pile up, as does the laundry and the housework.  The kids get ornery, the doctor did not have good news, our car is on the fritz.   But I refuse to give into the idea that life will never get any better, or that I have to be upset with the world in general! I can be furious, and optimistic.  I 'm going to be furiously optimistic!  Or optimistically furious, or something!  I'm going to be fearless and funny. I'm going to be fearlessly funny, or funnily fearless!  Or something!  But I absolutely am going to keep going with the idea that people need encouragement, and hope , and the realization that , Thank the Good Lord!  this life is not all there is!  So don't give up just yet.  I believe the sun is on the horizon.

Here's to never giving in to hopelessness!~ Ruby Jeanette

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Do You NEED It?~

Have you ever had to "make do"?  For quite a few years now in America many people have lost interest in this concept.  "Making do" implied that you didn't have , or couldn't afford to get whatever it was that was involved. I remember one of my Dad's stories that he tells quite often, when he discusses this subject.  For a long time when he was growing up, they did not have electricity, indoor plumbing, or even their own rooms.  He said once they lived in a house with cracks so big in the walls, you could shoot rabbits outside.  The snow could drift in on you in your sleep.  And my Dad is by no means old.  This was only about 50 years ago.  And it wasn't for lack of my Grandpa Deer working.  He was  not afraid to work, and always had a job.  It's just that times were so hard.  People in America were still trying to recover from wars, and economic depression.  Sound familiar?  But, people knew how to "make do".  Could we do that now?  Could we live without electricity, indoor plumbing, and all the "extras" that people seem to think are so essential now?  I am by no means an alarmist, so please don't think I am saying "The sky is falling!", but I think we could all get by with a little less .  We are so consumed with the new, the now, the next, that we don't realize that most of it is just unnecessary .   People hurry from 50 hour a week a jobs, to their 40 thousand dollar cars, to their 250,000 dollar homes, so they can kiss their significant other, while THEY leave for their 50 hour a week a job, in THEIR 40 thousand dollar car.  And by the way , this is just a statement of fact, not a judgement.  If this is your lifestyle, I am not condemning you,  times are very tough.  But, I wonder sometimes if people slowed down long enough to think about it would they realize they really COULD "make do"?  With a smaller house, a less expensive car, or just maybe a little less money?  I don't live in much, but it's home to me.  I don't drive a new car, but it goes!  I can't afford to buy my kids the newest, the next "hot" thing, but they're not unhappy.  I guess it all comes back to the story my Dad tells.  I don't live in a house where you can shoot rabbits through the walls.  I have electricity, indoor plumbing, and even a room of my own.  That's more than "making do" , to me.............that's succeeding .

Here's to enjoying the blessings you have right now~  Ruby Jeanette

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Just the Start~

Well, it's a new day of a new month!  November rocks, I must say.  Both my boys birthdays are in November, plus usually the weather is a lot cooler, the leaves are really showing off, and we really get to start to use our wood heater.  I love wood heat! It just warms your bones.  Of course, I partly love it because of the good memories I have attached to it.  That used to be one of mine and my Dad's favorite activities, cutting and hauling wood.  And it is still one my favorite things to go and do with my husband and children.  If someone asked me which would you rather do, "Dress up and go to a fancy restaurant?", or "Put your grubby, warm clothes on, and go haul wood?", I'd choose the latter every time.  Being outdoors, wearing my gloves and 'boggin, smelling the shavings from the tree, seeing my husband be the fine artist he is with a saw, it's just fun! November has lots of great things going for it.  You've got the weather, and the food, don't forget the food!  Turkey, ham, potatoes, and of course,  all the sweet treats.  A lot of people say Halloween is the start of the holiday season, and I guess it kind of is, but to me it's November 1st.  It just makes me feel like the holidays are now right around the corner. So whether your November is going to involve wood cutting, or holiday visiting, or cooking , all of it together, or nothing at all,  I hope and wish you all of God's blessings for every day in it!

Happy November 1st Everyone!  ~ Ruby Jeanette