Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Just a Few Minutes~

It's only 9:30 am and I am bushed.  I have already been to Nashville, washed my van, paid bills, gotten the van filled up, gotten breakfast for two hungry boys, and visited with Mark at work.I was feeling kind of down, because  this afternoon I have a cardiologist's appointment.  I was kind of tense, and worried that the tests might not turn out the way the doctor wanted, meaning that I would have to take a lot more medicine. Of course, just because they say you have to take it, doesn't mean I ACTUALLY do what they tell me to.........No, seriously sometimes the pills are worse than the disease, and I have told them that before.  But it can be a very frustrating cycle, and it makes it hard to feel optimistic sometimes. But then I ran into my friend Brandy, at C-Stop this morning. (Well, not literally.....she was parked and so was I!)  She really lifted my spirits in the few minutes we chatted.  She understands the whole"doctor/hospital/medicine"rollercoaster very well.  She always has a smile for me, and a positive outlook on life.  It's very hard to be down when you  are with her!  So, in short , I feel better now about the doctor's visit this afternoon.  At least we're still here to SEE the doctor!  Thanks Brandy,for reminding me of the important things, love you!

Here's to the power of a couple of minutes~ Ruby Jeanette


  1. I have a doctor appointment this afternoon too. LOL Mine is for a blood pressure check-up to see if the meds helped and to see if my pressure is going to stay down or if I need meds for life.
    I got nothing done this morning, so, good job there. :) ~Leslie~

  2. Thanks Leslie! Hope this finds you having an awesome day!
