Well, I am very aggravated with my stomach today. It refused to cooperate so I could go and read at library club. My wonderful husband took my boys to the library and then did the grocery shopping. We had a really good turnout for club this year, so I was sad to miss the last day. Denim was sure glad he went though. He won the grand prize this year, two tickets to Magic Springs Theme Park. He is finally tall enough to enjoy most of the rides , so he is very excited. I am feeling some better, but that kind of thing can really wear you out. Plus, I have really not felt like getting on the computer, or doing any of my usual chores, so please , if you come to visit, bring your blinders, cause the house is a mess. A friend of mine, Norman, always says, "Well, if it bothers them, tell them to get up and clean it." I haven't gotten that brave yet, but I suppose the idea is sound, lol. Any way, not a whole lot going on here at the Woods Place, just hanging around, and trying to recoup, from all this sick and tired. I tell ya, I'm about sick and tired, of sick and tired. Hope everyone is having a great night!
P.s. I 'd like to thank Janice , Cheryl, Tammy, Adrea, Jet, and Tina for all their work with the library club!
Here's to being on the uphill side, (I hope! ) ~ Ruby Jeanette
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
What's Today's Number?~
I have noticed lately that my FaceBook friends number has been different every day for about the last month or so. I pretty much know everyone on my list , some only a little, but most I would know on the street. It's weird to see your friends number fluctuate like that. My friend Fernando noticed his doing this , too, and said he hoped it wasn't because he had offended anyone. I hope I didn't either. But , it's almost kind of funny at this point, like the game we used to play with daisies. You know, "He/She loves me. He/She loves me not." I know it's just a computer glitch, because the people "reappear" on my list periodically. I 'm glad I don't have to have a certain number over there to keep my self-esteem up, lol. Or every day I might be like. " They like me, they like me not!" Seriously though. It's good to have friends you can "count" on every day!
Here's to friends in fairweather and foul~ Ruby Jeanette
Here's to friends in fairweather and foul~ Ruby Jeanette
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
I must admit it was wonderful to be in the Lord's House tonight. I have just not had the strength , energy or giddy-up to get there. It was really great to see everyone, and to hear Brother Shinn's message about praise in all situations. It sure spoke to me. I hope I didn't embarrass anyone by my "Amen-ing", but it was just the message I needed tonight. I would say, "Funny, how it works that way.", but it's not a coincidence . God always knows just what we need, and when we need it. The verse that Pastor used was "Bless the Lord, oh my soul , and all that is within me. Bless His holy name!" Pastor said that perhaps David was speaking to himself, as in giving himself a kind of a pep talk. Reminding himself to be grateful and full of praise in all situations. David was called the man after God's own heart, even though he wasn't perfect. Maybe it was his heart turned to praise. I guess my prayer tonight was to be more like David.
Here's to a heart-full of praise!~ Ruby Jeanette
Here's to a heart-full of praise!~ Ruby Jeanette
Sunday, July 24, 2011
I just got back from holding the best six pound bundle of sweetness anywhere! I got to go to Amanda Jane's and see that beautiful ball of goodness, Miss Emma Jane. I know everyone will say I'm prejudiced, but she really IS a gorgeous baby. And not fussy either. It's been a very long time since I have held anybody that tiny, though. Of course, Amanda was glad to be home and out of the hospital too. She doing pretty good recovering from her surgery . It means a lot that she lets us be such a big part of her and Emma's lives. I've always said, "Friends are the family we choose for ourselves." As an example, Mark lost his mother very early in his life, and although he had wonderful grandparents and aunts to take care of him, he still feels that empty spot. But Nancy has adopted him, and he calls her "Mom" . She treats him just like she gave birth to him, and it means a lot to him. I've never thought you could have too much family to love. And the love always multiplies! Just because you add more people, it doesn't subtract from your love for any of your other family. People you love , and a relationship with Christ are truly the only "real " things in this world worth having. A lot of people have gotten away from the fact that for better, or for worse, family and the love we share , is the glue that holds us together. I 'm happy to say, I've got plenty of glue!
Here's to the important things life ~ Ruby Jeanette
Here's to the important things life ~ Ruby Jeanette
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Shirking ~
Alright, I am officially a slacker. I have not posted here for something like a couple of days. I am so disappointed in myself, lol. I can honestly say though, that between doctor visits and trying (emphasis on trying!), to get my laundry under control, I have been as Mark would say, "Too pooped to pop." I did do library club, and grocery shop, although not at Brookshires because it was absolutely bonkers the amount of people there today ! If you weren't there , I've got to tell you, I've never seen so many people at a grocery store. The Movie Gallery parking lot, O Reilly's parking lot, both sides of the side street, one vacant lot, the ENTIRE Brookshires parking lot, AND the church across the road was full of cars! There were people waiting in line to get in , a line running all the way out the door and into the end of the parking lot. I couldn't believe it! All I had wanted to do was turn in my loyalty card and get it set up in their computer. But, there was no way I was going to wait in 102 degree weather just for that. Needless to say I did my shopping at Wal-Mart, which was surprisingly , not crowded, (lol wonder why? I think everyone else in Nashville was at Brookshires!) Hopefully it will die down next week and I can shop with sanity. On a positive note though, I got my grocery shopping done, helped at library club, scored the James Rollins book I've been wanting, and fixed tacos for supper. So , maybe I don't qualify for slacker status............just yet!
Hope everyone else had a stellar day too~ Ruby Jeanette
Hope everyone else had a stellar day too~ Ruby Jeanette
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Fowl Play~
Okay. I HAVE to relate something funny that happened yesterday. Now at first I have to explain, and it won't sound funny, but it will when you get to the end, so be patient, please! We live out in the country, and we keep chickens. Nothing fancy , just a bunch of this-n-that breeds, but they do lay eggs and are fun to watch. They are really my boys' responsibility. You know, the whole "chores-work-real life experience" thing. We turn them out every day so that they can "graze". Now, I don't know if any of you know anything about chickens, but I'm here to tell you, Chickens. Are . Stupid. They do not even have the sense to get out of the road, when a truck is coming, and we have lost several of them that way. Truck + chicken = not pretty But , I'll go you one better! Here comes the funny part. The highway department comes every summer and bushhogs the ditches. That was what was happening yesterday. I didn't think anything of it, until my youngest son comes in and says,"Momma! Momma! The highway department man bushhogged a chicken!" (Okay. That was the part that was not going to SEEM funny, lol) Denim was very perturbed! I told him I was sorry, but that there wasn't a whole lot I could do about it. A few hours later , he took the trash out to the curb, and came back in with a very sheepish look. "Momma, the man did not bushhog a chicken..............it was a white plastic grocery sack." I laughed, and laughed!
Here's to the lowly Gallus Domesticus ( Latin for poor dumb chicken, lol) ~ Ruby Jeanette
Here's to the lowly Gallus Domesticus ( Latin for poor dumb chicken, lol) ~ Ruby Jeanette
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Fact or Fiction?~
Just read this on a webpage. Glass takes one million years to decompose. It can be crushed and recycled an infinite number of times. Okay. That's interesting, but think about the first part of that sentence. Glass takes one million years to decompose. How do they know? As far as I know, there aren't any million-year old people. There isn't any 999,999 year old glass , to watch for the next year either. I mean, really? That's kind of a dumb thing to say, I think! How can they know that for sure? I don't think there is any way to simulate a million year's worth of wear on glass. It's really kind of funny to think that scientists make these statements, and just expect us to swallow it hook , line , and sinker. You know , because they have "science" to back it up. I've read a lot of things that I thought were similarly dumb. And just because their "facts" say it's true, a lot of people will take it as gospel. Good thing God gave us our own brains, to form our own opinions!
Here's to finding out for yourself~ Ruby Jeanette
Here's to finding out for yourself~ Ruby Jeanette
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Donkey Kong - Linkoroo Best place for games videos images
Donkey Kong - Linkoroo Best place for games videos images
Not sure if this will show......
This was supposed to be a link with a picture of the old donkey kong game. I was trying to explain to my boys what the old Atari and Nintendo games used to look like, and found these. It was really hard to get them to understand that video games have not always been so realistic. I mean , really! I was telling Wendy here a while back that we thought we were the bomb when we played Pong. Remember that game? Two rectangular bars on opposite sides of the screen, covering empty holes for goals. A square "ball". Moving the rectangles up and down to block the ball from going in. And that super annoying noise! Blloooop! Bllooop! Ha! And we thought that was the most fun thing ever! Now the kids play these games that look real enough to step through the screen and be there! Of course , lately I've noticed a resurgence in these old games, and they are calling them "retro"! Who knew?!? I 'm old enough to be "retro"? Lol! I've arrived! :)
Here's to being cool again, lol! ~ Ruby Jeanette
Not sure if this will show......
This was supposed to be a link with a picture of the old donkey kong game. I was trying to explain to my boys what the old Atari and Nintendo games used to look like, and found these. It was really hard to get them to understand that video games have not always been so realistic. I mean , really! I was telling Wendy here a while back that we thought we were the bomb when we played Pong. Remember that game? Two rectangular bars on opposite sides of the screen, covering empty holes for goals. A square "ball". Moving the rectangles up and down to block the ball from going in. And that super annoying noise! Blloooop! Bllooop! Ha! And we thought that was the most fun thing ever! Now the kids play these games that look real enough to step through the screen and be there! Of course , lately I've noticed a resurgence in these old games, and they are calling them "retro"! Who knew?!? I 'm old enough to be "retro"? Lol! I've arrived! :)
Here's to being cool again, lol! ~ Ruby Jeanette
Friday, July 15, 2011
Had the most awesome visit today with Amanda Jane and her new sweetie Emma! It's been a long time since I held a baby that little. I had forgotten how wonderful newborns smell. It was great for my boys to get to see her up close, too. They had never seen a brand new baby before. I was struck by the wonder in their eyes at an actual person being that tiny! Denim asked me if there were real bones in those tiny fingers. He said they were too tiny there couldn't possibly be real bones in there! Joseph was just awestruck by her , everything about her. Momma , look at her little eyelashes, and feet. Look at her soft fluffy hair. It was amazing to see how gentle they were with her. They just tippy-toed around her, and were very quiet. They can hardly wait to see her at home, where they can really spend some time with her. Thanks Amanda, for letting the boys ( and us!) visit with your darling little one! Can't wait to see her at home !
Here's to the smell of a brand new baby~ Ruby Jeanette
Here's to the smell of a brand new baby~ Ruby Jeanette
Thursday, July 14, 2011
I want to welcome a new addition to this world, Emma Jane! This cutie patootie is my friend Amanda Jane's new baby girl. Born today at 8:24 weighing 6 lbs. 5 oz. and 20 inches long. We love you Amanda, and Emma! Congratulations!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Just a Few Minutes~
It's only 9:30 am and I am bushed. I have already been to Nashville, washed my van, paid bills, gotten the van filled up, gotten breakfast for two hungry boys, and visited with Mark at work.I was feeling kind of down, because this afternoon I have a cardiologist's appointment. I was kind of tense, and worried that the tests might not turn out the way the doctor wanted, meaning that I would have to take a lot more medicine. Of course, just because they say you have to take it, doesn't mean I ACTUALLY do what they tell me to.........No, seriously sometimes the pills are worse than the disease, and I have told them that before. But it can be a very frustrating cycle, and it makes it hard to feel optimistic sometimes. But then I ran into my friend Brandy, at C-Stop this morning. (Well, not literally.....she was parked and so was I!) She really lifted my spirits in the few minutes we chatted. She understands the whole"doctor/hospital/medicine"rollercoaster very well. She always has a smile for me, and a positive outlook on life. It's very hard to be down when you are with her! So, in short , I feel better now about the doctor's visit this afternoon. At least we're still here to SEE the doctor! Thanks Brandy,for reminding me of the important things, love you!
Here's to the power of a couple of minutes~ Ruby Jeanette
Here's to the power of a couple of minutes~ Ruby Jeanette
Saturday, July 9, 2011
A Whole Lotta' Fun, and a Whole Lotta ' Work~
Just got in from an exciting but exhausting time at Summer Reading Club! We had over 30 children there today, not counting teenagers, (who were too "cool" to be counted,lol) . I read and helped with crafts and sign in. Another person did a story/puppet show, and a craft, and tasting of tropical fruit. The theme today was Africa, and the program theme is "One World, Many Stories." My kids really enjoy getting to learn about new places and things at the library. Reading Club is a lot of fun, but the library is fun all year round. I am so grateful to Ms. Cheryl, Ms. Tammy, Ms. Janice, and Ms. Mary who always make our experience there a good one. You wouldn't think a couple of hours would be that much work, but it sure is! Thanks again ladies for all your hard work, and thanks for letting me volunteer. ( I am going to take my well-deserved nap now, lol! )
Here's to summer fun at the library~ Ruby Jeanette
Here's to summer fun at the library~ Ruby Jeanette
Friday, July 8, 2011
Child Star?~
Fame is a fickle food upon a shifting plate.
I do not like the man who squanders life for fame; give me the man who living makes a name.
Emily Dickinson
Our society today is obsessed with fame. Being famous, being "known" seems to be an all-consuming passion these days. It's even gotten to the point where like small children , bad attention is better than no attention at all.
I have never quite understood the fascination with the famous, and I have certainly never wanted to BE famous. Can you imagine ? Your every move watched by millions, your every action photographed and talked about in magazines, newspapers, and the internet? And really, all those millions are just waiting for you to screw up, the more publicly the better! It's no wonder that celebrities go into meltdown. What surprises me is that no more of them implode than what do. Especially these child stars. Making millions of dollars, having people who fulfill your every whim, being able to buy anything you want, and people practically falling over themselves to meet you. I don't know about you, but it would take some major parenting to keep a kid from getting a big head over something like that! I would never hope for my children to be celebrities. If they grow up and want to act or sing or something, I would say "Go for it." But not when they are still young. I just can't imagine that turning out well. I 'll just be happy if they grow up healthy, happy and living good , clean , moral lives. But, the way the world is going , as rare as that is, they might be more famous for that than for being a movie star!
Here's to "not " being famous~ Ruby Jeanette
I do not like the man who squanders life for fame; give me the man who living makes a name.
Emily Dickinson
Our society today is obsessed with fame. Being famous, being "known" seems to be an all-consuming passion these days. It's even gotten to the point where like small children , bad attention is better than no attention at all.
I have never quite understood the fascination with the famous, and I have certainly never wanted to BE famous. Can you imagine ? Your every move watched by millions, your every action photographed and talked about in magazines, newspapers, and the internet? And really, all those millions are just waiting for you to screw up, the more publicly the better! It's no wonder that celebrities go into meltdown. What surprises me is that no more of them implode than what do. Especially these child stars. Making millions of dollars, having people who fulfill your every whim, being able to buy anything you want, and people practically falling over themselves to meet you. I don't know about you, but it would take some major parenting to keep a kid from getting a big head over something like that! I would never hope for my children to be celebrities. If they grow up and want to act or sing or something, I would say "Go for it." But not when they are still young. I just can't imagine that turning out well. I 'll just be happy if they grow up healthy, happy and living good , clean , moral lives. But, the way the world is going , as rare as that is, they might be more famous for that than for being a movie star!
Here's to "not " being famous~ Ruby Jeanette
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Follow the Son~
Look toward the sun, and the shadows will fall behind you.
I saw this quote today , and it set me to thinking. You could also word this, "Look toward the SON, and the shadows will fall behind you." And then the more I thought about it, the more things I came up with regarding the similarities between the sun, and the SON. Looking at the sun can cause you to go blind. Looking at the SON can also cause you to become blind, but in a good way. You become blind to other people 's faults, and see them only through the eyes of Christ. The sun helps things to grow. The SON also helps us to grow. We grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. The sun causes our crops to increase. The SON also causes our crops to increase. We have a greater harvest through Him , than we ever would without Him. Without the sun, every living person would die. Without the SON , every living person would also die, and be lost forever. But if we look toward the Son, we will win other people to Him, growing in the warmth of His love, live forever with Him, and while we are here on this earth, the shadows will fall behind us.
Here's to the power of the SON~ Ruby Jeanette
I saw this quote today , and it set me to thinking. You could also word this, "Look toward the SON, and the shadows will fall behind you." And then the more I thought about it, the more things I came up with regarding the similarities between the sun, and the SON. Looking at the sun can cause you to go blind. Looking at the SON can also cause you to become blind, but in a good way. You become blind to other people 's faults, and see them only through the eyes of Christ. The sun helps things to grow. The SON also helps us to grow. We grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. The sun causes our crops to increase. The SON also causes our crops to increase. We have a greater harvest through Him , than we ever would without Him. Without the sun, every living person would die. Without the SON , every living person would also die, and be lost forever. But if we look toward the Son, we will win other people to Him, growing in the warmth of His love, live forever with Him, and while we are here on this earth, the shadows will fall behind us.
Here's to the power of the SON~ Ruby Jeanette
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
What Happened?~
For Caylee~
A beautiful smile,
despite all circumstance.
Joy of life, love for others,
why didn't she get the chance?
This world is cruel, and cold ,
and true justice here has flown.
I can't understand that they didn't see you,
and stand for what was right.
But you have gone now to Heaven,
where there is no more night.
No more tears, no more sadness,
no more hurt, and no more pain.
The ones who really loved you,
Will get to see you again.
Payment from the ones who sinned,
will be extracted while they weep.
A millstone thrown around their neck,
and cast into the deep.
I wish for them repentance ,
before the Judgement Day,
that they will see the harm they've caused,
before it is too late.
you hold the hand of Jesus now,
and walk the streets of gold,
You are safe at home now,
in the Great Shepherd's fold.
Ruby Jeanette
A beautiful smile,
despite all circumstance.
Joy of life, love for others,
why didn't she get the chance?
This world is cruel, and cold ,
and true justice here has flown.
I can't understand that they didn't see you,
and stand for what was right.
But you have gone now to Heaven,
where there is no more night.
No more tears, no more sadness,
no more hurt, and no more pain.
The ones who really loved you,
Will get to see you again.
Payment from the ones who sinned,
will be extracted while they weep.
A millstone thrown around their neck,
and cast into the deep.
I wish for them repentance ,
before the Judgement Day,
that they will see the harm they've caused,
before it is too late.
you hold the hand of Jesus now,
and walk the streets of gold,
You are safe at home now,
in the Great Shepherd's fold.
Ruby Jeanette
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
I had a great weekend , and hope everyone else can say the same. It was nice to unwind, and just do nothing. Although that is not what constitutes most people's idea of the Fourth of July celebration. We've had those kinds of celebrations too before. You know what I mean , right? When it falls on a Monday....... (Sample of activity)
Friday~ Early. Go to bank. Wait in long line. Cash check. Go to grocery store. Wait in long line. Spend waaaaaay too much on groceries. Go to bulk ice machine. Wait in long line. Ice machine is out of ice when it is your turn. Go to C-Stop. Wait in long line . Get ice. Friday night~ Go to park. Wait in long line. Sweat like some wild , crazed person. Watch fireworks. Be exhausted. Go home. Saturday~ Repeat Friday's activities, except with less money, and less energy. LOL! We just decided that this year we would eat , play and enjoy our holiday at home. And it really was nice. Now, I'm not knocking anyone who went and did any of those things I mentioned, so please don't take offense. If you were brave enough, I take my hat off to you! So, however you chose to celebrate your holiday weekend, I hope it was safe, fun, and memorable.
Here's to making your own fun!~ Ruby Jeanette
Friday~ Early. Go to bank. Wait in long line. Cash check. Go to grocery store. Wait in long line. Spend waaaaaay too much on groceries. Go to bulk ice machine. Wait in long line. Ice machine is out of ice when it is your turn. Go to C-Stop. Wait in long line . Get ice. Friday night~ Go to park. Wait in long line. Sweat like some wild , crazed person. Watch fireworks. Be exhausted. Go home. Saturday~ Repeat Friday's activities, except with less money, and less energy. LOL! We just decided that this year we would eat , play and enjoy our holiday at home. And it really was nice. Now, I'm not knocking anyone who went and did any of those things I mentioned, so please don't take offense. If you were brave enough, I take my hat off to you! So, however you chose to celebrate your holiday weekend, I hope it was safe, fun, and memorable.
Here's to making your own fun!~ Ruby Jeanette
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Well, this makes 225 posts for me! I think I've earned a vacation! I'm gonna' take the next two days off from the computer and just unwind. I think we should all go techless every once in a while. Does a body, and a mind good. Plus, it's the holiday weekend, and my hubby is off work for a long weekend. I sure enjoy having him around . We just have a lot of fun together. We'll be married 15 years in December, and still just love being with each other. So, whatever happens here in virtual life will just have to wait til Tuesday. Hope this finds every one spending their weekend with their favorite people, getting to make a new memory. Stay cool everyone!
Til Tuesday~ Ruby Jeanette
Til Tuesday~ Ruby Jeanette
Friday, July 1, 2011
Did You Bring Your Helmet?~
Let me warn you! If you need to go to Wal Mart, then you might oughta go now. We just got back from there, and I'm a telling ya', it was bananas! I know it's the holiday weekend , but sheesh! I couldn't believe it. I did not sign up for demolition shopping. And what really got me was , it's just like it is on the open road. It was the little old people! And I love old people , please don't misunderstand, lol, but I felt like I needed a crash helmet and football pads to get through there. Parking in the middle of the road, speeding, driving too slow, not looking both ways, pulling out in front of other vehicles, and weaving back and forth! I was really patient ,so please don't think I went all postal on some elderly man. But, I was glad to be done for sure. Hopefully , I'm completely done and won't even have to go back to town til Tuesday. Not one of my better experiences at Wal-Mart, anyhow. Well, it's the Fourth of July weekend, and almost too hot to do anything, so whatever you have planned, make sure you can beat the heat. Despite bad shopping trips, insane heat, and crazy -high grocery prices, we still live in the greatest country on earth!
Here's to America! Long may her flag wave! ~ Ruby Jeanette
Here's to America! Long may her flag wave! ~ Ruby Jeanette
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