I spent the morning taking the Christmas decorations down. The tree, the stockings, the snow village. So , the house is back to normal now. I hate leaving it up til after the first of the year. I don't know why, but it just gets old, I guess. If you think about it, they put the stuff out in October, and leave it out til January on clearance. I just get sick of it by then. I don't mean that in a Scrooge type way, but seriously. Can you imagine if Easter, or Halloween stuff was out for 3 or 4 months at a time? Ugh.
I got the kitchen and bathrooms cleaned this morning, too. Swept. Mopped. Straightened up. Trying to get ready for school to start back up. Hubby will head back to work. I'm kind of glad. I mean, I love having him home, but he really does get kind of underfoot. I was glad that he's taken the boys out to clean up the yard, cut up wood, and do some work! I have been away from the computer, and I'm behind on writing, blogging, and my FB page. Having the children off from school, and the hubster home, just kind of makes my schedule all out of whack. So. That's what's up around here at the Woods Casa. Hope your holiday was all you wished it would be, and that you are settling back into your life. 2012 is rolling around very soon! New beginnings, new starts!
Here's to putting it all back together! ~ Ruby Jeanette
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