Good morning everyone! Well, at least it's morning here anyway. I 've always felt kind of weird saying that on here, because you don't know where people are from. Might not be morning where they are. Anyway. Not sure how I got off on that. My husband swears I have ADD too. I AM very distractible, but I guess it could be the fact that I have so much going on. You know what? I may have officially overdone myself this last month or so. We started school in the latter part of August, then we had theme park visits, Sunday and Wednesday church, youth rally, bowling trip, company over two or three times for supper, fall festival, library fun day, Pastor Appreciation, and so on and so forth......of course, it's also deer season, which means more laundry , more dirt in the house, more grouchy husband (he missed) , more muddy boys, and on and on it goes. And there's always the regular shopping, bill paying,cleaning, animal feeding , sickness, and the like to add it on top of it. Whew. And then I wondered why I was feeling tired?!? It's enough to make your wood get wet. That's my friend at church's new saying. It comes from a message our pastor just gave about being camping and having to start a fire with wet wood. As he says, "It ain't gonna happen !" . He likened all this busyness we sometimes get into , and the tiredness, and aggravation that comes with it, as having wet wood. It's hard to show that fire for God, and even for our lives and the people in them , when you're going on wet wood. So, I decided this morning, I was going to whittle down my extra curriculars for the next couple of weeks, so I'm not runnin' on wet wood. How about you? Could you light your fire if you needed too? Or are you running on wet wood?
Here's to keepin' your powder ( and your wood) dry!~ Ruby Jeanette
Monday, October 31, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Save Me ......(LOL!)
I am doing my blog now because my hubby has decided to watch his DVR'd Bull Riding from the other night. This would not be a problem ,except that Project Runway is on, and it's the final and I would REALLY like to see it. Also, he is not content to just WATCH his bull riding. Our computer is about 4 feet from the TV, so he feels compelled to comment every 5 minutes or so. They said, they did, they are talking about........blah, blah , blah. Now, my question is....If I cared, wouldn't I be watching it?!? But, noooooo, he doesn't get it. I am trying to use my computer time to do my email, blog, Face Book , and things for the boys' school, and I have to stop every few minutes, and say, "Uh-huh. Oh, really? Interesting." I used to really enjoy bull riding and rodeo, but they have changed the rules, and it's gotten really sophisticated with all these contractors, companies, and money involved. I just don't care to watch it anymore. But it seems I'm going to hear about it, anyway. Yep. Here comes the next comment now............
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Today's Funny True Story~
A couple of weeks ago, we carried both our sons to a theme park in a town not far from us. It was early in the morning, and of course the deer were out eating their breakfast, and moving around getting their morning started. We usually make a game of seeing how many we can spot. As we were driving we passed a rural cemetery. There were two deer grazing peacefully amongst the headstones. My oldest son blurted out, "Look Mom! Those deer are eating the daisies that people are pushing up!".
A couple of weeks ago, we carried both our sons to a theme park in a town not far from us. It was early in the morning, and of course the deer were out eating their breakfast, and moving around getting their morning started. We usually make a game of seeing how many we can spot. As we were driving we passed a rural cemetery. There were two deer grazing peacefully amongst the headstones. My oldest son blurted out, "Look Mom! Those deer are eating the daisies that people are pushing up!".
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Bowling Lanes; Changing Lanes~
We had a really great time last night! We took the kids bowling with the church youth group. Our boys had never been before, and I was excited to see if they would like it. It took a few rounds for them to get their feet under them, but they did pretty good. I just watched, but Mark bowled. He used to go all the time with his high school friends ( back in the dark ages, when the ball was stone , ya' know....) and he had as much fun as the kids I think. Joseph and Denim are finally getting old enough to really enjoy going different places and having fun. I think they probably enjoyed just goofing off, and being silly as much as they did anything. It was actually neat to watch . Even the older kids in youth group, are really still just little kids. I know they would surely disagree, and be tiffed if they knew I said that, but it's true. They are still just innocents to the danger and cruelty of the "real" world. Most of them are just barely old enough to drive, and are just getting that first taste of independence. But they still jumped up and down, hollered, slapped high fives, and were just generally silly. I enjoyed watching them more than I would have bowling. I got to sit back and remember what it was like to be more worried about my game score than if the bills were going to get paid, or the car fixed. To be more concerned with , "Does he think I'm cute?", rather than , " Why can't that man pick up his dirty socks?", (LOL) ! But don't get the idea that I am sad. I wouldn't go back there even though it is fun to be nostalgic. I would not be 16 again for ALL the money in the world. Although, I do have a son turning 13 VERY soon, sooooooooo I may be wishing shortly that I WAS 16 again, just so I will have the energy to cope!
Here's to fun times, new experiences, and old memories~ Ruby Jeanette
Here's to fun times, new experiences, and old memories~ Ruby Jeanette
Friday, October 21, 2011
I'm SO Over It!~
I know I usually don't post news as my blog post. I have done it occasionally but don't like to , as most of it is negative, and anti- Christian. Well. I just can't help myself today. The number one news story on YAHOO! today is before you guess, No it's not Moammar Gaddafi's assassination, the President's health care program, or any election coverage. Nope. It's "Christina Aguilera goes on a date without PANTS." . Yes. This is the number one item of interest on the news this afternoon. Why? Who cares??!? Stars in Hollywood partying sans panties is not a news item. ( At least, not anymore, lol!) Remember the Britney Spears limo incident? But, really, even if you hadn't heard of that particular fiasco, or even keep up with ANY of it, would you CARE? Sheesh. Seriously, there is sooooooo much stuff going on in the world today, that I can't believe that even merits news space at all! Of course, you have to also note that one of the other top stories was "Lindsay Lohan breaks community service agreement, and violates her parole". And although I agree it is sad to see this once-cute Disney star ruin her life, I do not need play by play reports of it on the news. So, if any of you news reporters are reading( ha ha) how about some real "news" ? Like what third graders are eating in school cafeterias for lunch this week? "Cause that 's about how interesting this other stuff has been today. Ugggh.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Spread Thin~
In dwelling, live close to the ground. In thinking, keep to the simple. In conflict be fair and generous. In governing, don't try to control. In work, do what you enjoy. In family life, be completely present. ~ Tao te Ching
I think this is a really powerful saying. I especially love the parts about dwelling and family life. In dwelling, live close to the ground. In this day and age, it is very difficult to live close to the ground. We are VERY far removed from the sources of our food, in most cases, we don't know where it comes from, or what they put in it. The majority of us don't farm, or grow our own food. Most of us don't have the time, or the inclination to worry with it. Even as recently as 100 years ago, most people grew the majority of their own food. They went to bed with the chickens and got up with them, because they didn't have the luxury of electric lights. They worked with their own hands, and lived close to the ground. This goes hand in hand with the last part of this saying. In family life, be completely present. We have so many things pulling us so many different directions these days, that in most cases we can never BE completely present anywhere, much less with our families. School, work, sports, activities, shopping, movies, tv, events, etc. , etc., the list goes on and on. We don't eat dinner together, or have an afternoon at home where everyone is together. Usually , if you have more than one child, you are probably going in TWO separate directions for TWO different events, or sports. We stay up way into the night, and sometimes sleep way past sunrise. We eat fast food, pre - prepared, pre-packaged, and pre- medicated. We've just got to have that bigger house, newer car, and better clothes. And because of all this, we don't have the time or the energy to be COMPLETELY present at ANY of these activities! We want to do it all, have it all, and be it all, and our lives end up LESS fulfilling as a result. Maybe it 's time we re- evaluate and see if some of these things could be let go, in order that we might live a little closer to the ground, and be completely present in our family life. I'm going to try to measure my priorities all week, and see how I can be more present , in all areas of my life!
I think this is a really powerful saying. I especially love the parts about dwelling and family life. In dwelling, live close to the ground. In this day and age, it is very difficult to live close to the ground. We are VERY far removed from the sources of our food, in most cases, we don't know where it comes from, or what they put in it. The majority of us don't farm, or grow our own food. Most of us don't have the time, or the inclination to worry with it. Even as recently as 100 years ago, most people grew the majority of their own food. They went to bed with the chickens and got up with them, because they didn't have the luxury of electric lights. They worked with their own hands, and lived close to the ground. This goes hand in hand with the last part of this saying. In family life, be completely present. We have so many things pulling us so many different directions these days, that in most cases we can never BE completely present anywhere, much less with our families. School, work, sports, activities, shopping, movies, tv, events, etc. , etc., the list goes on and on. We don't eat dinner together, or have an afternoon at home where everyone is together. Usually , if you have more than one child, you are probably going in TWO separate directions for TWO different events, or sports. We stay up way into the night, and sometimes sleep way past sunrise. We eat fast food, pre - prepared, pre-packaged, and pre- medicated. We've just got to have that bigger house, newer car, and better clothes. And because of all this, we don't have the time or the energy to be COMPLETELY present at ANY of these activities! We want to do it all, have it all, and be it all, and our lives end up LESS fulfilling as a result. Maybe it 's time we re- evaluate and see if some of these things could be let go, in order that we might live a little closer to the ground, and be completely present in our family life. I'm going to try to measure my priorities all week, and see how I can be more present , in all areas of my life!
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Wonderfully Made~
Did you ever wonder what God was thinking when he made certain animals? I've often had these thoughts. Sometimes when I look at a certain animal , I just think, "What in the world was in God's mind?". Have you ever seen a hippo, a giraffe, or a platypus, and just thought , "Huh?". It is wonderful; the creativity of the Master Designer's mind. Of course, certain things do give us pause. When my oldest son was about 2 he pointed out that birds do not have hands. They have feet , legs, and such, but no hands! Well, of course , after he said it, I had to think about it. Chickens , geese, ducks , and birds of all sorts don't have hands or arms! Why had I never thought about it before? I had to laugh! They don't need those things of course, because they are designed to perfectly fit the Creator's idea. Giraffes use their long necks to reach the acacia leaves on which they feed. Hippos use those fat bodies to navigate the river water in which they live. And platypuses, platypii? Anyway.....the platypus uses his duckbill and webbed feet to catch the underwater prey it needs to live. God's design for all things is perfect. Even for us. Growing up , sometimes it is hard to see how this design works for us. We sometimes have bodies that don't seem to match what we want. Or perhaps we feel less than attractive. "Why did God make me this way?", we might be tempted to ask. But God's plan for us will use the way He has designed us as a positive, not a negative. Some day it will all come together, and we will see how it all works. So next time you are having trouble believing in God's ideas, just think of those geese with no hands, or that kooky little platypus! God loves you, and loves the way you are made! :)
Here's to the unique, and the design of the Master Planner! ~ Ruby Jeanette
Here's to the unique, and the design of the Master Planner! ~ Ruby Jeanette
Friday, October 14, 2011
Chatting Over Chicken~
It has been a very busy week here at the Woods casa. School, housework, cooking , and so forth. I do have to say, when I'm so very busy, I'm very blessed that my parents live next door. We eat dinner together every Tuesday, and Wednesday. And when I'm overwhelmed, they pitch in . Even though it's a lot of work, I love having company over (when the house is presentable!) . I enjoy being hostess and cooking for others. We were honored to have Brother Steve and Sister Mary Franklin over for company last night. I cooked Mexican Chicken casserole, refried beans, Spanish rice, and homemade peach cobbler. Plus, we had salad , so we didn't have to feel guilty about all that cheese and fat! We had a really wonderful visit, and just enjoyed getting to know the Franklins. I suppose that's why I always loved waitressing and working at the library. I loved visiting with all the people, new friends, and old. Someone once told me, "People are the only important "things" on this earth. And they're NOT things." It's so true. Even if you don't feel comfortable having people over to visit, or cooking for others, you can find somewhere to make a connection with someone who would love to have you visit with them. Nursing homes and hospitals are great places for visiting, (you have a "captive" audience, after all!). Reaching out, talking to someone, cooking, or just smiling at the person in the checkout line, all these things can make a difference to someone. Try it sometime!

Here's to making an impact wherever you go~ Ruby Jeanette
P.S. I finally got a cord to upload some of my favorite photos from the past year, so I 'm going to be collaging some of them for my blog over the next few weeks. Hope you enjoy!

Here's to making an impact wherever you go~ Ruby Jeanette
P.S. I finally got a cord to upload some of my favorite photos from the past year, so I 'm going to be collaging some of them for my blog over the next few weeks. Hope you enjoy!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
I have always loved trees. I'm not really sure why. They just seem so solid, I guess. The scene with Frodo in the forest, in Lord of the Rings has always been one of my favorites. The trees in the scene were the ancients, and had seen much. I suppose that is true of many trees. Perhaps that is part of the appeal to me, also. The fact that they have seen the world turn for many years, and seen many different things. I took the picture at the end of this post while lying on the ground underneath a giant oak. The branches on this tree were so much like protecting arms, I just had to snap this photo. Some of my favorite dates with my husband were spent under trees. Picnics, deer hunts, and just lazy afternoons on quilts. It's actually kind of ironic that my husband was a logger! A person who "slays" trees. He loves old hardwood too, though, so I can't really hold it against him! Probably one of my favorite poems too, has a tree. It's a very commonly known poem. Longfellow's "Village Smithy". I used to wish when I was little, that I could see that "spreading chestnut tree". It just seemed like such a safe place to be. I know that some societies used to believe in "sacred" trees. I can see how you could become confused about that. But really , we have to remember to worship the "Creator" of the tree, and not the tree itself. Every time I lay beneath an old oak, or pine, I thank God for using His creation as an example of the protection He provides. I can imagine God using His arms like those old branches , to cover me. And I feel safe. ~ Ruby Jeanette

Sunday, October 9, 2011
Wide Open~
I had a friend to put as her status on FB, "Isn't it funny how some people can be so different on here, as compared to how they are in person?". Some one else commented and said, "That's not funny, it's sad." And I said, "It's a shame. If I like you on Face Book, then I like you everywhere. The real world, the digital world, wherever. If I don't like you on Face Book , then I probably don't like you in the real world, the digital world, or anywhere else." I got to thinking that maybe that sounded kind of harsh. My plain spoken - ness, has gotten me into trouble a lot of times. I always tell people I was born without that filter between my brain and my mouth. If I think it, it flies right out. My husband sometimes stands with his jaw dropped, and say things like , "I can't believe you actually said that!". Or, " Holy cow." Or my favorite, saying nothing, while just shaking his head. While my intent has never been to hurt people's feelings, believe it or not, I think sometimes the world could use a little more "truth" . I don't surround myself with sycophants who only repeat back what I want to hear. It's very difficult to find a real friend, who as Brandy says will answer honestly when you ask, "Does this skirt make my butt look big?". Of course, I already know my heinie is wide, so I know better than to ASK that question, but you get the idea. The long and the short of it, (or the fat, and the skinny!) , is sometimes we need to hear the cold , hard , facts. If you are a real friend you will tell the person you love what they need to hear, not what they want to hear. And as far as the digital world goes, let me say it again, I don't hide my posts from anyone, because I don't have anything to hide. If I wouldn't say it to your face, I wouldn't post it. You will never have to wonder where I stand , or how I feel about something. If you want to know something about me, ask. I 'll answer honestly. Unless, of course, I feel like it's none of your business. But I will let you know that too, lol. But the same goes for me. If you feel, or think I am being hypocritical, call me on it. I think if we all held one another a little more accountable, the world would be a little bit better place. Just sayin'.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Only Little, A Little While~
I guess I should clarify what I was talking about on my FB page, and here is as good a place as any , I suppose. There has been a lot of negative stuff posted lately on FB and other social sites, like the news page on Yahoo!. Apparently Angelina Jolie's little girl Shiloh had a picture posted of her playing in the pool wearing nothing but a pair of boys style board shorts. The child in question is all of 4 or 5 years old, and obviously has nothing to show up on top. What got the uproar started was that Angelina and Brad let her wear boys clothes. I'm not really sure why this is such a problem for people, but the reaction it got was huge. People went so far as to say the little one was going to grow up and be a homosexual just like her mom. I draw the line at that. Now, let me just say, I don't agree with homosexuality. But if one of my sons came to me and said , "Mom, I'm gay.", I would deal with it by saying, "Okay." I might go cry in my room, or be upset, but I would never say, "I don't love you anymore." Your kid is your kid, no matter what . If they turn out to be an alcoholic or some other something, most people wouldn't turn from their child. So. Back to your child dressing a certain way. When I was little until the time I was 12 or so, I wore mostly boy type clothing. I had a cowboy hat, boots, and more ball caps than a lot of guys. I DID not play with "girl" toys, wear makeup, high heels, or dress up like a princess. I DID run around without my shirt, climb trees like Tarzan, shoot guns, and work in my Daddy's shop. I was not "sexually confused". I knew I was a girl. I "liked" boys. It was just more fun to be a "tomboy" than a girly girl. I mean , really, Camping versus Slumber/Makeup parties? No brainer! But , I did start wearing makeup about age 14, and carrying a purse( horrors!). I DID get married, and have children. I wasn't growing up wondering if I was gay. When I posted that on FB about our reactions, in saying that, I meant that my boys do not even know what gay is. So if I over react to something one of them wants to wear, I think you can cause them to wonder, "Is that what I am? What does that mean?". Kids hone in on that kind of thing. You know what I mean. "Let's really freak Mom and Dad out!". I guess what I'm really trying to say, is that kids are just kids. A little girl wearing a ball cap and jeans is no more likely to turn out gay , than a little boy who paints his nails for Halloween. Just let them be little for a little while! The great big world slaps all of us in the face soon enough with all the hatred it can find. I just want mine to be able to be okay in our little bubble , for a little while longer.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Gimme an F! (For Fall!)~
It's that season! Ohhhhhhh, the beginning of my favorite! I love October and November! I guess it's partly because of the scenery , cooler temperatures and fun activities. But , mostly I think it's because my most treasured memories are tied to this time of year. I met my husband in late September of 1995. The weather was just like it has been this fall. Actually starting out cooler, with that little bit of a bite in the air. You know the one I mean , that little crunch like a candied apple. My two sons were both born in November,1998 and 2000, with the smell of Thanksgiving turkey from the hospital cafeteria swirling down the halls. It's dress-up time, and an excuse to gorge on candy without remorse for just one day. It's Thanks-Living time . Time to live out our thanks for all that God has blessed us with this whole year through. It's not as crazy as Christmas, and people aren't quite so aggravated with the holiday season yet. It's chunky sweater and knee-high boot time. Just the feel in your soul, that somehow we made it through one more year, and harvest time approaches again. I'm not sure if I would feel like the year was complete without the autumn season. So, go ahead. Dust off your cord pants, hikers, and cable's Fall!
Anxiously awaiting those first leaf piles!~ Ruby Jeanette
Anxiously awaiting those first leaf piles!~ Ruby Jeanette
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Every Now and Then~
Here a while back I posted some funny everyday holidays on my blog. I thought it would be fun to check back in with their website again and see what holiday today is. Well, here it is. Today is ........"Toot Your Flute" day. Now where I come from , this expression means to kinda' brag on yourself. As in, "Well, aren't we tooting our own flute today?". In general this is probably not a good practice, but I think everyone should be allowed to "Toot their Flute" occasionally. So, today's the day! If you read my post, I want you to leave me a comment with one thing you think is great about yourself, or that you are proud of for accomplishing. Let's show ourselves some love today, and maybe boost our own confidence just a little. So come on "Toot Your Flute!".
Ruby Jeanette
Ruby Jeanette
Monday, October 3, 2011
What a Difference! ( A New Pill Makes!)~
I have had a super-busy day today! I got up at 6 am, cooked 2 dozen pancakes, cleaned both my bathrooms, did two loads of laundry, did school work, two loads of dishes, cleaned my kitchen, started and cooked lunch, cleaned the front yard, took 3 boys to the river to catch crawdaddies, went to the bank, paid bills, grocery shopped, came home, cooked supper, did one more load of laundry, cleaned the kitchen BACK up, clipped some coupons, and read a chapter in my book. Whew. All that without a nap! I've just got to tell everyone......I went to the cardiologist's and saw their new APN. She was concerned about the level of fatigue that the Coreg heart medication was causing me. She wanted to know if I had ever taken Metoprolol, and I told her yes, it worked really well for me, and I had asked if I could go off of the Coreg earlier, and they told me "No, I was just going to have to learn to deal with it. " Well, she was not satisfied with this answer. She told me if it made me that tired, what good was it? So. As of last week I started my old medication, and the change has been spectacular to say the least! I have cleaned out my laundry room of clutter, gotten my living room back into shape, been focused enough to have school super-organized, and many other things I was not able to accomplish before! It's amazing to be able to feel like a "real" person again. Now, I can't tell you that the lupus does not still bother me. That would not be true. But , I have also started taking krill oil, and probiotics every day. And my lupus symptoms are also much improved. I am able to get up and down now, without QUITE so much pain in my knees and feet. I tell ya' what, I've just got so much to be thankful for, I would hardly even know where to start telling you about it. Needless to say, even if this is just a temporary improvement, I will take every GOOD day I can get! All glory to God , who can even work through doctors, by giving them wisdom. So , even if you feel like your situation is hopeless, don't give up. A better day might be just around the corner!
Here's to brighter times (however fleeting) ~ Ruby Jeanette
Here's to brighter times (however fleeting) ~ Ruby Jeanette
Saturday, October 1, 2011
No Refunds?~
A gift is free. There are no strings attached, all you must do is reach out and take it.
I heard a good message the other day about salvation. I was blessed to be able to give my life over to Jesus very young. About age 5, but I never tire of hearing those words. We almost all have heard John 3:16 . But I like verses 17 and 18 also. vs. 17 For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. vs. 18 He that believeth on Him is not condemned, but he that believeth not, is condemned already because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. See the awesome thing about salvation , is that it is a gift that God gives. You know , you can stand around all day trying to hand someone a gift, but if they don't reach out and take it, it can't be a gift, really. The thing that really stood out to me about the message I heard the other day was the fact that once God gives you salvation, and you accept the gift that He offers, is He won't take it back. It's yours! Yours to keep forever! But you know what ? He would never take it away from you.............but you could give it back. Like all gifts, you could decide you no longer wanted it. You could say , "Well, I've decided this doesn't really fit..........", and return it. God made us with free will. We are not mindless robots, who once receiving His gift, become slaves , as it were, with no choice. So yes, Salvation is eternal.......but only if you want it. In this world of instant, free, and cheap, how about a gift that's instant, free and priceless? God holds out this gift, won't you reach out and take it?
Ruby Jeanette
I heard a good message the other day about salvation. I was blessed to be able to give my life over to Jesus very young. About age 5, but I never tire of hearing those words. We almost all have heard John 3:16 . But I like verses 17 and 18 also. vs. 17 For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. vs. 18 He that believeth on Him is not condemned, but he that believeth not, is condemned already because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. See the awesome thing about salvation , is that it is a gift that God gives. You know , you can stand around all day trying to hand someone a gift, but if they don't reach out and take it, it can't be a gift, really. The thing that really stood out to me about the message I heard the other day was the fact that once God gives you salvation, and you accept the gift that He offers, is He won't take it back. It's yours! Yours to keep forever! But you know what ? He would never take it away from you.............but you could give it back. Like all gifts, you could decide you no longer wanted it. You could say , "Well, I've decided this doesn't really fit..........", and return it. God made us with free will. We are not mindless robots, who once receiving His gift, become slaves , as it were, with no choice. So yes, Salvation is eternal.......but only if you want it. In this world of instant, free, and cheap, how about a gift that's instant, free and priceless? God holds out this gift, won't you reach out and take it?
Ruby Jeanette
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