Thursday, September 29, 2011

Who Says You Can't Have It All?~

I have been away from my desk , and out of my mind. 
Nah.  Not really.  But I have been away from the computer, my blog, and FB.  I DID however , get a marathon of house and yard clean-up done.  You know, I think they lied when they said you could "have it all."  Have you seen that commercial for that new movie called , "I Don"t Know How She Does It!" ?  Well, she doesn't.  I don't think it's possible for you to "have it all", without some of it suffering somewhere.  If I focus exclusively on my house looking "perfect", (whatever that means!) , then the boys' schoolwork suffers.  If I focus exclusively on schoolwork, all day every day, then the house does kind of look lived in.  (That's better than messy right?)  If I spend too much time worrying about my appearance, in order to look like those "super" moms, then something else will get let go.  Sooooooooo......all I know to do is try my best!  Some days, I may not get my email checked, but the house will get clean.  Some days the school work will ALL get done, and the house will look rough around the edges.  Some days, I will look   fabulous! (Ha!),  and the yard or car will be cluttered.  I don't think I will EVER have all of it done at one time..........but you know what ?  I think I'll live.  The kids will be fine.  The husband will be fine.  Every day I work at it, and maybe every day will be different, but it WILL all be okay, and one day I will look back (hopefully), and say I didn't do too badly!

Here's to getting some of it right , some of the time, and leaving the rest to God!  ~ Ruby Jeanette

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