Every boy needs a dog, and every dog needs a boy.
We have a little white terrier that someone dumped out at our house. This was back at the first of this year, January or so, when the weather was all of 11 or 12 degrees outside with ice on the ground. If you've read any of my previous posts you know I'm talking about Ivy, if you haven't , then she is all of about 8 pounds big, with wire hair. She has these giant soulful eyes, and has the most amazing range of expressions on her little doggie face. She's housebroken , doesn't bite, or snap, and is absolutely no trouble at all. She is old, though, and you can tell her bones get arthritic and cold. So lately, she's taken to sleeping with the boys in their bed at night. It's really sweet. They get their whole routine going, teeth brushing (boys) , bathroom breaks ( Ivy), then night kisses ( boys and Ivy, lol) , then they get her "special " cover, pile her up between them, snuggle her up, and sail off to dreamland. It's awesome the care they show one another. I understand why they say that every boy needs a dog. It's almost as if it is preparing them to be good parents later in life. Most boys never play with dolls to get that nurturing attitude, and motions. But with a dog, it's more acceptable. A dog is a "masculine" thing to have. But it's still the same concept. Feed the baby, bathe the baby, swaddle the baby, snuggle the baby, make sure the baby feels loved. And I know now why they say that every dog needs a boy. There is just some kind of special bond between a boy and his dog, and the dogs seem to realize just as much benefit, and profit as the boy does. After all, they say the dog was man's first animal companion. Maybe so many years ago we realized we could help one another. Food and comfort for the dog. Companionship and protection for the man. I think somewhere, somehow, it still runs deep in our DNA, and I do believe truly that in the animal kingdom, dog IS man's best friend.
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