Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I am behind, behind , behind!  Aaaaaaarrrrrggggh!  Laundry, dishes, school, cooking, cleaning , taking care of sick husbands, paying the bills , buying groceries...................whew, breathe in, breathe out, lol!  I didn't really even realize it has been a week since I've posted anything new here.  Sometimes life seems to speed up faster than my body can go.  I always wondered , when women talk about "having it all", how do they manage it?  I manage, but it's by realizing that sometimes the laundry will pile up, or maybe the shelves won't get dusted today.  But, anyway.  Has everybody been enjoying the cooler weather?  I know I sure have been .  Something about the air in fall, it just makes you think about sweaters , boots, and pumpkins.  Of course , it also means the beginning of the holiday season.  You know after Halloween , it's Thanksgiving, then Christmas, then New Year's...........whew, breathe in, breathe out.............It'll all iron out fine, and if it's not perfect,  I'm doing my best anyway!  Have a great day everyone!

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