Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Ring, Ring!~

I forgot to put my phone back "on" the hook yesterday.  So my apologies if anyone tried to call.  I usually take it off in the mornings, during school and rest time.  I try to remember to put it back on in the afternoons, but am bad to forget.  When Mark and I first got married , and for about the first two years, we didn't have a phone, at all.  No cell phone, or home phone.  I loved it!  You don't think about how much of a hassle those things are until you go completely without them.  No more telemarketers........"Can I plese speke to Miss Ruvy Voods, plese?",
   or "Wouldya' like to buy some vinyl windows?"  ,  or "How about a trip to faaaaabulous Braaanssson!!!!!!!!?".  Uhhhh, No.  No.  and definitely  NO!  Not having a phone also gives you the excuse to actually go and visit people , instead of just saying, "I'll call instead."  Of course, it's a pain when you need to call the doctors, or pay your phone bill, or those kinds of things, but all in all, it's wonderful not to have to hear the crazy thing ring, and check the caller id, and worry if you paid the bill, and so on, and so on........any - how, I think sometimes these electronic things are just a huge time-suck.  Well, I better get off of the internet, and go plug my phone back up!  Have a great day everyone!

Here's to going unplugged , every now and then~ Ruby Jeanette

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