Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Which Will You Be?~

Today's post is dedicated to my aunts, Lola and Rachael.  They have both been such an inspiration to me in my life, and the choices I have made.  These are my mom's sisters, and they are super-special people to me.  They have both experienced many hardships in life, but still manage to keep their eyes focused on the Lord, and stay positive in the face of great trial. My aunt Lola said to my mom, just yesterday that she is not going to be a , "P-P-P".  What is that, you ask?  Well, my aunt says it means "Poor-Pitiful-Pearl".  In other words, are you throwing yourself a pity party?  Is your outlook, poor-pitiful-me, how did my life get this way?  I thought about what she was saying and decided there could be two types of "P-P-P".  Poor -Pitiful-Pearl, and "Positive-Prayerful-Person".  I have great compassion for people with chronic illness , as this is the situation I am in.  I understand the toll, that dealing with an everyday physical ailment, and near constant bodily pain , can cause on your mind , and emotions.  I have sympathy to others who are maybe in even worse shape than I am in. This has become my life, and this has become what I understand. I can not go the places I would always like to go.  I do not have the energy to clean my house the way I wish that it was.  I can not even spend time doing my favorite activities, with my family.  I take many medications, which the doctors say will keep me alive a little while longer.  Why am I telling you this, you ask?  Because , despite ALL these things, I REFUSE to become a "Poor-Pitiful-Pearl'!  God has granted me THIS moment, THIS time, THIS body.  I refuse to give in to the negativity that the world would heap on me , saying , "You've been dealt such a hard hand.  You deserve to be bitter."  I REFUSE to make life any harder by griping about how awful all this is!  Yes, it's not fair.  Yes, I wish I were healed right this instant, and that life was all sunshine and roses.  But, I AM going to be a "Positive-Prayerful- Person" , despite the circumstances!  Besides , if THIS life were perfect, how many of us would long for Heaven?  I 've got a place so much better than here , to spend my eternity, and I'm  not going to waste one minute of ANY of the life I've been given , here, or there!  So..........which of the "3 P's" will you be?  Will you be a "Poor -Pitiful-Pearl", or a "Positive-Prayerful-Person"?  I 've made my choice today!

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me~ Philippians 4:13

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