Tuesday, November 30, 2010

In the Sand

Write the bad things that are done to you in the sand , but write the good things that happen you on a piece of marble~ Arabian wisdom

Has anyone ever said anything to hurt you?  I mean, not the kind of hurt where, say tomorrow, you can laugh about it, but the kind of hurt, that 10 years since that moment, you can remember where you were, what you were wearing, and in vivid detail the words , and the tone with which they were said?  That kind of hurt has been written in marble.  Now , think about something awesome that happened to you, the kind of thing where 70 years after that moment, you can still feel the joy,  excitement,  and surprise.  You know exactly what that memory holds!  That memory is carved in marble , too.  But, why do we have a monument for our greatest hurt, that also holds our greatest joy?  Why does the joy have to share the spotlight?  Sand is very fleeting, and very unstable.  Blown about by the wind, it goes from where it is , to somewhere else very quickly.  Marble on the other hand is very stable, very solid.  There is marble here on earth from many thousands of years ago.  Now , think about the two memories.  Where will you put the terrible memory ?  Will you leave it on the marble, to stay forever?  Thousands of years from now, it will still be there?  Or will you write it in the sand , to be blown forever away, shifted into a million pieces that have no hold on you anymore?  I wrote a deep hurt of my own, in the New Mexico desert sand.  Where it is now, I can longer say.  Scattered somewhere, for only God to know.  I choose.  I choose to leave my sorrow in the sands , and carve my greatest joys on a marble pylon, for everyone to see.

Here's to letting go~ Ruby Jeanette

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