Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A Burden?

The sparrow is sorry for the  peacock at the burden of his tail.-Tagore

Are you happy the way you are?  Most of us are not. We'd rather be skinnier, wealthier, taller, have a bigger house, or have more expensive clothes.  The problem is not necessarily with these things.  Or even in the wanting of these things.  The problem lies in the fact that when we receive these things, they become a burden. What? You say that more money, and the things it buys can be a burden?  Yes! The sparrow is just a small,seemingly insignificant animal, and yet God knows when a single one falls.  But sparrows live simply, and are not flashy birds.  They do not have feathers that scream "Look at me!" When a person looks at us, we should not be so burdened with the pursuit of these things, that the only thing they see are peacock feathers. Being a plain sparrow puts the focus on Jesus, where He can shine through us!

Here's to the pursuit of Christ-Ruby Jeanette

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